After exploring the unexplored roads, there are still not many discoveries. The place they came to seemed to be a place like a material room.In the rooms they went to, a large amount of various materials could be seen piled up. Hua Yueling and the others did not move these materials for a while, otherwise the materials would be enough for Hua Yueling to exchange a lot of gold coins.

"It's a pity, just watch the gold coins leave me like this."

Hua Yueling sighed rather helplessly.This is also to prevent being discovered. Although they are highly likely to be discovered after they enter it, it is impossible not to be discovered if all the materials are taken away.

Hua Yueling and the others don’t want this. If they are found to break in, then people here will check how they got in. They would not want to see if they set up traps at the entrance or directly block the entrance. .

"Sooner or later there will be a chance. But if we really find out, maybe even if we take away the materials, it doesn't matter."

"Forget it before that."

It would be dangerous to be found before anything is found.

There are still many roads here, and you can see that there are passages to various places, and it takes time to investigate one by one.However, there are some places where it is obvious that you can leave from there without having to investigate.

"Where is this place?"

Just after leaving the material warehouse, Hua Yueling and the others came to another place, passing a relatively long passage, and there were some people moving there, but the number of people was still less than the place they had visited before.

"It's better to act with fewer people."

Hua Yueling whispered to the person beside her.

"But there is also the risk of being discovered. We are relatively large, and if we act together, we will be easily seen."

"That's right, but it's dangerous to be separated, it's better to be together."

"Well, in this case..."

Hua Yueling frowned and retracted, leaning her back against the wall, thinking with one hand on her chin.

"Otherwise, let's go together. Even if it's dangerous, it's definitely safer than separation."

This is the best way at the moment. Whether it's splitting up or letting other people stay here, I feel a little uneasy. There is no one where they are now, but who knows that this will not be the case later.

The situation will only get worse if the people waiting here are discovered then. In order to prevent the situation from developing to that point, it is better to act together.

Observing the people inside quietly, the people here don't know what they are doing, but they still seem quite leisurely.Everyone doesn't seem to have such an urgent task, but feels like doing nothing.

Some of them seem to be holding some kind of document in their hands. It is something different from the paper used by humans, and it is also a writing prop, and the materials are different.

Some people were sitting on the benches outside the house, reading in a leisurely manner.

"Even if we go together, it's not easy. How can we make the past undetected in this situation?"

"This... maybe just be careful?"

Hua Yueling also replied with little certainty, but he didn't seem so confident no matter how he heard it.It is more difficult to tell the truth if you want to hide from the people inside.

"It's very difficult to get in under this situation. It's impossible not to be discovered."

"But, even if I use the Hidden God skill for a long time, I guess I will have to come back if I can't even turn a circle. It won't be the same at the time. Unless we wait until no one is here to act."

"Wait until no one...this idea is fine, it takes time."

"Time, what do you think, let's wait here for a while or do we act now."

"Then wait a little longer, but we also have to find a place to hide. If we wait here, they will find us when they walk here."

"Nobody's place," Mu Ningshuang pointed to the road when he came. "There should be a special place over there. It is estimated that no one will pass by."

Mu Ningshuang took them to the room, where they also had some impressions. They had noticed that place before, but because they couldn't find anything useful, they didn't care much.Now I can take a look at this place seriously.

This is also a relatively ordinary room. The biggest difference compared with other places here may be that the area is larger and the room is square.There are pillars in the four corners. The pillars are red, as if flames are burning on them. It doesn't look like the pillars are static. The surface of the pillars is as if something is burning.

There is a square groove on the surface of the column, which is deep, but there is nothing inside.

I don't know what these pillars are for, but listening to Mu Ningshuang's statement, these pillars seem to have a special function.But they didn't pay attention either. After all, if the pillar were to be destroyed, who knew whether it would be discovered, even if there was such a possibility, they had to be careful.

In this way, Hua Yueling and the others waited here, and every once in a while they would go to the place before, mainly to see if those people had left inside, but several actions had no results.Although there are not many people inside, there are still some people.

"Compared with the past, there are already many fewer people. If we continue this way, it won’t be long before there are no people. It doesn’t necessarily have to be everyone left. Even if we leave some, we should be careful. be found."

"Then don't worry, just take a look again."

This time it was time for Hua Yueling to pass. He went outside the place and looked inside through the open door. There were obviously a lot fewer people inside, but there were still some activists, and they looked quite anxious. of.He rushed into one of the rooms from a distance.

Other people's eyes were attracted by that person, and they were still looking at the house until he entered.

"Well, I still don't know what is here..."

Before she finished speaking, Hua Yueling suddenly trembled all over, realizing that the situation was wrong, he quickly retracted his gaze and hid behind the wall.

"Something's wrong!"

Hua Yueling took a deep breath. For some reason, he felt that there was someone behind him just a moment ago, but he didn't see anything after turning around.

"Nobody, is it my illusion?"

If you think about it, it feels like fake. If there are people, why does it disappear.

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