"What are you worrying about?"

Hua Yueling looked at Lu Yuetong and asked her, Lu Yuetong looked at the floor hesitantly.

"I told Yuetong there was no problem, she wouldn't listen."

"Ningshuang!" Lu Yuetong reminded her in a somewhat heavy tone, but Mu Ningshuang just looked at Hua Yueling and didn't say anything else.Lu Yuetong's performance was also quite strange, and there were no other reactions.

"What exactly is going on?"

"Go with us?"

Mu Ningshuang asked directly, after hearing her question, Hua Yueling frowned slightly, and did not answer her immediately.According to what he thought, there was no way to go with them. If he also went, Sister Yun would be the only one left in the house. It would be nice if she had a holiday, but now she is so busy, she definitely won't be on holiday.

"It's hard to say, when are you going to leave?"

Hua Yueling saw that Lu Yuetong's face still had the color of Yu, apparently wanted to say something but never said it.But he did not rush to ask.

"Maybe the day after tomorrow, Mom and Dad will have time at that time."

"Well, how long are you going to go?"

"Not more than four days." Mu Ningshuang replied very seriously.

"Well, no more than four days. Well, you can consider it."

Hua Yueling thought for a while, anyway, the time is not long, only three or four days.But we still have to consider it, and we will talk about it after careful consideration.

For the time being, he hadn’t decided whether to go, but he didn’t think about it anymore. Instead, he looked at Lu Yuetong beside him. Lu Yuetong seemed to be thinking about something, Hua Yueling estimated that she was thinking. The problem should not be too different from what I think.

"Why, Yuetong, you don't want to go?"

"No, it's not that I don't want to go. I still want to go. I have never been." Lu Yuetong was also afraid that Mu Ningshuang would misunderstand himself because of this. He waved his hands and said, Mu Ningshuang didn't care about this. And she won't be angry about it.

"It's okay."


Both Hua Yueling and Mu Ningshuang's eyes fell on her face, staring at the expression she showed, wanting to see something.I could see that Lu Yuetong was a little embarrassed. She should still be afraid that what she said would make Mu Ningshuang unhappy, so she hesitated to say it.

Hua Yueling didn't say anything, just watched her quietly, Mu Ningshuang looked like the same.They can understand no matter what she thinks.

"If there is something you can't go, just say it, and I won't force you to go."

"It's not that I, I have no money."

Lu Yuetong hesitated again, then said in a low voice embarrassed.She thought of this question when Mu Ningshuang proposed to take her on a trip, but she never said it.Now when she arrived at Hua Yueling's house, when Mu Ningshuang mentioned travel again, she couldn't continue to remain silent, she had to tell the matter.

Lu Yuetong is unwilling to spend the money her mother has finally earned, and although she has some income herself, she doesn't keep much. Most of it is left to her mother to subsidize the family.Coupled with Hua Yueling's help, in fact, the family is still a normal condition, but even so, she can't do it if she asks her mother for money to travel by herself.

"This is easy to handle, you can go if you want to, Yuetong, I still have money here, it's definitely enough for you."


After listening to Hua Yueling's words, Lu Yuetong couldn't laugh. She looked at him hesitantly, as if she had something to say but she didn't dare to say it.

"Okay, Yuetong, don’t think so much. You don’t usually look like this anymore. Now it’s OK if you agree to come down as usual. Don’t worry, we’ve gained a lot from the adventure together before. It is enough to give you some from the harvest."

"Is that okay, don't you still have great use for those gold coins?"

"It's okay, don't worry about these, I have enough gold coins here."

Hua Yueling said so, in fact, as he said, it doesn't matter if you take out some for Lu Yuetong, after all, no matter how much Lu Yuetong spends here, it is impossible to spend more than he buys skills.And even if it is consumed, it can be collected later through exploration.

"May I?"

The problem that had troubled him all night was solved like this, Lu Yuetong didn't know what to say, maybe he really thought too much.If you had asked Hua Yueling for help earlier, it wouldn't be the case.

"Well, of course, if we can't even do this, won't we do so many things for nothing in the end?"

Hua Yueling said so, and she looked for it in the store. The store had the function of using gold coins to exchange various currencies, but in Hua Yueling's opinion, there was something worthless.

Huayueling also compared the exchange rates when they exchanged each other, and found that the gold coins that can be exchanged for RMB are different from the RMB that can be exchanged for gold coins.There are more gold coins exchanged in RMB, but the amount exchanged in reverse is much less.

"Even if it's not worth it, there is nothing to do. Anyway, the number of exchanges is not large, but it is nothing."

Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, and soon exchanged enough renminbi, a full 6,000 yuan, but correspondingly, the gold coins were also reduced a lot.Hua Yueling watched the gold coins rush down and it was really painful, but there was no way, he couldn't do nothing.

"Is this enough?"

"Enough is enough, sure enough, not so much!"

Lu Yuetong nodded repeatedly and said that he had a deeper understanding of the power of Hua Yueling's system.

"The money is enough for you two to go together."

"I haven't decided whether or not to go, I might not go."

"Don't go?"

"It's not that I don't go, but I haven't decided yet. If I go, Sister Yun will be the only one left at home. If she has the time to be with us, it will be fine."

"That's impossible, right? It's a busy time now. Even if you have a holiday, you can't take that long. It would be nice to have a day off."

"I know too, but I still have such thoughts. Hmm..."

Hua Yueling said very annoyed, but even if she only went with Mu Ningshuang and the others, it was nothing, it was quite interesting.

"Anyway, it's not going to set off right now, isn't there still time? I will think about it again. If I go, I will talk to you."

"Then say it!"

Lu Yuetong immediately leaned forward, as if Hua Yueling had already agreed, forcing him to say.

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