Before Hua Yueling and the others waited for too long, the few people walked over with their weapons on their backs, and when they reached the corner, they still didn't find any abnormalities.Hua Yueling and the others are hiding well, and the strength of those people is not strong, otherwise it shouldn't be discovered at all.

"It should be almost..."

Hua Yueling roughly understood the location of the other party by listening carefully. He took a deep breath and waved for the three girls to move.He was the first to rush out, brandishing a two-handed sword and slashing over.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Ningshuang and the others also followed out, aiming at those shocked people who hadn't reacted and launched an offensive.

The people who walked inside were all surprised and closed their mouths from ear to ear.This period of time is neither long nor short, but for Hua Yueling and the others, such a little time is enough.

Hua Yueling rushed forward without being hindered at all, and easily killed the person in front.Immediately after, Hua Yueling continued to rush forward, attacking the people behind, but at this moment the other party also reacted, seeing Hua Yueling attacking, subconsciously drew out a weapon to block it.

The heavy attack slammed into the weapon he was blocking in front of him, but this kind of defense had no effect. The two-handed sword was smashed heavily, and the other party had no response at all, so he was smashed. Fell to the ground.

The other one also reacted at this time and the reaction also made Hua Yueling abnormally speechless. He originally thought that the other party would rush to attack him, but he did not expect that he would run away directly like this. This was really something he didn't expect.

"Can't let him escape!"

Before Huayueling's words fell, an arrow flew out and directly penetrated the heart of the escaped person, nailing him to the ground.The man screamed, his body trembling, and gradually there was no sound.

As early as when he acted, the girls were ready. The moment that guy ran away, the girls' attacks fell on that guy's back.Escape is a very good choice. At least at that moment, he knew that he had no hope of staying and resisting. It was a pity that there were too few of them, otherwise he would still have a chance to escape.

Get rid of the last person, Hua Yueling and the others bypassed the bodies of these people.

"The guys here are all incompetent, much worse than I imagined."

"Yeah, how could these guys be so weak? They are the outsiders of the organization. It really doesn't seem like there will be anything important in this place."

Lu Yuetong's thoughts are not too different from that of Huayue Ling, but as previously thought, you can't give up searching here because of the enemy outside.

"Don't think so much, the more you think, the more irritable you are, just keep going. After all, these guys are only responsible for guarding and protection on the outside. The powerful people should be inside. You may be able to meet them when you enter."

It's better not to meet a guy who is too powerful, but it's better than to meet these guys who are not at all capable.

Apart from the torches on the walls on both sides, there is nothing else on the way forward, and there is nothing that can attract their attention.

Just like this all the way to explore, step by step, Huayueling and the others are relatively slow on the way in, but as time goes by, the enemies they encounter are still weak and it is not worth going. The defensive guy.

After some simple discussions, Hua Yueling and the others decided to speed up their pace and save time wasting here.

Hua Yueling and the others did not encounter any obstacles on the next journey of this cave. Although they were said to have sneaked in, gradually Hua Yueling felt that they could not be called sneak in at all, rather than sneak in. I just rushed inside.

It's really uncomfortable that there is not much gain along the way, but after all, it is a place to invest, even if there is no useful clue for the time being, it is actually conceivable.

"This should be the last place." Hua Yueling said softly at the entrance of a cave, and the four people looked inside from both sides.From them, there are no other roads inside, but some sounds can be heard outside.

These voices have conversations as well as other sounds, even the sound of iron strikes and the sound of something stewed.

"If it's in the game, it's not like a small boss' room."

Tucao, Hua Yueling directly used the stealth skill, and then sneaked in without knowing it.Through the exploration skills, it is obvious that there are several people inside, and among them there is a stronger guy, this guy seems to be the most powerful person here.

"I don't know if this is the last place. It seems that there is nothing unsearched except here."

Huayueling stepped forward quickly, no one found him coming in, still doing his own things.After observing all of them, there were four people in total, and Hua Yueling had a clearer understanding of the strength of these four guys.

Just like what I thought before I came in, they were all guys with poor strength, even the strongest, they looked very strong, but the actual strength made people shake their heads.

"No, it's too weak. In such a place, such a guy is also from that organization. If nothing else, there is definitely no important information here, and it is absolutely impossible to find."

Hua Yueling couldn't help sighing when she thought of this, but still no one noticed his existence.

This is quite normal, and the level of these guys is just like this. If they were to find out, Hua Yueling would have to wonder if his strength had declined.But these guys didn't pose any threat to him. In fact, it didn't matter if they didn't hide, but Hua Yueling was still more cautious.

Approaching one of them, Hua Yueling directly attacked the past without any warning. At the moment Hua Yueling attacked, the attacked person noticed the danger and found that something was wrong.Subconsciously took out the weapon to block it, but it was too late anyway. Although the weapon was blocking it, there was no way to block Hua Yueling's attack.

The two-handed sword slashed heavily, directly on the opponent's weapon.


This sound not only attracted the attention of other people in this room, but also attracted Mu Ningshuang and the others outside.All of a sudden, the inside of the cave became lively, but Hua Yueling would not give them a chance to react, and proceeded to attack immediately. Just as the enemy in front of him wanted to say something, he saw Hua Yueling attacking again. He tried to block, but Hua Yueling's speed was too fast, and he couldn't stop it in time.

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