"What do you mean by the bad relationship?"

"It can be said that they are natural enemies or something. Although this is a bit exaggerated, the Demon Race and the Dwarf Race do have a hostile sentiment. But generally speaking, this is the Dwarf Race's view of the Demon Race. , The demons actually look down on other races."

"This is understandable, and there are similar descriptions in many works."

Hua Yueling nodded in agreement. After Karin's explanation, he probably understood what she meant.After understanding, Karin's words are easy to explain.

"The demons think that they are the most noble, and the other races are low-level races, so they have brought many disasters to this continent, but they were repelled later, and now they are hiding somewhere. These are. The ruins were all made when they ruled the land on this continent."

"That's easy to say, it turned out to be like this. If you think about it this way, the tauren is probably not from the ruins, but from where they are hidden. The purpose is hard to say, but from its current practice. Look, it should be here to rediscover these ruins."

"If this is the case, it means that the devil will make a comeback."

When talking about this, Karin's face has changed a bit. If this is true, it may not be a good thing for them. The demons are coming back, and the whole continent will only become more complicated.

And some things that happened recently also need attention. One of them is the organization they recently discovered. This organization is also very noteworthy, especially its relationship with the devil.

"It stands to reason that the devil would not cooperate with ordinary people, but now is not the past after all, so there may be changes."

Karin said so, this can not be said to be judgment, just a guess, as to whether the guess is correct, there is no useful clue to confirm it.

But even so, they have made some progress, whether it is the ruins here or the actions of the tauren.The next thing to do is to try to find the tauren. Of course, this is only one of them. There is also a way to find out if there is any information about that organization.

Since this is a more important place, there must be some useful information, Hua Yueling believes this is the case.

"Where to go next?"

The eyes of Lu Yuetong and the three girls fell on Hua Yueling, waiting for his answer.Hua Yueling thought for a while, looked at both left and right, then looked at Karin.

"Karin, since you can tell that this place was built by a dwarf, what does the pattern on the door mean, and can you tell me where both sides lead to?"

"It is okay to say that it is possible, but it has been so long, and the people living here now have also changed, so there is no guarantee that what this represents is correct."

Karin said so, which made Hua Yueling silent again, thinking calmly for a while, he shook his head, and did not continue to inquire.At this time, there is really no need to ask, after all Karin has said so clearly, there will be no more gains if you ask.

The patterns on the doors on both sides represent nothing, at least for now.

It is impossible to rely on the pattern on the door to determine what is on both sides, but it does not matter, it is nothing.Anyway, no matter where they are on both sides, they all need to explore.

"Then according to our purpose, let's first go to the direction where the tauren may go."

Hua Yueling pointed to the right and said that the four of them had no opinion, and everyone got up and walked to the right.Walking straight along the straight path, he pushed open the closed heavy door. Amidst a slight heavy sound, the door was pushed open, and Hua Yueling cautiously poked his head inside to observe.

Not long after walking forward after the gate, the road turned to the left. There is still no person, and no sound can be heard, as if there is really nothing here.

This is a very strange place. According to theory, there should be people here, but the strange place is that they have not seen anyone living here until now, and now they should be regarded as deep behind enemy lines.

"No one, don't worry, let's keep going."

After confirming that there was no enemy after turning the corner, Hua Yueling turned and said to the three girls behind him.They went all the way like this. They didn't know how many places they had searched before they came out from that quiet and terrible area to a more lively place.

The liveliness is also relatively speaking, it is definitely not as good as those cities, but it is like this in such a place, and it is lively enough.There seem to be a lot of people here, which is enough to explain the terrible extent of this organization. It is unimaginable what kind of momentum they can make if so many people can gather in such a place.

"I found a place, but it's not easy to find something here."

The four people were hiding behind the door, observing the situation outside. The people here seemed to be very busy. Almost all of them looked down at the things in their hands. They were very busy and had no time to pay attention to the surrounding situation.

"There are too many people here."

Before, I complained about no one, but now it is different, now there are too many people.In this case, it is definitely impossible to go out without being found passing through here, so I can only think of other ways, otherwise, unless I just rush through.

"If there are other ways, there should be other roads. When we came, there weren't any roads that we hadn't explored. It shouldn't be the only road here."

"Any other way? This is also a way. Then just ignore it and go to other places."

There are many roads ahead, so some places have not been investigated yet, and they followed the unobstructed road they found until here, but so far there has been almost no useful discovery.

"Leave it alone for now."

The four people left here and went to other places.There are still many branch roads here, so it is more difficult to find them.Hua Yueling and the others had to spend a lot of time on this.This is a waste of time, but they have no choice.

Do as much as you can now, and wait until later.At the moment they had better not get the attention of the people here, otherwise they would have to run away.

The main reason is that the strength of the people here is still unclear.

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