It didn't take long to walk, and walked some up to the mountain, Hua Yueling stopped, walked quickly to the edge of the road, and looked into the distance from the mountain.No one knows what he was doing, what he saw or what he found.

The three girls approached immediately, watching the distance with him beside him.But they can't see anything from here. Although they can see some things in the distance, they seem to have nothing to do with what they are currently doing.

"Something seems to be happening there, there."

Hua Yueling pointed to the distance and said.Needless to say, Mu Ningshuang and the others have also seen it, but they don't want to have anything to do with their affairs here, at least they think so.

"But I don't think the things there have anything to do with what we're looking for. Although it's a little messy there, it's still quite far away, not near our place."

What Lu Yuetong said was not wrong. The place was indeed a little far away, and the place they observed was a plain, and there could not be any caves.

"It might not matter, but I feel a little curious."

Hua Yueling said that there was no sound anymore, and then he stood on the edge of the road and observed for a while, then retracted his gaze and continued to walk up the mountain.Their speed is still relatively fast, and it didn't take long for them to reach the mountainside.

"It's all here, why still haven't found anything?"

Hua Yueling also had a questioning attitude. It was a little strange here. It stands to reason that the cave should be nearby, but he found nothing.Not to mention the cave, not even a small hole can be found, which is a bit strange.

Where will they be if they are not here? If they are radiated around the place where they were teleported, there will be a lot of places to deliberately look for, but Hua Yueling can’t find other places to go except here. Up.

"But this is just the current thought, and maybe after some searching, this thought will disappear."

Hua Yueling told herself that, and the most important thing now is not to think about it, but to explore this place first. Only after he can be sure that there is nothing here, can he have the mind to find other places. Whether there is something, he has no such thoughts at all now.

Numerous weeds grow on both sides of the mountain road, but Hua Yueling and the others have basically not noticed them.And you can see many small animals on the road. It is actually quite interesting to see so many small animals on this mountain.

"It looks like I don't want anything here."

Walking Lu Yuetong said so, Hua Yueling felt so too, but he did not speak, said nothing, just quietly looked farther away.

"There is still a long way to go. I should be able to find something. I think there is no other place worth noting except here. This is the most noteworthy place. That cave should be right here."

Hua Yueling himself thought so, but this may also have something to do with his own thoughts, but he himself kept telling himself this in his heart, so he was so convinced that there was such a possibility.

On the way up the mountain, Hua Yueling and the others were constantly observing and searching for certain things. They could perceive what was here, but the message was very brief and just a vague idea.

"It seems that there is something here."

On the way, Hua Yueling suddenly stopped again and turned to look to the right.It's hard to see what's on the right in the shadow of vegetation, and there are trees there, which cover the mountains. Hua Yueling observed for a while, and then walked over.

Mu Ningshuang and the others looked at each other, and then followed Hua Yueling's footsteps.A group of people passed the trees and came to the place protected by the trees.There is an entrance there, and some terrible sights can be clearly seen at the entrance.

"these are……"

Animal corpses are basically animal corpses, there are some bones, and some seemingly useless things scattered all over the ground.

"These seems that this is the place we are looking for, so be careful when going in."

There is a cave here, and the entrance of the cave is a closed wooden door.Some things can be seen on both sides of the trail leading to the cave. Among them are tools such as pickaxes. It looks like an ordinary mine here, but it is definitely not the case. Hua Yueling believes in herself It’s just that I haven’t found it before, but now that I found such a cave, it must be here. Hua Yueling can be said to be sure.

I pushed aside the bushes and walked over. These bushes may be used to protect this place, otherwise it would not be the case. It should have been cleared long ago, but it has not been cleared out, but it has grown up and is growing. well.

"Should you be able to go directly in?"

Hua Yueling guessed, when he came close, he listened carefully, and also used exploration skills to explore the inside of the cave. The defenses here are somewhat lax in his opinion. You must know that there are many places nearby where Tibetans can observe if there are people. Close, but not here.

Not only the outside, but also the inside, it was so quiet, there was no one person.

"No one, I'll go in and have a look, you follow me."

Hua Yueling whispered to the women behind him, cautiously opened the door and walked in.Accompanied by the "creak" sound, the door of the room was opened, and Hua Yueling and the others were able to enter.

Going in is an ordinary dirt road. There are several carts on their right. The carts contain some things, but they are of no use to them.It is also worth noting that at a little farther away, that is, extending down the downhill, a long thin line can be seen across the road they almost must pass when they descend.

Looking up, Hua Yueling thought of something.

"That's a trap, let's go around and be careful."

No one was seen at the entrance. It seemed that they believed the trap in front of them very much, but Hua Yueling and the others were naturally not so stupid that they would just pass by and trigger the trap, and they could still sneak in.

The four people cautiously walked around, but before Hua Yueling walked forward a few steps, he was suddenly pulled by the arm behind him and asked him to stop.

"what happened?"

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