"I'm done, I'm done, is this all right?"

Facing Lu Yuetong's tight and compulsive action, Hua Yueling could only raise her hands to express surrender.After that, Lu Yuetong looked quite happy, probably because he thought he had agreed.

Hua Yueling could only give a wry smile, there was no way, she hadn't agreed yet, okay, she just wanted to think about it.He really doesn't necessarily go with him, although he still wants to go with him if he wants to say something.

Good friends travel to a place together, it feels very good, but this time it is not just them, but also Mu Ningshuang's parents.

After chatting for a while, Hua Yueling asked Mu Ningshuang where they were planning to go. Mu Ningshuang said that her parents wanted to take her to Kyoto, but she wanted to go to Akihabara. of.I have always heard that it is the paradise of the second dimension, so she really wants to see it.

Hearing what she said, Hua Yueling was also interested, he hadn't been there yet, and wanted to go around.

"Well, it should be interesting there, I really want to see it."

"Then go together, then let's go together."

Mu Ningshuang said with some excitement, it can be seen that he was already excited before the tour started.Hua Yueling also smiled bitterly and shook her head. She hasn't thought about it yet, and she hasn't agreed yet. How come she seems to have agreed to everyone else.

"Let me think about it again, don't worry."

Hua Yueling said this again, Mu Ningshuang couldn't say anything at this moment, and persuading him to continue like this was like she was forcing Hua Yueling, she didn't want Hua Yueling to feel that way.

After that, the topic of tourism was temporarily left behind. Hua Yueling and the others would go to the room. As soon as they entered, they saw two little guys sitting and concentrating on playing games.When they heard the footsteps, the two little guys were both startled. They turned their heads and looked at the door. When they saw they were them, they immediately greeted them.

"Big brother and sister, you are here, do you want to play together?"

"Ningshuang Yuetong, why don't you go and play with them for a while."

"Aren't you playing?"

"I'm not in a hurry, I want to read a book for a while."

Hua Yueling picked up the e-reader and lay on the bed and said. He prefers to lie down for a while, mainly thinking about whether to travel with Mu Ningshuang and the others.This is a good opportunity.

"It doesn't matter if we go together, but..."

Hua Yueling was thinking about this question over and over again, and it was still quite annoying, but it was a pity that Hua Yueling couldn't think of any useful answer even if she thought about it.This made him a little annoyed, he didn't know what to do, it was really annoying.

"Ask sister Yun again at night?"

If you want to go, you must ask Sister Yun's opinion, but he can come out almost without thinking about the answer. Sister Yun definitely won't say anything, and persuaded him to go out with Mu Ningshuang and the others.

"It's okay to go out for fun, and it's better for everyone to go together, except that Sister Yun can't go with us."

This is rather regrettable, it would be better if everyone could go.

After playing with the two little guys for a while, Hua Yueling told Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong that he had already got the props that could make people understand other languages, and he was going to give it to Sister Jieluxi and asked them. Do you want to go together?

"Big Brother and Big Sister are going to find Big Sister Jelucy?"

The two little guys also heard their conversation, and asked immediately after their voice fell.Hua Yueling nodded at them.

"Are you going back too?"


The two little guys nodded vigorously, which made Hua Yueling somewhat surprised. He thought the two little guys would choose to stay here.I just stayed here for a few days before I want to go back, but this is also a good thing, which means that they are Jelucy’s tree house as their home.

Since the two little guys want to go back, take them back together, Hua Yueling thought so, and decided to take them to another world together.Hua Yueling did as soon as they thought, and immediately acted.

Several people left the house and went to the portal.

"This is a prop that allows people to understand other languages?"

"That's it. Sister Aroline gave it to me personally. She also said that Sister Jelucy should know how to use it, so she didn't tell me how to use it.

Hua Yueling said so, and handed her what was in her hand, and Jerucy put the candy-like little thing in her hand and looked at it quietly, but did not rush to eat it.

"let me try."

Zelucy ate the candy, closed her eyes and waited for a while, as if she was feeling some changes in her body.About five or six minutes passed before Jie Lucy had a reaction, opened her eyes and looked at Hua Yueling.

There is no change in people, at least Hua Yueling can't see anything, but this is also normal. This thing is not meant to change people, but only for people to be able to read other words.But why this kind of thing has such a good effect Huayue Lingke is not clear, it still feels quite strange.

"Want to try it?"

Hua Yueling also brought the e-reader, but it doesn't matter if you don't bring it here. There are also computers and game consoles that can be used for testing.

Jelucy took the e-reader he handed over and scanned the text on it. Even the always calm she couldn't help showing a beautiful smile.She is really happy to get this ability.

"Can you read it?"

Although she could tell from the smile on her face, Hua Yueling couldn't help but ask.Zellucci nodded vigorously and responded to him.

"That's good, I'm still worried that Sister Aroline is teasing me again, but fortunately she doesn't."

"In this way, Sister Jelucy, you can use the computer to search casually, and you don't have to worry about not understanding those words."

Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang were also very happy for her, although they didn't know how much it helped her.However, Jelucy seemed to be very happy, perhaps this also shows that this ability can bring her a lot of help.

It could be said that Jelucy couldn't wait to leave before their eyes, and went upstairs, Hua Yueling and the others also followed closely.The two little guys didn't follow together, and stayed below.

When they arrived at the recreation room where the computer and the game console were located, they saw Jerucie sitting in front of the monitor, controlling the mouse.

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