"Someone is there too."

After hiding, Hua Yueling whispered to the three girls behind him, there are three people on the isolated island, one of them is lying and resting, the other is cooking, stirring in the pot in front of the fire, It holds something similar to a rolling pin.Another person was sitting by the fire staring at the fire, like a thinker, seeming to be thinking about something.

It is more difficult to solve them without being discovered. After all, there are three people, and the number of them is much larger.

"How to do?"

Hua Yueling turned her head and asked the person beside her, at least Hua Yueling hadn't thought of a better way yet.It's not easy to touch it sneakily, and if you use a long-range attack, you don't need to say whether you can solve three people at once, but it's likely to be discovered by the other party during the attack, so there is no way to hide.

"Sneak attack, we can attack them here."

"But the problem is that the distance is relatively long, and it is very likely that they have discovered it before the attack arrives."

This is what Hua Yueling is worried about, and there is no problem with his worry, this is indeed a difficult problem to solve.If you want to pass, you need to cross this bridge and then walk in another direction. This is very difficult and it is impossible not to be discovered.

"That can only be a sneak attack, as long as we get to this bridge, it is impossible not to be discovered."

Lu Yuetong also understood this, so Hua Yueling fell into silence after she reminded it. This is also a problem.There is no good way other than the sneak attack, and the sneak attack must be here. It can't be approached anymore, and it is impossible not to be discovered if it approaches.

Hua Yueling and the others are hiding well, so there is no need to worry about being discovered here, but relatively, it is not easy to attack.

I can only wait here for the time being to see if I can do anything else.Hua Yueling and the others discussed countermeasures, but it was difficult not to be discovered.What's more, even if it is discovered, it is not only discovered by those people on the isolated island. If it makes too much noise, even people from other places will be attracted.

What worries them the most is that all people are attracted by this sound. When that happens, things will be very troublesome. They will be surrounded by people here. That's not their purpose.

It is best to act in secret, and to be able to avoid being discovered. If they are discovered, who knows what the other party will do, and if any information is destroyed as a result, it is not the scene they want to see.

Hua Yueling's worries are certainly not unreasonable. After all, it is such a large organization. It must be very cautious in all aspects. It is impossible to be like those small-scale organizations, and they have no sense of defense at all.

"If you attack from here, can you guarantee that you won't be discovered?"

Quietly leaning out, Hua Yueling watched the three people in the distance while asking Mu Ningshuang and the others beside her.He couldn't do anything about it himself. He belonged to the melee type. If he wasn't close, he couldn't fight. Although sneak attacks were okay, he felt it was difficult for him to do it.

"Only attack from here, but it is very difficult, if you want to not be discovered."

Lu Yuetong's words made Hua Yueling frown. This is indeed a problem. How to solve them without being discovered is the problem they need to solve most.

"How about using invisibility?"

"It's hard to get by, and it's hard not to be discovered."

The most important thing is that although there is a road leading to the isolated island, this road is submerged by water, and at least it must be close to the knee according to visual inspection.The water didn't reach such a place, and it was still a short road, even if you walked past it invisibly, you would definitely be found.

Those people are not fools, even if they are just a little defensive, it is impossible to fool them easily, at least Hua Yueling feels that she must be unable to do it.

It's okay if there is some land emerging on that section of the road, but unfortunately there is not, and that section is all waterways.Even if you walk up in a stealth state, there will definitely be fluctuations in the water, and there will be noises.

If you jump directly and it is impossible to jump over, you will fall into the water if you jump over it. In that case, time will be wasted and the opponent will have time to react, which is not what they want.

"It seems that there is no other way. Ningshuang and Karin, they will ask you to solve them. If you can, try to keep them hidden and don't let them discover it. If you can eliminate all three of them directly."

"Try your best."

Both Mu Ningshuang and Karin sneaked out from the hidden place, and then the two of them got ready.Karin stretched the bow and pulled the arrow, while Mu Ningshuang was condensing magic power, and the two of them attacked the three guys in the distance.


Following Hua Yueling's order, the two men together launched an offensive towards the three enemies in the distance.After they attacked, there was no way to hide, but perhaps it was because these enemies were a little weak. At the beginning, no one found that they were targeted and attacked.

This still surprised Hua Yueling. The enemy's strength here was much worse than he had imagined. Even so, he hadn't found himself being targeted and attacked.

This has made Hua Yueling's actions a lot easier. Originally, Hua Yueling was worried about it. After seeing this scene, she was completely relieved. There is no need to worry anymore. These enemies are too clumsy. .

Arrows and magic arrived, and those people only reacted at this time, but now they realized it was too late.The first wave of attacks had not yet been attacked, and the next wave of offensive formed by Mu Ningshuang and the others had already followed. They were already prepared. In order to prevent a single attack, there was no way to destroy them, so two consecutive attacks In the past, they believed that no matter what, these enemies could no longer survive.

As they expected, the first thing they thought of after finding out that he had been attacked was to escape, but in this case, it was impossible to escape. He could only quickly pick up the weapon next to him to try to block it.

The other person reacted a bit slower and wanted to hide away, and the other person who was resting did not make any response at all.He didn't even know that he had been attacked, so he just lay down and "waited" for the arrow and magic to arrive.

Everything is so sudden, for these people, it is simply incredible, they have never encountered such a terrible thing.

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