The more you go inside, the deeper the thought of Huayueling, especially when you see things that you have never seen before. How can there be so many such things here? Perhaps this is a prop used by demons to The props used to open up this passage, or the props used to live here.

In any case, these props cannot be brought in by the tauren.

"Maybe the bullhead devil came out of this?"

Hua Yueling had such thoughts at the beginning, but he quickly put his thoughts behind, which was simply impossible.

If this is really the way out for the bullhead devil, this passage can't be like this, absolutely not.It should have been revealed early, and there is no need to destroy it. That is to say, the bullhead devil came from other places and came here to search for the ruins, or search for something in the ruins, otherwise it is from the ruins. Come out of other places in China, want to go back through here.

Regardless of how you think about these two possibilities, the former one is relatively high, and the latter one is relatively small.If it really came from another place, then there is no need for it to waste time to come here, just go back from the place where it came from, so why bother to come here again.

There are many places he hasn't figured out yet, but he feels that he should at least find an entrance, the entrance to the ruins.It should be right here, otherwise, why would the bullhead devil destroy this place, and it was once a passage.

"It's strange that the passage is built in such a place."

Hua Yueling thought so.He could no longer hear other sounds inside. The passage was silent, as if there was nothing. Going deeper, the road winding inward and gradually extending downward.

Unknowingly like this, Hua Yueling came to an open door. This door was just opened. It should have been done by the bull head demon, but even if you are disappointed, you can’t see the bull head devil. The figure, it just disappeared from here, as if it had gone deeper into the ruins.

"It's better to go back and meet them first, and come back together later."

Hua Yueling looked inside and observed for a while, but did not see any living creatures.The bullhead demon was gone, but no other monsters or people from that organization were seen either.

"I don't know what's in it, but you have to be careful."

Turned around and went back outside, but after he came back, Lu Yuetong and the others still showed no sign of coming back.This made Hua Yueling a little irritable, thinking that it might be better to deny their ideas before, so that there would be no need to be so busy. It's a pity that time was wasted.

After waiting for a while, Lu Yuetong and the others came back, and Hua Yueling immediately told others about her findings.Finally found an entrance, Lu Yuetong and the others were also very happy, and immediately asked Hua Yueling to take them in for a look.

Several people bypassed the hillside and came to the other side. They went straight from this passage to the bottom and stood in front of the door. They were not in a hurry to continue walking inside, but to observe the situation first.

The situation was roughly the same as what Hua Yueling had observed before. It was basically that way. It was especially quiet and empty when she walked inside.However, the traces of the devil can be clearly seen from the architectural style.

There are black and red colors everywhere, and it looks basically without artistic sense.But perhaps it is Hua Yueling who appreciate art that they don't understand. There are many art that ordinary people don't understand. It's normal that they don't understand the devil's art here.

But Hua Yueling and the others did not come here to appreciate the art here, but to look for traces of the organization.Maybe something can be found here, that's why they came here.

No one could hear any sound, Hua Yueling and the others looked at each other and decided to go inside.It is not a problem to observe outside all the time, it is better to act, maybe you will find something.

Slowly walked over to the gate, Hua Yueling first looked at Karin, and asked her if there was a trap here.But Karin shook his head, saying that it is safe here, there are no traps.

"It's fine if there are no traps. Go inside, but be careful and don't make too much noise. Although there seems to be no one here, who knows if we will find us."

Lu Yuetong and the others nodded.After entering the gate, they saw a road spiraling upwards. This road was quite long, but in general there were roads extending to both sides, clinging to red and black walls.

On both sides of the road, there are things similar to railings, but they are a kind of railings peculiar to the demons. The whole is red and black, and it is curved toward the inside.

Although this kind of railing looks scary, it actually doesn't have any two-dimensional lines at all. It's just that they feel quite bluffing when they look at it.The other thing to say is that this kind of architecture may be quite good in the eyes of the devil.

"Where to go?"

It's actually the same over there, at least I don't see any tea.Hua Yueling looked at it like this, whether it was the road hovering up in front or the road built along the walls on both sides, the end could be seen, and he didn't know what was behind the end.

I need to explore this place little by little, but it's quite a big area. I don't know how much of the nearby mountains are occupied.Hua Yueling and the others randomly chose a direction and walked over. If they can find the bullhead devil, they would rather follow it to see what his actions are. But this kind of thinking is impossible to do now, and the other party did not know it would disappear. What kind of place went.

No matter which direction you can see the footprints, let alone the figure of the bullhead devil.What is it going to do here? Hua Yueling is really curious.

"It would be great if you can find it, maybe you can get some useful clues from it."

Hua Yueling still feels a great pity, but just think about it, now he thinks it is unlikely that he will find the bullhead devil.You need to be more careful about the use of probing skills in such places. People will find out if you are not careful in such places. This is not a joke.

The four people walked with extreme caution, their bodies almost close to the wall, they decided to start from here first.At the end of this side, you can see a corner. There may be other roads behind that corner, but it may come to an end.In order to find out, Hua Yueling decided to give it a try.

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