"You better be honest with me, otherwise..."

Hua Yueling used the hidden dragon blade to slide gently on the opponent's neck. Although it only touched the opponent's neck gently, the shady and sharp touch made the opponent dare not take a breath for fear of neck A slight movement will be scratched.

Fortunately, Hua Yueling didn't have this idea for the time being, so he was not seriously injured, but just lay on the ground in embarrassment, without any way to resist.It was painful, but he was still patient.

After this, Hua Yueling briefly communicated with Karin. Karin said that she could try to communicate with the other party, but it is hard to say whether it will succeed.She is not sure if she can communicate with each other, but she may be able to chat with each other.

"You better keep your voice down."

Hua Yueling moved his hand again, the hidden dragon blade moved along the opponent's neck with his movements. Although he could not understand what Hua Yueling meant, he probably understood what Hua Yueling meant.For the sake of his own life, he dared not do anything at this time.

One hand gripped the Hidden Dragon Blade and threatened the opponent, while the other hand pulled the piece from the opponent's mouth, not allowing it.

The other party is also quite sensible, even if he can speak, he still doesn't yell.But even if he wanted to do this, he couldn't do it. Before he did that, Hua Yueling must have stopped him, making him unable to speak anymore.

Karin tried to communicate with each other, but the communication between the two parties was not very smooth. Karin didn't understand what he said, but he didn't understand what Karin said.

The communication between the two parties was very problematic, which made Hua Yueling somewhat helpless.No way, I had to shut the other party's mouth again, and then discussed with Karin and the others to see if there were other ways.

"No, I can't communicate with him."

Karin shook her head like this, if even she couldn't help it, then the others could not help it.Although Hua Yueling and the others were able to understand some languages, they were able to do it with the help of Sister Aroline, and now they had no choice.

The language barrier makes everything more difficult, otherwise you could have learned something from the other party to help them move forward, but now it doesn't work, there is no way.

"Then there is only one choice."

Hua Yueling sighed, she couldn't help it if she didn't understand her language, even if she wanted to ask something, she couldn't understand it.Do not say whether the other party can answer, even if it is answered, what is the use if they don't understand.

Some news was finally available, but this opportunity is now gone.

It wasn't Karin's fault, and she couldn't rely on her anyway. It was their own problem. They didn't prepare to explore this place for a long time to cause things to become like this.

"He said the devilish language, right?"

"Yes, although I am not very familiar with it, I can still hear it."

"Who else can speak devilishly outside?"

"This...I am not very clear about this. There should be very few people in the Devil Language Society, but if it is a person who specializes in Devil Language, it should be possible. But now people who study Devil Language should have no chance. of."

"That means even if you want to find someone to help, you probably won't find it."

"Devil language is a language that no one uses anymore. It can be said to be an abandoned language, so no one will use it. And because of the previous wars, the devil language can also be called taboo, so basically no one dares to go. Openly use or research."

"……Then there's no way."

Right now they have no way to go out, and it will be troublesome to think about coming back after going out, so the only thing they can do is to keep exploring.Anyway, it was only discovered by the person in front of him.

Hua Yueling and the others left here after discussing, leaving the person here alone. Before leaving, Hua Yueling also asked to see if he could speak other languages.But from the beginning to the other side, only the demon language was used.

"Goodbye, but we have no chance to meet again."

Hua Yueling said so, the hidden dragon blade waved down, and there was no way to speak when stacked.

There were some small accidents in the search process, but these accidents were quickly resolved, there is no need to worry so much.The next action is very simple, search the remaining places, otherwise Hua Yueling originally wanted to be able to ask some things about the leader here, but unfortunately in the end he did not get any useful information in this regard.

There is no way, the reality is like this, it is impossible for everything to be what you want, Hua Yueling has long been used to this.

There is not much useful information found in the rest of the place. Maybe they are looking for something wrong. It is estimated that no one will bring those things from work back to their homes.

"We still have to find a place for them to work, or it's the leader's room here. Only these places may find something. It seems that the possibility of other places is gone."

Hua Yueling's next actions were relatively simple, no one interrupted, so they could move easily.

"But there is still a big place here. I don't know how many places we need to find. We can only spend time looking for it. It depends on our luck."

"Even if luck is good, what we want cannot be delivered directly."

If the luck is so good, they won't have to be so troublesome, and even if the luck is good, it is almost impossible to that degree.There is no such thing as something for nothing, no matter when it is, it is always the same.

They searched one place by place. Hua Yueling and the others did not find anything after searching this place. Although there are some people with higher status in this place, it is idiotic to find something from here.

"No, it really doesn't work here. We have to find other places. It's clear that we are in a base of this organization, but the result is still like this. We can't find anything. Should we say that they are cautious enough or we are special What a shame."

"Speaking of which, we don't know where the real entrance to this place is."

"You can find it sooner or later if you keep walking like this. Although the road here is quite complicated, it does not mean that there is no way to deal with it."

In the process of searching, they also found another entrance of this protected area. After going out from there, they came to a hall. There were still a lot of people in the hall, and they could always see people walking. , Each of them seems to be very busy.

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