After hiding her figure, Hua Yueling poked her head out again to observe the situation in other places.Now they had entered inside, and if they were to observe, the people who were closer to them were now closer, but he didn't notice anyone else coming in.

Looking further afield, the two people are even more unlikely to find them.Although one of them was walking around all the time, he didn't show much, and he didn't seem to have found anything.

What's more, before that, Hua Yueling had been paying attention to the reaction of the two people in the distance. Seeing that they had no reaction from beginning to end, he was sure that there was no problem.

"This is where you can go in. I don't know if the house behind us will work. What I am more worried about is whether it will be locked."

"It shouldn't be the case, they all live in such a place, no matter what, there is no need to lock the door."

"You can't say that. Even if they live in this kind of place, it doesn't mean that they are a family or only one person. They are not so good for each other."

"That's right, if you really follow this idea, maybe the doors here are all locked. But it's useless to think about it, so it's better to go and see."

"The only thing I need to care about right now is that there are people around here who need to bypass him and not be found by him. It seems that he is resting."

In fact, if you really want to go to the house behind you, you don't really need to go around the other person, but you must go near the other person in order to try to open the door.What Hua Yueling was worried about was being discovered in the past. The only thing that made him reassure him was that the other party hadn't reacted at all. He seemed to be resting, not as if he was still awake at all.

"Let me do it."

"I'll come this time."

Karin said this proactively this time, somewhat surprised Hua Yueling, and never expected that he would ask for such an initiative.But since it was all like this, he didn't say anything, and directly agreed.

In this way, Karin acted directly, went straight out from where they were hiding, reached the door, and tried to open the door.But what surprised Hua Yueling was that the door was pushed open directly, and Karin walked in like this.

"Let's go there too."

The man not far away was still lying on the back of the bench, still looking unresponsive at all.It should be that Karin's actions have not been discovered, otherwise their actions would not be discovered.

But what Hua Yueling cares more about is the two guys in the distance. One of them is asleep, so don’t worry too much, but the other is still walking. This kind of action will not end for the time being, and it needs to be done again. Wait a while longer.

Karin's time to go out was the best time. It just happened that the other party couldn't see her, but now it's not possible. She still needs to wait a while, so I don't know how long it will take.But it certainly doesn't take too long, but they still need to seize the opportunity.

"Now, let's go!"

Hua Yueling whispered, she took the lead in rushing out, how could other people follow, Hua Yueling and the others rushed directly to the entrance of the house, and entered through the open entrance.After entering, they closed the door again, and Hua Yueling and the others were relieved.

"Remember, don't speak too loudly, otherwise it will be heard by people outside."

This house is an unusual place, which is different from the place where Hua Yueling and the others usually live. It is not only the arrangement of furniture, but also the furniture placed here.These furnitures are also something they have never seen before, and should be special furniture used by demons.

Demons are very different from human beings. They don't have a table, they only have something similar to a chair, but they are still very hard to look at.Another thing to say is that there is no such thing as a wardrobe here, but the whole area will not appear particularly empty because of this, there are still many things here.

"What is this place for?"

Hua Yueling scanned the surroundings with a strange look, and asked other people softly.Karin is most likely to know the answer, but Karin has no reaction at all, just observing here quietly, it seems that he is also looking for clues.

"Here... this should be a place similar to a blacksmith's shop."

"Blacksmith's shop?"

After Mu Ningshuang said this, Hua Yueling looked around again, but he still couldn't see that it looked like a blacksmith's shop.At least the outside is quite ordinary, and there are no tools for crafting.

"There, there should be none outside."

Karin suddenly spoke at this time, pointing to the door that leads to a deeper place, but after retracting her hand, she didn't respond, and she didn't mean to pass, but still bowed her head in thought.I don't know what she is thinking about, Hua Yueling is still very curious about it, but since she didn't say it right now, Hua Yueling didn't ask.

Hua Yueling entered inside, and she found the guys used to build weapons inside. Those were all interesting things. It didn't take long for the fire in the hearth to go out. This is a very interesting place.Hua Yueling searched here, but unfortunately she couldn't find anything interesting.

"No way, there is nothing here."

After searching for it, Hua Yueling said with a sigh that the only thing worth noting was the equipment that was built without activation. There was nothing else.

"Well, what are these things?"

Hua Yueling looked at the paper-like things she held in her hand, with a lot of content written on it, but after browsing it, Hua Yueling could only smile and say that she couldn't understand it.This is all about writing professional content. It is too difficult for him to interpret that he does not have such ability.

Take those things out and show them to others, only Karin understood what was written on it.

"This is... This is the manufacturing method of the demon weapon that is said to have been lost for a long time!"

Karin looked surprised, and quickly flipped through the paper-like content in her hand, and found that each one was a weapon manufacturing method she had heard of but had not actually seen.

"Are these weapons powerful?"

Hua Yueling asked with some doubts, he couldn't say too much about weapons, he just knew a little bit.

"They are terrible weapons, but this is not the most important thing. The important thing is that the people here have the method of manufacturing this weapon. What do they want to do?"

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