It was much simpler than Hua Yueling and the others had imagined. They didn't encounter any decent resistance at all, and they could easily solve all the problems of the mother, which was simply incredible.

When Hua Yueling saw that the three people were defeated so easily, she also showed a defeated look, which was really surprising.

"It's much simpler than I thought. How could they be solved like this."

Huayue Lingyue looked over, even if she didn't get close to him, she knew that those guys were all dead now, and none of them were alive, they couldn't deceive him.

"Do you want to go over and see? Or just keep going?"

Lu Yuetong also walked out of the hidden place at this time and asked Hua Yueling.In the past, it was to recycle the equipment of those guys. Their equipment was not very good, even if it was converted into gold coins, there was not much. In fact, it didn't make much difference whether to go or not.

"No need to go, just go ahead, there is no need for that."

Hua Yueling shook her head and decided not to pass.As he said, there is no need for the past, and you have to soak your pants for a few gold coins, and it will be inconvenient to act then.

A few people just walked along the suspension bridge to the other side. When the suspension bridge went up, it was a little shaky, and the sound of wood chipping could be heard, giving people a feeling that they might break at any time. worry.

Hua Yueling was quite worried, but they didn't encounter any problems all the way to the other side, which also made him relieved.If it falls, it's not that dangerous, but it's enough to be scared for a while.

She patted her chest, and Hua Yueling looked to the right again, going down the slope made of wooden planks, and then crossing the road flooded by the river water is an isolated island in the distance, and everything in the distance I don’t know where the water came from and where it went.

Hua Yueling and the others didn't pay too much attention here, to be honest, there is no need to pay attention here.The deeper part of the cave can be walked along the road instead of swimming through the water.

Moving on along the road, Hua Yueling and their steps were not rushed or slow.As she walked forward, Hua Yueling continued to observe, looking for the total of the people living here, but it was not easy to find it. There were not many people in this cave. This is Hua Yueling’s most intuitive feeling. .

They have gone a little deeper, but so far they have only met so few people, and they have all easily solved them.After experiencing this, Hua Yueling felt that there seemed to be only some robbers here, and nothing else.

However, after all, it was the news from Sister Jelucy. He naturally believed in Sister Jelucy's strength. Sister Jelucy could not be wrong. It only showed that the strength of the people here is like this.

It didn’t take long before it was a turning point. Huayueling and the others turned directly. Through observation, they found that there was no one at the corner, but they could clearly see some other things. There were scattered tools on both sides, except for these. There is nothing else.

Besides, it was some cabinets. These cabinets contained some people who did not. Hua Yueling and the others just glanced at them and stopped paying attention to these places.

"The level of vigilance outside is also a bit too loose, there is nothing, there are no other people besides those people."

Hua Yueling said so and continued to move forward.The road on the ground is not like the entrance where there are still some wooden planks. Now there is only thick land. Stepping on this place, Hua Yueling and the others are already very fast.

"I haven't gotten much inside yet, I don't even think we can find anything here."

He almost said this sentence with a sigh. If there is something in this place, it can't be just such a defensive measure, which is a little too different from what he imagined.How can such a defense be able to prevent people, let alone them, it is very difficult for ordinary adventurers to defend.

"I think so, but the probe still needs to be thoroughly probed to be able to relax."

Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, and didn't stop and leave, although he had thoughts like this before.But this kind of thinking also faded quickly. Just do what you need to do. It is better to explore this place before going to other places. After all, no one can guarantee whether there is anything hidden in this place until it is clear.

Walking along such a path that doesn't know the direction, Hua Yueling and the others have basically encountered no obstacles along the way, which is quite strange.To say that they have also come in from the entrance for a while, and it has been a long way, but so far they have not encountered other people.

No one came across, there was no one to guard outside, and no one to come out.Hua Yueling and the others have been on guard, but they have never been able to touch people, which is also annoying enough.

"It feels really strange here."

Lu Yuetong whispered this after walking for a while. In fact, other people felt the same way, but everyone didn't speak, just walked quietly.

"There are footsteps."

Suddenly, Hua Yueling, who was walking in the front, stopped, and waved to the people behind him not to speak any more.Several people hid, and at this moment others also heard footsteps from a distance.

Hua Yueling quietly poked her head to observe the corner, but she didn't see any figure. Although they heard the sound of footsteps, they seemed to be farther away.

"We haven't come here yet, let's not go out, wait and see."

He reminded the others in a low voice, Hua Yueling did not go out in a hurry, but quietly leaned against the wall, waiting for people from a distance to come.Hua Yueling listened, trying to use the sound of footsteps to judge how many people came out.

"There are not many people, just two or three."

Judging the number of people who came, Hua Yueling whispered to the others, and she looked out again, but until now, no one else appeared.Their footsteps did not stop, and their footsteps were heavy.

"Someone is here."

Hua Yueling retracted her gaze and hid, waiting for those people to come over. Just now, he saw a leg of the person in front that came out. It is estimated that he should be here in a while.

"When they come over, let's attack it directly, with a bit more dexterity, and don't be muddled."

Hua Yueling did not forget to remind them before acting.

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