Hua Yueling looked around quickly, but no one could be seen anywhere. It didn't look like there were other people here, so what happened to him just now?

Hua Yueling wanted to know what was going on, but the current situation made him somewhat helpless.Without seeing people, it's not like someone has been here.

"Is it my illusion?"

Hua Yueling asked herself again, but still couldn't answer, he didn't know if it was her own illusion.That feeling was so real at that moment, otherwise it wouldn't scare him.

"There is no one here."

Observing the surrounding situation, especially on the road where I came, but no matter where it was, it was the same, but I couldn't find any figures, it didn't look like someone had been here.

Hua Yueling searched here, but finally had to give up.However, he is also a little worried. Will it be dangerous if it continues like this?Thinking about this question is quite difficult to answer, but Hua Yueling feels that even if it is dangerous, he must act. At least so far, it is just a guess, not a fact.

"It's incredible."

After Hua Yueling told the others about this matter, Mu Ningshuang and the others frowned. This was really not a good thing for them.They were in the dark and the enemy was in the light.But now I can’t tell.

"What was the situation like at the time?"

Karin asked.She needs a more detailed understanding of everything to be able to make a judgment, otherwise it will be difficult to handle.

"I don't know, but I felt very flustered at the time, my heart beating very fast, as if someone was just sticking behind me and whispering. But it was only a momentary feeling. After I reacted, There is nothing left."

"That feeling disappeared. Is there anyone who is aware of it? Or does it feel that someone has come?"

"No, not at all. I also looked around there specifically, but I found nothing, no one and no breath. Maybe I think too much, but I can't think so."

When she said this, Hua Yueling's expression was very serious, and he could tell his thoughts from his expression.

"In such a place, no matter how impossible things are, one cannot be cautious and comfort oneself with the impossible."

"That's true, but being too nervous will make you have an incredible illusion."

"I don't think it is an illusion. Although I said before that it might be my illusion, now I am sure that it is definitely not an illusion."

"It's not an illusion that is the most troublesome. What shall we do?"

"Surely you can't just leave here. Let's take a look. If it doesn't work, leave. But I have a feeling that maybe it was not made by the people in this organization."

"Anyone else?"

"Perhaps so." Hua Yueling said calmly.Still not sure, but in his opinion this is the most likely, this is his feeling.

"It's best to act together, don't separate."

"It should be fine for the time being, it's just that you need to do this when you get to that area. Be careful, and whoever finds it immediately speaks out. As long as there is a little danger, we must respond."

Acting in such a dangerous place will make people’s heart beat faster. It is a completely different experience from exploring the place where the bandits live.Even if you explored a thousand and ten thousand in such a place, it would not give people such a terrible feeling.

None of them moved, staying in this room for a while, standing quietly in their respective positions.The sound of footsteps came in from outside the house. Hua Yueling and the others immediately raised their heads and their eyes fell on the door.

The footsteps gradually approached, then gradually moved away, and soon passed.

"I guess it's almost time to rest. People there should also go to eat."

I have been waiting for a long time. I don't know when it is now, but I can guess something from the sound of footsteps outside the door.

The passage was much quieter, no footsteps sounded anymore, only footsteps from a distance could be heard, and Hua Yueling and the others opened the door and poked out their heads carefully.

There were no people on the left and right, it seemed to be safe for the time being, and I could leave from here.

"wait a moment."

Instructing other people not to worry, Hua Yueling walked out on her own, walked to the two sides, and found out how the situation on both sides was.After some investigations, it was confirmed that at least no one was coming over here. This was safe enough for them. There was no need to worry that someone would come, and there was no need to think about it for the time being.

"Come out, we have to go there soon, if it's late, I think we should have trouble again."

Hua Yueling said so, leading the road to the left.The area over there is not yet clear what it is, but it should also be a working area, where you may be able to get some useful information.

"There are still people."

When he reached the place, Hua Yueling hid on his side, took a look inside and then retracted his head.

"It seems that there are only two or three people, not too many. We should be careful when we go in and we should not be spotted. They are not strong, right."

"It's relatively weak. It's estimated that they are all writing researchers, so the strength will be like this. As long as you don't make too much noise, it's okay."

Karin whispered, but she did not rush in, but looked at Hua Yueling, obviously waiting for his response.

At the entrance of that area, Hua Yueling and the others gathered on one side, wanting to wait to see if the remaining people would leave like this.However, after dozens of seconds, those people were still inside, and there was no sign of leaving.

One of them was lying on a bench far away from them. It was a dark chair, except for the black.

The other is a person wandering inside, and another is sitting closer to them, sitting there leaning back, seeming to be thinking about certain issues.

"Let's go over there first, and then look for where we can hide."

Everyone nodded, so they immediately prepared to act.When noticing that the eyes of those few people were not here, Hua Yueling gave the others a wink, and then quickly entered through the entrance.

The one who went first was Hua Yueling. After entering, he sprinted towards the target. Hua Yueling was quite fast and reached the place in just a few seconds.Then he hid his figure in the darkness, and after hiding it, he looked at the others who rushed in with him.

Mu Ningshuang and the others hardly even thought about it. They arrived at the target location one by one, hiding beside him, hiding in the darkness with him.

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