"Fortunately, it's still here."

Hua Yueling originally thought that the other party had already left and disappeared, but he didn't expect that he turned his head and took a look, and actually saw the figure of the bull head demon.It's just that now the bullhead devil doesn't care about the surrounding situation, but uses the two-handed sledgehammer in his hand to continuously explore deeper.

That place was actually made by it abruptly, but it was a little narrow, compared with its figure.

In order to prevent being discovered by the other party, Hua Yueling stopped walking forward, otherwise it was very likely that he would make a noise and be seen by the other party.This is not what Hua Yueling hopes for, he still wants to see what the bullhead devil is looking for.

What's more, this place should be near the demon ruins. If the bullhead demon digs into it like this, it may be able to find an entrance to the demon ruins.

"But the strange thing is what is it looking for?"

Hua Yueling poked her head and stared at the busy back of the bull head demon, feeling more and more weird. In any case, it is impossible for the bull head demon to act like this without any target. Since he does this now, he must have his own. reason.

Unless the tauren not only has no wisdom, but also has brain problems.

"Xiao Ling, otherwise we will go around to look for it, you are here to pay attention to it, if there is any change, then come to us."

After waiting for a while, Lu Yuetong and the others became a little irritable, and Lu Yuetong took the initiative to come to him and whispered in his ear.

"Just wait and see, don't worry so much."

"But after all I have waited for so long, I still haven't noticed it. There are so many people here. Isn't it a waste of time to go on like this? It's better to go nearby when you have free time and keep one. People just need to pay attention here, instead of everyone waiting here."

"If you think so, it's okay, but if you have anything to do then, how can I find you."


Lu Yuetong thought for a while and then clapped her hands.

"Don't worry about this, I have a solution. Although it is not a particularly good solution, it is not unavailable. We will come back after a while. Then it will be fine."

Lu Yuetong was still very confident about the method she had proposed. After hearing about it, Hua Yueling felt that there was nothing wrong with it. It would be okay to leave her alone, anyway.

After confirming the grouping, Hua Yueling stayed here alone to continue to observe the actions of the bull head demon, while Lu Yuetong and the three girls chose to continue searching nearby.Mainly those places that have not been explored.

I come back every ten minutes or so. The time is not too long but not short. It can be said that it is almost right.

After the assignment, Mu Ningshuang and the others left together. The three of them are still relatively safe. Even if they encounter some powerful guys, they should be able to fight, but Hua Yueling alone is enough.

She was left to take care of this place, Hua Yueling was a little helpless, if she could, she would like to act with Lu Yuetong and others, but there must be someone watching.Otherwise, if the bullhead demon disappears from here in a while, there is no way to find it.

Hua Yueling sighed, looked back from the bull head demon, and looked at Lu Yuetong and the others.Lu Yuetong and the others only left him a back view, and gradually they walked away like this, and disappeared behind the distant mountains before they knew it.

The terrain here is hard to talk about how complicated it is, but you can really talk about it if you want to find something here.It's troublesome, Hua Yueling herself is so sure.

But no matter how troublesome it is, I still have to be busy. After all, I have spent so long here, so I can't just leave it halfway.

No way to give up is the most annoying, and it is easy to give up.Saying "Go somewhere else", Hua Yueling believes that Lu Yuetong and the others will basically listen to them, even if they want to continue exploring here, the result will be the same.

But Hua Yueling definitely couldn't do this, and he didn't want to give up. In this respect, he and Mu Ningshuang Lu Yuetong are actually the same, there is no difference, everyone is the same.

Hua Yueling and the others would not feel happy if they didn't explore this place again, especially since they hadn't found the entrance for so long, which made them eager to discover and gain something.

Hiding behind the hillside, Hua Yueling could hear a clear sound not far away. The sound was loud. It was the sound of a bullhead demon beating the ground, and the ground was shaking.Just like an earthquake, the source of the earthquake is not far away, and you can imagine how powerful the bullhead devil is.

How incredible it is to be able to do such a thing only by relying on her own strength, at least Hua Yueling doesn't think her own strength can do this level.

After a while, the voice became quieter. Hua Yueling looked over and found that a long cave had appeared in the place where the bullhead demon had destroyed it.I clearly saw the hoof prints remaining on the ground, which were the footprints produced by the bullhead demon when he walked by.

"It seems you can go in."

Hua Yueling listened to the sound inside, but there was no sound of excavation or footsteps. It seemed that the bullhead demon had disappeared like this.

"What's going on? Does it mean that the bullhead demon disappeared like this?"

Hua Yueling was not sure if this was the case, but he felt that it should not be the case.I looked around and didn't find Lu Yuetong and the others. They hadn't come back yet, and they didn't know where they were now.

"It's okay if you wait, but I'll go in and see what's going on inside."

After waiting for a while, Hua Yueling didn't wait until they came back, so Hua Yueling decided after thinking about it.Cautiously avoiding the footprints left by the bullhead devil and walking inside, Hua Yueling was very slow, barely making any footsteps, and walked in step by step.

Looking at the deeper part of the cave that seemed to have just been excavated, he frowned, and he found the place that violated the peace.

"No, something is wrong!"

I haven't noticed it at the entrance of the cave. There should be no violation, but the more Hua Yueling walks inside, the more something is wrong.

Although there are some signs of recent development, there are few such signs, and more are very old signs.In particular, there are still many things thrown inside and still on the sides that seem like garbage.It was just seeing these things that Hua Yueling was sure that this place was not just being excavated, but that it had existed before.

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