Jelucy controlled the mouse very skillfully, clicking on the browser constantly, and she could also use the keyboard to type without any lag.When I didn’t know this language before, it was like a lie. I just ate something like a candy, and then I can use a language that I’ve never learned or used. It's like a dream.

It can be said that, at least in the eyes of Hua Yueling and the others, this is still a little unbelievable, although they have experienced this before.

Je Lucy probably had to be so pleasantly surprised for a while, Hua Yueling and the others were afraid of disturbing her, so instead of staying here, they turned and left here.

"What shall we do now, go back?"

"Going back so early, anyway, it's coming anyway, don't worry about going back, let's play here again. It's okay to go around, I really like this place.

Hua Yueling felt that there was no need to go back in such a hurry, Lu Yuetong shrugged her shoulders and said nothing, just like this several people left the tree house.After going out, they remembered that they hadn't seen Karin recently, so they could look for her.

"If you want to explore later, there are still many places we haven't been to. I want to visit those places, just to take advantage of the opportunity to make some money."

The Mu Ningshuang that Hua Yueling was talking about hadn't thought of it, but it was indeed something worth doing.

Now that it was decided, then act, Hua Yueling and the others immediately went to the place where Karin lived. After they got there, they soon found Karin.But they didn't mean to find her as soon as they got there, but asked others to find out where she was.

Karin was practicing archery in a clearing. When they came, she was staring at the distant target intently, with one eye closed, and the other eye was aimed at the distant target along the arrow.

It was difficult to hear her breathing in the distance, and she held her breath and concentrated to the point that she didn't even notice them coming.You know that Hua Yueling and the others have no intention of hiding where they are, but even so, they are still ignored by her and not discovered by her, which is quite incredible.

Karin stared at the distant target with a serious look they had never seen before, stood there motionless, drew the bow and set the arrow, and kept it for a while, never letting go of the hand holding the bowstring.

Karin seemed to be watching. About a minute later, she let go of her hand holding the bowstring tightly, and the arrow flew out, hitting the distant target.


It wasn't until this time that she let out a long breath, her face was not as nervous as before, and she became calm.Hua Yueling and the others clapped and walked up, expressing their admiration.

Karin is really better than them, and that kind of strength is not something that can be achieved in a day or two, it is really worth admiring.

"Why are you here now?"

Seeing them coming, Karin asked in surprise.

"We happen to have something to come here, and now there is nothing else to do, so I just want to come and have a look at you."

"Oh, you came just right, do you want to try?"

Karin said this, handed them the longbow in her hand, and asked several of them.

"I will give it a try. I have never tried to use a bow and arrow."

Hua Yueling said so and went forward to take the bow and arrow in her hand, and then asked her what she should do.Karin's accomplishments on this are really good, and she also has the ability to teach others. After her explanation, Hua Yueling easily knows how to manipulate the bow and arrow in her hand.

And before that, he was just a little stupid to operate according to the stereotype, that would definitely be wrong, Hua Yueling herself didn't believe that it could be controlled well after doing this.

After Karin's teaching, although he still couldn't hit the target, at least what he did was pretty good.After trying, Hua Yueling gave the longbow in her hand to Mu Ningshuang next to him. After that, Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong tried separately, but the results after the attempts were not much different from him.

"It seems that our level is really not very good."

Hua Yueling said with such a smile.

"How do you say we should do better than Xiaoling." Lu Yuetong retorted in this way, but Hua Yueling shook his head and retorted in a serious tone.

"I don't think there is such a big difference."

"Really? Xiaoling, do you think so?"

"Of course, I think so."

"I don't think so." Lu Yuetong said. "Karin, do you think so too, after reading it?"

Karin was asked by her with an expression of helplessness. How to answer such a question, no matter how it was answered, would offend others. In order not to offend others, it would be better not to answer.

"I, I didn't see clearly."

Karin said in a trembling tone.


Karin stared at her for a while, and sighed helplessly. How could Karin behave like this? It was not a question of daring to offend people, but a question of daring to speak the truth. She thought so.Of course, no matter what you think, it is actually a joke, and it has no other meaning.

Even arguing with Hua Yueling had some meaning of jokes.

The two argued for a while, and each had its own reason, but each other's reason didn't make much sense.Karin, who was watching them arguing by the side, had a wry smile and helpless expression, but Mu Ningshuang hadn't reacted yet.

After arguing for a while, perhaps it felt boring. Both of them became quiet, and neither of them spoke. After a while, they suddenly laughed.Maybe I think my approach is too childish.

Hua Yueling and Lu Yuetong laughed quite happily. Perhaps their smiles infected other people. Karin and Mu Ningshuang couldn't help but smiled.A few people just laughed stupidly in this archery range. Fortunately, this picture was not seen by people, otherwise someone would have to think they were crazy.

After several people tried archery, they found a clean place nearby and sat down, and several people chatted.It also talked about the fact that Ze Lucy could read the words on the earth.

"Is there such a powerful prop? Just by eating it, you can learn a language you don't know."

"There are such props. Sister Jelucy is very interested in the things on our side. So I asked Aroline if there are any such props. There are such wonderful props, and the world is really amazing. Unbelievable."

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