"Someone has gone to your side, pay attention, get them all resolved for me, if you can catch them, catch them, I still have something to ask."

In the depths of the cave, the headband who was lying asleep remembered the sound in his ears, and he suddenly sat up and looked towards the door.This is his room. He is the only person here, and no one else.

"There are still desperate people who come here. Don't even think about going back if you are in!"

Looking at the small medicine bottle on the table not far away, he frowned. The guy who came this time should not be easy to provoke, otherwise it is impossible for the person to take the initiative to remind himself.

Usually, there are some people who come back here to explore, but they are ordinary guys, of course, some of them are powerful, but they naturally have a way to deal with it.After experiencing these things, he found a rule, that is, only when a strong guy comes over, that person will remind himself in advance, otherwise he will not speak, now that the person speaks, It shows that the enemy is very strong, at least suitable for one level.

"You have to ask someone to meet them and consume them more."

Frowning his brows thinking about the way to deal with the guy who broke in, there are some traps in this cave. Although they are arranged quite secretly, he doesn't think those traps can play a big role.It is obviously not so realistic to rely on traps to stop them.

"Where are people dead!"

With a loud shout, I could hear the rapid footsteps immediately, remembering that a man in light leather armor rushed in.

"Boss, what's the matter?"

"If it's okay, why don't you ask you to come here? Go and call out all the people outside, let them go out and eliminate those who come in. If you can catch a few, you will catch a few, and if you can't, you will kill them all!"

"I'm going now!"

The visitor didn't doubt his words at all, and acted immediately.After he went out, the boss immediately began to put on his battle armor, picked up his weapon and walked outside without any haste.

Don't worry, he thought so, even if there are many people coming, it is impossible to break in so quickly before his crowded tactics, before he has enough time to observe.He wanted to see who came this time. He was very curious, and he didn’t think that those people could cause him much trouble. Under the encirclement and attack of so many people, even if they could break through When I came in, I definitely didn't have much physical strength at the time. I suffered a lot of injuries. They only needed to take a shot.

It hasn't been long before Hua Yueling and the others entered, and they haven't met anyone, so naturally they don't know what happened, and they don't know what kind of things are waiting for them.

But no matter what it was, Hua Yueling didn't worry about it. They had enough strength, even if they were discovered early, it was just a little troublesome.

Not long after they entered, they heard messy footsteps coming from inside, which made them alert.

"What's the matter? Have we been discovered?"

"how is this possible!"

Lu Yuetong shook his head, disagreeing with Hua Yueling's thoughts, whether there are surveillance cameras here, and their aura is very good, how did those people find them here?In her opinion, this is absolutely impossible, and she hasn't noticed anyone exploring here along the way.

"That's weird, or did something else happen?"

Hua Yueling said this and looked inside, but although the footsteps could be clearly heard here, there was no way to see the people inside.

"What shall we do, do we just hide or rush in?"

It's okay to rush in directly, but Hua Yueling didn't want to do it, and it was a bit silly to directly conflict with the other party.If there are other things, they can wait and see, maybe they can take advantage of the fishermen's profit, but listening to the closer and closer footsteps inside, Hua Yueling doesn't feel that these people rushing out will have nothing to do with them.

"Just go in and have a look. It's just a waste of time waiting outside. Anyway, you have to fight sooner or later."

Lu Yuetong's words were not wrong, anyway, they would fight sooner or later. Sooner or later, it didn't make much difference. After thinking about it, Hua Yueling didn't avoid it, and just continued to walk inside.When the people rushing out saw them, they roared and attacked with their weapons.

Before they got close, they were hit by magic and flew back. This time, they were full of strength, and none of them could bear Mu Ningshuang's magic.Mu Ningshuang's magic might not be that powerful yet, but it was more than enough to deal with them.

After getting rid of the person who rushed in front, Mu Ningshuang continued to attack, Karin and Lu Yuetong also joined in, their attacks directly blocked those guys, so that they could not run over at all.

"Okay, leave the rest to me and Yuetong."

After solving some guys, Hua Yueling said to Mu Ningshuang and Karin.

"It's okay, you are in front, we are back to support."

The battle is relatively easy. The guys here are basically the same as the ones they encountered in the previous place. The strength is not strong, and they can be solved easily.Regardless of the large number of people, Hua Yueling can play several at a time without losing the wind. Although Lu Yuetong has checked a little, she can handle several at once.

The passage is not very big, so it can be said that it is a man who is in the middle of the road, and only Hua Yueling can block those guys by blocking the road in front. There is basically no room for Lu Yuetong to take action.

However, the support from Mu Ningshuang and Karin at the back also helped a little, and the screams of those guys resounded through this passage.In a short while, there were more than a dozen people on the ground. Although there were still a lot of people behind, it was not enough to stop Hua Yueling from moving forward.

"No, it's not good, these guys are too powerful!"

The leader of this place was observing from behind, and he couldn't see it at first, but after Hua Yueling and the others got rid of the first group of people, he found out that it was totally unbearable to face them under these hands. one strike.Moreover, under his observation, it seemed that his subordinates could hardly stop Hua Yueling from moving forward.

"No, I can't wait any longer, I have to stop them!"

Escape is naturally also a way, but he has no place to run, there is only one way to go, the only way.

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