All of this is weird. Is there anything special about the weapons of the Demon Race, so humans cannot continue to use them, so they must all be destroyed?They couldn't solve this problem for a while, it was an unanswerable question.

Why did this happen? Only those high-level people at the time understood it, and it was very difficult for them to figure it out. Without that kind of information, it would be impossible to understand what people were thinking at the time.There must be a very scary place in the weapons of the demons. Otherwise, it is impossible for humans to refuse to use such weapons. This is conceivable.

However, Hua Yueling also believes that even if it is destroyed and the use of Demon weapons is not allowed, certain people will not obey such regulations and use such weapons in secret.

"However, it is certain that the weapons of the demons must be very scary. You must know that they are destroyed, especially if they are destroyed in a large area of ​​this continent. It is not that one country and two countries can have the final say, but must All countries can only do it if they agree."

"That just shows that these weapons are unusable."

The weapon was put back by Hua Yueling, but he still couldn't see what was wrong with this weapon.In his opinion, the power of this weapon is worthy of recognition, and it must be good to use, although he does not use this weapon.

"Forget it, I can't figure it out even if I think about it, or let's take this away too, and go back and ask Sister Jelousy. You should know the answer."

Karin thought for a while, and she really put the weapon away.Hua Yueling was a little surprised. He was just talking, and he took this weapon away before he really thought about it.

But that’s not a big deal. Anyway, I took a lot of things from here, and it’s okay to take one more. Sooner or later, it will be discovered. There is no difference between one more and one less.

The weapon was taken, but no other can be found here.The lives of these people seem boring. After all, they can only hide in this kind of place. I want to know how boring this kind of life is.

Hua Yueling herself thinks that living a life like this is very boring, and he also likes a life similar to this, but how to say, there are not so many interesting things here, so even alone is boring.

"and many more!"

Just when Lu Yuetong was about to go out, Hua Yueling grabbed her arm directly from behind, pulled her back, and closed the square door as quickly as possible.

"Someone is here?"

In her puzzled gaze, Hua Yueling explained something, and then swiftly leaned over, and went to the door to listen to the noise outside.The sound of footsteps gradually entered their ears and became clear.


At first, someone wanted to speak, but Hua Yueling put up her index finger first to block her lips, motioning other people not to speak.That person's strength Hua Yueling can roughly be judged, he was a guy with some strength, more than one level stronger than the bandit they had eliminated before.

"This person should live here, I hope I don't live in this room."

The sound of footsteps got closer and closer, and gradually came to the outside of the door. You could clearly hear the footsteps of the person reaching the door, and then stopped.

"No way?!"

The more I don't want to happen, the more I don't expect the other party to stop here.Either he lives in this room, or he discovered their existence.

"Will you be discovered?"

It stands to reason that with the opponent's strength, there should be no way to do this, but they deliberately weakened their sense of existence and made themselves less easily discovered.And the opponent's strength is not that strong, otherwise he would not be so easily discovered by him.

"Wait and see, no matter what, as long as the time comes, just solve it, leave him here, so that he can't do other things."

All kinds of thoughts flashed in Hua Yueling's mind, but these thoughts could not be realized before they were put in, and the most important thing now is whether the other party will come in.

Without letting him doubt for too long, the door was pushed open, and a figure walked in casually from the outside.When he saw Hua Yueling and the others after entering the room, the other party was obviously surprised, and couldn't believe that someone was waiting in ambush in his room waiting for him to return.

After a while, he slowed down, but it was too late at this time, and Hua Yueling, who was hiding near the entrance, started to act.Before he had noticed, a figure appeared in front of him like lightning, and then the man grabbed his shoulders with both hands and yanked him in.

This force made him react, and subconsciously wanted to counterattack, but Hua Yueling didn't give him any chance at all. The force in his hand was so great that he caught him in pain, even to the point where he couldn't resist.

That is, at the moment he was dragged in, Lu Yuetong, who was hiding on the other side, closed the door of the room, making no noise or making anything noticeable.In this way, the poor guy who returned to his room was knocked to the ground in a daze, unable to resist or call for help, becoming a turtle in the urn.

"With such a strong power, who is he and why does he appear in my room?!"

Fortunately, he was not even qualified to ask. After being knocked to the ground by Hua Yueling, his mouth was blocked with a piece of cloth that he did not know where he got from, and he wanted to call for help, but The throat hadn't moved yet, the hidden dragon blade was forced up, and the sharp blade almost ran across his neck.

Being so threatened, she didn't dare to do anything to resist, she could only close her mouth and endure it, waiting for Hua Yueling's next reaction.

"How to do?"

Lu Yuetong leaned over and asked in a low voice. If he could communicate, maybe he could ask something from the other person.But the key is that they and the other party’s language are different, and they may not be able to understand the other party’s words. In this way, it is basically impossible to ask what the other party’s mouth is, and the other party will answer. They have no way to understand.

"Kalin, can you communicate with him?"

Hua Yueling stepped on the ground, making him unable to resist. At the same time, Hua Yueling looked at Karin and asked her.Karin groaned and shook her head slightly.

"I don't have confidence either. I don't know much about Devil's language. There are problems with normal communication, unless he speaks other languages."

It's a little difficult for Karin to say that, even Karin can't do it, then they are even more impossible.

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