Silently handed over the magic crystal-like card, and the two guards at the entrance of the passage took the thing from their hands, just glanced at them, although they were tightly wrapped, but that The two did not care about these at all.

Just read the content on the card, and then returned the card to them and let them in.Easier than Hua Yueling they imagined, the two people didn't have any doubts, as long as they had a card, regardless of who came.

It was very easy to go through the inspection, until they entered Hua Yueling they still couldn't believe it would be so easy.

"Such a check is too foolish, right?"

Lu Yuetong said so, although this kind of fooling things can be regarded as helping them.

"It's alright, don't worry about this. If it weren't for them to fool around, it wouldn't be easy for us to get in."

Hua Yueling spoke and shook the cards in his hand. These cards didn't know if there was any way to return them, but they probably didn't have the time to do these things.

There is nothing special about this passage, just a very ordinary place, and they don't know where it leads to.However, judging from the reaction of the person who went out, there should be a place similar to the data room, but that place is not what they care about most. What they care about is whether there are other places in it.

It didn't take long for them to find the reference room. The reference room contained a lot of precious materials. These materials were directly taken away by Mu Ningshuang and Karin in a space bag, and there was no intention to keep them at all.

After taking everything away here, Hua Yueling and the others went out to go to the next place. The people in the rooms in this passage were relatively strong, but they didn't care about it.

"But maybe you can find something here."

After understanding the situation here, Hua Yueling couldn't help but say that. The people here are stronger, which means that this place may be a more important place, and maybe something can be discovered.

Here they have to be more careful, little by little action, can not make any flaws.

There are still many places for them to explore here, and Hua Yueling and the others have not separated because of this, separation is the worst choice for them, it is too insecure here, there is no need to separate.

"There are still so many places here, you have to recruit one place by one place."

There are still many places to find, Hua Yueling and the others have to drag their tired body and spirit to continue to act.There are obviously more things that can be found here than before. This is a more important area, and here are some important people living.

But this is only in relative terms, there seems to be more important areas here.

"I don't know how long it will take to explore all of them. This ruin is really outrageous." Hua Yueling exclaimed, but fortunately they have made some progress now.

"No way, there is nothing here."

Observing that there were no other people nearby, Hua Yueling and the others quickly hid in one of the rooms, and then searched inside.People living in this area are also divided into one area, but I don’t know if the people here have any useful news.

"Go to the next place, don't waste time!"

Several people searched for one of the rooms and immediately went to the next one. The rooms here can see some of the owner's interests and so on, but it is difficult to find something from it.

"It seems like you won't put anything in this place. There is nothing at all."

Hua Yueling clapped her hands and searched another room.Some books and magic crystals can be found in these places. The people here are also using these things. If you are lucky, you can find diaries. Unfortunately, even the diaries are written in languages ​​that he doesn’t know. So it's hard to see from it.

After that, Hua Yueling had to give up reading the diary he found, but he wanted to see if there was a certain type of map or something similar to a map, but it was a pity that he was looking for it again. Several places, but I still haven’t found anything similar.

"It looks like finding a map here is an extravagant hope. The best way is to make a map by yourself. After this, there is no other way."

After searching a few rooms, Hua Yueling and the others were quite disappointed. There was still no gain here, and none of the things they wanted to find were found.Although they can't read the language here, they can generally judge whether they find what they need.

"This kind of weapon, it seems that here is a guy who likes to use force to solve problems."

Hua Yueling grabbed the long-handled warhammer placed near the entrance, waved it a few times, and put it back.However, Karin leaned over immediately, and fell on the long-handled warhammer, staring at it very seriously.

"what happened?"

Hua Yueling noticed that Karin's state looked a little strange, and couldn't help asking her.

"This weapon," Karin pointed at the long-handled warhammer, her voice deliberately suppressed, "This weapon should be made by someone from the place we searched before."

"Is this a Demon weapon?"

Hua Yueling also observed carefully at this time. The head of the hammer was a bit flamboyant, and it looked particularly deterrent, as if it could crush everything. The long handle was not particularly noteworthy, except that there were dark red transparent lines on it , I don't know what it is used for.It is also worth mentioning that one end of the hammer's head is particularly sharp, like the beak of a woodpecker, and the other end is like a monster with a mouth wide open. It is a monster with a hideous face.

"The weapons of the demons were very popular in the past, but after the demons were defeated and driven away, the weapons of the demons were destroyed. Since then, no one has used the weapons of the demons."

"Why is this? There is no need, right? The demons have also been defeated. There shouldn't be any problems with using their weapons, right?"

Huayueling’s question is actually not a problem. The fact is that when the demons have been defeated, why do they deliberately destroy the weapons of the demons, especially when the weapons of the demons are very useful, which makes people Some can't understand.

"I don't know exactly how it is, but I'm honestly speaking of similar content that I have to read from the book. Anyway, the demons weapons were destroyed after that, and there is no one who can make demons weapons anymore. ."

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