"Maybe there is, it's very small. This kind of pattern...Wait a minute, I have to look up close, and I can't judge if I don't see it clearly."

Karin said this, and ran to the right at a quick pace. The journey went smoothly, mainly because there was really no one here, and they hadn't seen one after they came in.

"The strangest thing is where did the bullhead devil go."

"Should I go to either side."

"It's very possible. But even if you guess it right, it's not easy to find it."

Not only is it not easy, but it can even be said to be very troublesome. This place is quite large, at least from everything that has been explored so far.

Karin ran back after a short while, but didn't mean to talk to them, and ran to the other side.Hua Yueling looked at her back until she reached the closed door on the other side.

"Maybe there are other ways to find the tauren."

Staring at Karin's back, Hua Yueling suddenly thought of a way he thought was not bad, recalling in her mind what kind of power the bullhead demon possessed.That is a more terrifying power, which is not quite the same as the magic power possessed by humans in another world.

Every different race has different powers. There are all kinds of different powers in the world, and not all of them are known.However, after all, Hua Yueling had seen the bull head devil before. Although he could not fully understand the bull head devil, he still had some memory of the power floating out of it.

"Just go to the comparison to find out where it went."

Hua Yueling thought so sure in her heart that there must be no problem with her own thoughts, he told herself and acted immediately.

He stopped talking with other people, but closed his eyes to search. He was not so impressed by the power, so it was more troublesome to search.It takes a lot of effort.

"There are both sides. Is it because of the distance? It's possible."

Extending in a further direction, although there are some differences between the sides, Huayueling's brows are getting tighter.

"Something is wrong, something is wrong!"

The more he explored, the more Hua Yueling felt something was wrong, and in the end he opened his eyes, revealing a strange expression on his face.

"what happened?"

Seeing that expression on his face, Lu Yuetong asked quickly.

"Is it discovered?"

Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang were very clear about what he was doing just now. Both of them showed a look of guard at this time and looked around, but there was no change in the surrounding environment.

"No, it has nothing to do with this. Isn't there no one here at all, there is no abnormality in my investigation, but it is a bit strange in terms of the bullhead devil."

Hua Yueling directly told her findings. After listening to him, the two girls were also quite surprised.

"Is that so? That's really strange, but it is also possible. Maybe it went to one of the doors, and then found that it was not where it was going, so it turned back and started from another The door is gone."

"In any way, it feels unlikely. But this is also a guess, maybe that's it."

Hua Yueling couldn't say for sure, and then he closed his eyes with a serious face, seeming to be exploring whether this possibility exists.

Lu Yuetong and the others did not quarrel with him, but patiently waited for his next reaction, wanting to see if he would find out more.The facts were just as they wanted. After a while, Hua Yueling opened her eyes, and there was a clear expression of excitement on her face.

"Have you found it?"

Although he would get an answer even if he didn't ask, Lu Yuetong still asked immediately.She also wanted to know what she had discovered, especially eager.

"Yes, but there is still no way to tell what the tauren is doing here. I can only guess roughly."

Hua Yueling then said his guess again. In fact, his guess is also very simple. The bull head demon is likely to go to the right. This is determined based on the power it left behind.

"So if we want to find it, it would be better to walk from the right side?"

"That's for sure, but what makes me wonder is what it is here for. Even if you don't find the answer, it's okay, but I still feel the need to find the answer."

"But if you think so, if it comes here, it will probably conflict with the people in the organization that now occupies here, if they meet each other."

Hua Yueling nodded affirmatively.

"This is for sure, it is impossible that there will be no conflict, unless...unless this organization cooperates with the devil, but this possibility is not very large."

"It's not impossible, but it should be very young. Not to mention how humans think about demons, it's just that demons have an accepting attitude toward humans."

"It's hard to say. But it's normal. It's a demon after all, and you can't think about it with common sense."

The three people chatted for a while, and Karin ran back from a distance. She seemed very rewarding, and her expression looked very relaxed.

"For sure, this is a masterpiece of the dwarf!"

Karin said so excitedly when she came back, she could hear the joy in her words, but this also made Hua Yueling and the others a little puzzled, not knowing why they found this made her happy.Could it be said that this is only because of new discoveries.

"The masterpiece of the dwarf, so the devil asked the dwarf to help build it, but it is far from the dwarf ruins we have explored."

Hua Yueling looked around and said, although the dwarf ruins have only been to one place, they still have a deep memory.To some extent, this place is similar to the dwarven ruins, but on the other hand, it is obviously different from the dwarven ruins.

"No, I can't say that. This place was definitely not built on request, it was built by the devil forcing the dwarves to build it."

"?" Hua Yueling and the others looked at Karin with question marks on their faces. In fact, Karin really knew a lot about things in this world, what Hua Yueling wanted to know about the world. , Can ask a lot of useful information from her.

"The dwarf didn't volunteer to build this ruin?"

"That's it, you can say so for sure." Karin replied very confidently. "In fact, as long as you understand the demon race and the dwarf race, you will understand what it means. The relationship between the dwarf race and the demon race is not good. "

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