Hua Yueling's actions were very cautious and did not act immediately. Instead, she quietly moved over there while continuing to question the leader here.He is still observing the other party to see how the other party is going to act, but during this period, the other party has basically not moved much, hiding his figure in a hidden place.

"That's weird. Are you waiting for me to go over and prepare for a sneak attack?"

If they didn't move, the other party didn't seem to move, or they were waiting for them to leave.

Regardless of the possibility, now that there is a clue, there is no need to wait any longer and act directly. If you can catch the opponent, you may have a good harvest.

Hua Yueling winked at Karin and Mu Ningshuang. He didn't know if Karin understood her wink, but Mu Ningshuang definitely understood his thoughts.

After notifying the others, Hua Yueling immediately took action, questioning the leader who was about to collapse that he had been asked the moment before, and his figure disappeared in the next moment.

"It's here!"

The two-handed sword slashed violently, and after the smoke drifted away, Hua Yueling found something wrong, and the people who were still there before disappeared in an instant.Hua Yueling looked at that place unbelievably, then hurriedly looked around, and immediately used the exploration skills to re-explore, but the breath that was clear before disappeared in an instant, as if it had never appeared before.

"what happened?"

Obviously he didn't perceive how the other party left, but the other party had disappeared when he found out.He didn't even know what happened, and it was all over.

"Did that person teleport away?"

Hua Yueling put away his weapon and watched the surroundings vigilantly, but couldn't find the person or his breath.Anyway, in the blink of an eye, the person who was just here just disappeared, and Hua Yueling still didn't know how the other party disappeared.

This is a little strange, Hua Yueling also feels very strange, how that person can disappear like this is simply incredible.

"Did you find out? How did he leave."

"There is a wave of magical power, it should be used to leave the teleportation array, but I don't know what kind of teleportation array it is."

Mu Ningshuang had his own judgment, and he was generally clear about what had happened, but it could not help them much.The other party should have left completely, and it is difficult for them to find each other under this situation.

"But why did he come here? Is there anything he needs here?"

Hua Yueling guessed this way, this kind of guessing was basically unfounded, but Hua Yueling felt that there was still such a possibility, but the possibility was not that high.

What is certain is that the guy definitely didn't come here to save people, otherwise he wouldn't leave after being found, he would definitely think of a way.

"It seems that you have also been abandoned, so you are not a useful person in this organization."

Hua Yueling said this in a low voice, raising her weapon high.

"no, do not want!"

It is a pity that Hua Yueling is not going to give him any chance, there is no need for such a person to stay.After all, even if all his subordinates were wiped out, it was not that difficult for him to regroup, at least Hua Yueling felt that way.

So just don't give him any chance, don't give it any better.

After solving the opponent, Hua Yueling continued to walk inside, Karin and the three of them followed closely, and the group went deep into the cave.However, they didn’t meet anyone in it. They met a few, but they were all ordinary guys. Although they seemed to be fierce, they attacked when they met them, but they simply made them. Not a threat.

"It seems that this is the case. It's a pity. He had a chance to get more news, but he escaped like this."

"You can't blame you, that person is also very quick to respond, otherwise there is still a chance."

Lu Yuetong was comforting like this. She also noticed the existence of that person. Although the other party tried to hide herself, to be honest, the hiding was not very good.As long as you pay special attention to it, it is basically impossible to ignore his existence.

But the most surprising thing is that he left really fast, Hua Yueling and the others didn't even know what happened, and the others had disappeared.

"It's really out of my expectation. I thought I could leave him behind. I didn't expect him to even give me a chance to fight. He just attacked others and disappeared. There is no way for me to do anything. ."

Several people continued to walk inside and searched here, but they didn't find anything useful.The only thing I found was some stored materials and some items. In addition, it was worth noting that some letters and paper slips.

These are all useless things, Hua Yueling and the others have seen it before, and it is not the first time they have seen it.What's written in it is useless information, it's just information about what kind of materials the people here prepare.

"Well, it might be useful to stay."

Hua Yueling looked at these notes and letters again, thinking so in her heart.

"Don't stay here anymore, take them all away, and show it to Sister Zellucci, maybe it will be useful."

This is a small possibility, but not impossible.After Hua Yueling said so, Lu Yuetong collected the letter and the note, and then they searched it carefully, but unfortunately there was nothing to gain.

"It still doesn't work, this is just a place to stock up materials, and I can't find anything useful."

Hua Yueling couldn't help sighing after searching. It was the same in two consecutive places, which made him a little helpless. I really don’t know why Jieluxi counts such places. It’s easy to explore. , But if there are many such places and spend a lot of time not talking about it, it is difficult to gain much.

Hua Yueling didn't know how many other places were the same, but it definitely took a lot of time. They couldn't say that they only depended on their own guesses to act, and that every possible place needed to be explored.

"There's nothing more here."

Hua Yueling still felt a little uncomfortable when she said this sentence. If she could seize the opportunity to catch that guy, it would be really uncomfortable when she thinks about it now.

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