Just as Hua Yueling and the others were fighting, a figure suddenly rushed out of it, even knocking away all those who were blocking them.At first, Hua Yueling was taken aback. He hurriedly looked at the figure that suddenly rushed out, and saw a man wearing metal armor who was stronger than the others, holding a long hand in both hands. Handle the sledgehammer, staring at himself angrily.

"This guy should be the head here."

You can feel it just by feeling the aura emanating from him. He may not be the kind of person with leadership qualities, but he is still trustworthy in terms of martial arts.But this is to say in the good side, and in the bad side, there is no brain.

This kind of person may have a simple mind, and everything depends on force to speak. It is naturally useful when his force is stronger than other people, but when the force is not as good as the other person, it will not work.

Hua Yueling fought against the opponent's attack. The battle between the two sides was relatively simple. The opponent's strength was very strong, and the other party seemed to be proud of it, hoping to break Huayueling's offensive directly in this way.It's a pity that he naturally couldn't catch up with Hua Yueling in this respect, so he took it easily.

Feeling the strong impact, the other party's face couldn't help but change. This is really an unimaginable power. He has always been proud of his power, but he did not expect to encounter someone more powerful than himself. Guy.

This guy's offensive power is really outrageous, he thought so in his heart, although he was still encouraging himself, but even he himself knew that he was probably not an opponent compared to strength.

Hua Yueling attacked again, and this time he still had the upper hand.In this regard, Hua Yueling didn't think the other party would be his opponent.He is still very confident in his strength.

The opponent who was suppressed by the continuous attacks had no strength to fight back, tired of coping with Huayueling's offensive, and there were other people nearby to help him. Those of his companions did so, but they still fell in the wind and couldn't even give Huayue Ling poses a threat.

And even if there are more of them, it is useless. Hua Yueling still has Lu Yuetong and the others. With them helping behind, Hua Yueling doesn't have to worry about the others.

The heavy blows made the leader in front of Hua Yueling even a little breathless, and there was no chance to fight back. He wanted to fight back, but before he attacked, Hua Yueling's attack had already come.The attacking posture was changed to defensive, not only failed to regain the advantage, but instead made himself more frantic.

In just one or two minutes, Huayueling has already gained the absolute upper hand and is almost about to solve the opponent, but the opponent does not mean that the solution can be solved, although it has already fallen into the disadvantage. In the process, but still persisting, with the help of his companions, although it is not easy, he persisted.

But this is not enough, Hua Yueling thought secretly in her heart, and then I will solve you, you can't stick to it anymore, that's for sure!

Hua Yueling slashed down, another heavy offensive. This time the opponent couldn't stop it anymore and was directly knocked to the ground.Hua Yueling took advantage of the situation to pursue, although there were still people trying to stop him, but Lu Yuetong suddenly appeared and helped him block those people.

In fact, there is no problem even if she doesn’t help, but this saves him some things, Hua Yueling directly went forward to attack, the leader who fell on the ground had no choice but to watch his attack fall on her. Body.However, Hua Yueling didn't kill him, just put the weapon on him, using this method to make him no longer able to resist.

After that, he kicked him hard and almost fainted, and then directly exchanged his weapon and armor for gold coins.

"Just take care of the remaining guys. These guys..."

Hua Yueling glanced, no matter from which way they were a group of robbers, they were just slightly stronger robbers.The equipment is better, but the strength is the same.

Mu Ningshuang and the others were merciless when they started. Basically, they didn't let anyone go. Basically all the guys that came out screamed and fell down, and some of them wanted to escape, but these guys couldn't run at all. Drop.Even if they wanted to escape, their speed was not as fast as Mu Ningshuang's magic or Karin's arrow.

Before running two steps, the magic and arrows had already reached behind them, taking their lives directly.More and more people are escaping, and there are almost no people who resist, but even these resisters have no way. People behind can escape inside, but they can't even escape.

These people who were in a mess at this time never thought about whether there was any place to run inside. They were frightened and only knew to escape, forgetting everything.

Naturally, Hua Yueling and the others would not be soft, chasing and knocking down the remaining guys to the ground.

"Go ahead, tell everything you know."

After getting rid of the others, Hua Yueling returned to the leader who was knocked down to the ground and couldn't get up, lowered her head and looked at him.

At first, the other party didn't understand what Hua Yueling meant, thinking he had come to rob, but soon he realized that something was wrong, it was not like this.

"How much do you know about that organization?"

Hua Yueling saw that he didn't particularly understand what he meant, so he revealed a little bit, and asked with a more serious tone.This time the other party completely understood what he was here for, which surprised him even more and felt a little uneasy.

Under Hua Yueling's questioning, she still got some clues from the other party, but it is not easy to say whether such clues are useful.After hearing it, Hua Yueling only frowned, feeling that he hadn't gained any particularly useful and valuable news.

"I knew it would be like this. How could it be possible in a place like this... someone is there, who is it?"

Hua Yueling thought to herself, turning her gaze to other people. Looking at Karin, she should have discovered that there were other people hiding, and Hua Yueling was sure that that person was not nearby before this.He just arrived, and he hid it purposely, and let them discover, was it to lure them to the past?

"This guy feels a little different, maybe not from here."

Huayue Ling thought about it, and walked in that direction.He must go and see who the other person is.Maybe that person has something to do with that organization, maybe it's the person of that organization, after all, in Hua Yueling's view, judging from his strength, it should not be the talent here.

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