Standing at the door for about a few minutes, just before Hua Yueling and the others had made a decision about whether to speak or not, Jelusy had a reaction and turned to look at them.It should have discovered their existence, otherwise they wouldn't do it.


Seeing Karin's figure, she nodded and said hello to her. Jerezy's tone was still somewhat cold, but it didn't mean that she was angry or what she was like. Usually she is like this, Mu Ningshuang She is the one who knows her best, so I am used to it.

Je Lucy was like this many times, but now because of being disturbed, she felt somewhat dissatisfied.

Hua Yueling hurriedly said her intentions. After listening to him, Jieluxi's expression was clear, and her mood seemed a little better.

"That's right, I know. Send you to the nearest place, Teleportation Array... Come with me, I will teach you how to build these Teleportation Arrays."

Jelucci said to Mu Ningshuang, then turned and left the room.

The next thing was much simpler. Under the guidance of Jelucci, Xia Mu Ningshuang learned some things that she didn't know before, and learned how to build a teleportation array leading to those places.Je Lucy guessed it was to prevent them from disturbing her anymore, so she taught them what to do with the teleportation array leading to those places.

This is quite an easy thing. After building the teleportation formation, Hua Yueling and the others said goodbye to her, and then left directly through the teleportation formation.It's a pity that the teleportation array doesn't mean to send them to the place they are going to be particularly accurate. It can only send them to a rough location. It takes time to find the place they are looking for.

"here is?"

They came to an unfamiliar place, that's for sure.Hua Yueling and the others looked around with doubts, even Karin did not know where they were teleported to, and now it is certain that that place is the one that Jelucci told them before.

Hua Yueling took out the note and glanced at it, and after confirming it, she asked Mu Ningshuang's opinion.

"It was this location that was teleported to."

Mu Ningshuang said with certainty after taking a look.

"Master told me that it is safer here, and other places are more troublesome."

Yecry Cave, this is the place they came to. It is said that the name here is called this because at night here, if you go to the entrance of the cave, you can hear some kind of deep crying from inside.No one can be sure whether the cry belongs to a certain human being or a certain creature, but there is no doubt that the cry exists.

This is an unsolved mystery, and it is strange that no one is thinking about exploring here. It is reasonable to say that adventurers have been here, but the problem has not been solved.

The weird place is here, and now it seems that this may have something to do with the organization they are tracing. This method is used to prevent others from exploring this place.This is an idea, but it is obviously not that good.

"If it is really like what I think, then this organization existed a long time ago, at least when the cave was called by this name. But there are other possibilities. The cave was still a long time ago. It was not the location of their occupiers when it was called, and it became their stronghold some time after that. This possibility also exists."

"We don't know how far we are from that place now?"

Hua Yueling looked around, he was not familiar with the neighborhood, and couldn't answer this question.Not only him, but Mu Ningshuang and the others were unable to answer this question. Everyone looked at each other. If this goes on, the only way is to act separately.

"Don't worry, I will check it out first, maybe I can find the place directly."

Hua Yueling said this, and immediately explored. After investigation, Hua Yueling did not find out very well. There was a very high mountain on their right side. It is actually a bit exaggerated to say that it is a mountain, but it is a relatively high one. That's it.Hua Yueling looked for it below, but didn't find anything.

Below is the turbulent river water, which can be seen and swimming, and on the opposite side of the river is a flat land.

On the other side of the hillside, that is, to the left of Hua Yueling and the others, there is a mountain that stretches upwards, along the mountain road all the way up, and there is no cave in the top.However, the mountain road stretches upward after all, and they can only reluctantly observe it below, not so clearly.

At the bottom of the mountain, you can see the trees that grow along the mountain. These trees are lush and green.

"It should be on the mountain, or at the foot of the mountain here. We should be able to find it if we look for it in these places." Hua Yueling judged this way, but this judgment is also normal, except for this. Two places seem to have caves in no other place.

There are a lot of places to find nearby, but at least they already have a range, and it should be easier to find within this range.Thinking about this, Hua Yueling and the others also started to act separately. The four people divided into two teams and looked for both sides, but now they did not go up the mountain, but only searched under the mountain.

As long as you finish searching below, if there is nothing here, you can go directly to the mountain to find it.Because it's just a bit of a deviation, but Jeruxi's teleportation array should not be too biased for them.

It must be nearby, Hua Yueling can make a conclusion like this, but she still needs to find it.

They split up and looked for both sides of the mountain. After a short while, the two groups of people converged not far from where they were separated.Hua Yueling shook his head, and Lu Yuetong, who was opposite, also shook his head, she didn't notice it.

"If there are none on either side... Now it seems that the only thing that needs attention is the mountain. A cave is on the mountain. It's quite possible."

Along the spiraling mountain road, Huayueling and the others went up from the foot of the mountain. On the mountain road, they could occasionally see some small animals and some monsters, but these monsters did not pose any threat to them.

Hua Yueling easily cleaned up the monsters on the mountain, and Mu Ningshuang and the others helped, even the monsters were wiped out without even approaching.The strength of the monsters here is not good.

"Well, nothing can be seen on this mountain yet."

Hua Yueling walked up and said in a low voice.They haven't found anything for the time being, but the scenery on this mountain is still good.

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