"Isn't this bow your weapon?"

"No, that's a practice bow. The one I use is still at home, so I have to get it. Or you can wait for me here and come back later."

"It's better to go together, we can just set off when we are done."

Hua Yueling looked at Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong, the two girls also nodded, so the three made a decision and left with her.If he waited here for a while, Karin would have to come and look for them again. In that case, it would be a waste of time. Anyway, it would only take a little longer to walk and not waste much energy.

All four of them stood up and cleaned briefly, and then they left here and went from here to Carlin's place.Karin lives in a fairy town some distance from here. It takes a long way to go from here. Hua Yueling and the others walked forward along the road stepped by the elves, after a while. After a long journey, they turned to the right.

After walking for a while, they returned to the town of the elves. After returning there, Hua Yueling and the others came all the way to the stairs in front of the huge tree that was the most conspicuous in the elves.I raised my head and looked up the stairs. Although it was not the first time I saw it, I was still shocked to see this huge tree house again.

There is no way to compare the tree house where Je Lucy lives, and the difference is self-evident.It doesn't lie in other aspects, such as furnishings or external decorations, but this is an aesthetic difference. The main thing that people think is that the difference lies in the size of the two.

Standing in front of the towering tree in front of you, you will feel that you are so small, and you will feel fear and fear.Can't suppress this thought in my heart.The more I raised my head and looked up, the more I felt this way. Gradually, a feeling of wanting to worship rose in my heart. It possessed such incredible power.

Obviously there is nothing else, and there is no special power in it, but it just makes people feel this incredible.

Karin has lived here for a long time, and doesn't have such a mood like them. In her opinion, all this is just commonplace, and there is nothing to fear and fear at all.

"Are you going with me?"

"May I?"

Lu Yuetong immediately came to her and asked, her tone was full of excitement, she really wanted to go up and have a look.Jelucy has turned around many times, and hasn't been up here yet.

A few of them have only been there once or twice, and they didn't have the opportunity to look carefully here.Lu Yuetong wanted to find a chance to get better here, but there was basically no chance.

After all, this is the place where the important figures of the Elf race live, and it is not possible for them to wander around here casually, which is normal.But Karin didn't think there was anything, and said that if they wanted to go in, there would be no problem with her.

Since Karin said so, Hua Yueling and the others would naturally not refuse, and immediately followed her up the stairs.After going to the top, he circled up the stairs along the way. Karin lived in a higher place on the tree house, so it took a while to go up.

In fact, there is still a magic elevator here, but Karin didn't use it.

Karin's room is decorated like this forest, full of natural atmosphere.There are even flowers and plants inside, and those plants emerge directly from the floor, climbing up the surrounding walls.

When she reached the door, Hua Yueling noticed the delicate longbow hanging on the deepest wall of the room, although it looked a little bigger to Karin.

Karin walked quickly to hold the bow in her hand, played with her back to her back repeatedly for a while, and then picked up the bag of arrows that was leaning against the wall on the ground and back to her back.

"Okay, let's go."

After taking the bow and arrows, Karin quickly turned around and came back to them and said.

After taking the weapons, Hua Yueling and the others left this place, and they went down the stairs all the way. After leaving the tree house, Hua Yueling and the others were going to the places Jieluxi gave them.

But Hua Yueling and the others didn't know enough about the other world, so Hua Yueling told Karin about the places Jelousy told him, and then asked her for her opinion.Fortunately for them, they don't need to walk directly, but can use the teleportation array to reduce the time spent on the road.

"These places...I don't know much, and I haven't been to many places."

Karin shook her head after seeing it.Although she is a person who has lived in a different world since she was a child, she is like Hua Yueling and the others. What she knows best is the place where she lived since she was a child, and she has never been to other places, so don’t talk about understanding. Up.

"You don't even know Karin. In this case, you can only ask Sister Jelucie. If you can send it directly, but we obviously can't help it."

The main thing is that I don't know what is going on in various places, how to go there, and where, if you don't understand these, there is no way.If there is a way, it is naturally the best for them, but if there is no way, if you don't know what to do, you can only ask Sister Zeluxi's opinion.

Since this matter was left to them, she would definitely be able to help a little bit, Hua Yueling felt so.

When they returned to Jelucci's tree house, Hua Yueling and the others found Jelucci was still busy, their eyes focused on the LCD TV in front of them, and their attention was quite concentrated.Even if they came back, she didn't notice it, just like she didn't notice their departure. It seems that after being able to use the new language, all her attention is on this, and it is no longer Go to pay attention to others.

After coming in, Lu Yuetong motioned to Hua Yueling with his eyes, mainly to ask him if he was going to disturb Jelucy. Seeing that Jelucy was completely focused on the content on the TV, if they were disturbed, But it is not clear if she will be angry.

"Let's ask, there is no other way, and no one else can ask."

This is the point. If you can ask other people, it would be okay, but there are really no people you know here except Karin and Jelucy.Karin didn't understand very clearly, so the only person who could inquire about it was Zelucy.

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