Here, Hua Yueling and the others were still not noticed. Even if some people saw them, they just looked away and didn't pay attention to them at all.This made Hua Yueling and the others relieved. They didn't expect to come to such a place after they came out. It was very uncomfortable to be stared at by so many people, and it was easy to expose flaws.

This is just right now, don't worry so much, just be careful.

Amid the noisy footsteps and conversations, Hua Yueling and the others were a little confused and didn't know which direction to go, but they didn't stay in place, but quickly left from here.

Hua Yueling and the others didn't know exactly how the space inside this ruin was allocated, but it seemed to be quite regular now.

And it was quite unexpected that Hua Yueling could meet so many people here. It really deserves to be a big organization, there are so many people in this place.

Unexpectedly, Hua Yueling and the others did not attract the attention of others, and left directly from this terrifying place.This was pretty good, Hua Yueling and the others felt much more relieved.

It wasn't until the hall was far away from the crowd and reached a passage where no one was walking, Hua Yueling and the others were relieved.

"It's much safer here. I didn't expect that there will be so many people here, and there is a large hall. It seems that there are a lot of places, but there is one place we should take a look at."

In the process of coming here, Hua Yueling didn’t just hide herself, and was constantly observing the situation around here. There were many passages leading to different places in that hall, and one place was particularly attractive. Hua Yueling's attention.

The passage may seem ordinary, but after Hua Yueling saw it again, she felt that there should be something she needed there.There are very few people going there, so it should be a more important place.

But now is not the time to go back. There are too many people who go back now. If they go back and do something, it is impossible not to be discovered.So they need to calmly deal with this matter and need to wait.

"Before the next action, let's find out where the exit is. Follow this path and see if we can find the exit."

Basically, those houses will not be explored again, and there are many houses here, but now there is no house in the passage they walked through.On both sides of this passage are throwing a lot of useless things, which seem to be masterpieces of demons.

"What's the difference between the level of vigilance here and Ermei on the other side."

Lu Yuetong said this when he left. He originally thought that the guards here would be more stringent, but this is not the case.

But this kind of place is also normal. Even if this organization has been wary of this before, but after so long, nothing has happened. Gradually, I feel relieved and I won’t worry about it any more. normal.

Along this passage to the end, there is another relatively empty area, where people are walking around, and there are people sitting around a table.There is a large wine bottle on the table, a wine bottle with Mozu characteristics, and a large cylindrical wooden cup is placed in front of the four chairs around the table.

The weapons of those guys are placed against the wall. They have long swords, shields, and other weapons, both with long handles and short handles. These weapons are not ordinary weapons.Hua Yueling took a glance and then withdrew her gaze. It's better not to pay too much attention to it. The chance of being discovered is not small.

"These guys here use all weapons forged with Demon technology. Although the Demon must have no way to compare with dwarves in terms of technology, the most worrying thing is other aspects."

After passing by, Hua Yueling and the others were still a little worried about whether they would be suspected by those guys, but those guys just chatted and drank, regardless of whether someone passed by, this helped them.It is estimated that even if they came back from here again, the other party would not even know.

Such a relaxed attitude is naturally problematic, but fortunately, it is good for Huayueling and the others, so just treat it as invisible. There is no need to worry about it. This is not something they should worry about. child.

Walking along a path in this way, Hua Yueling and the others were aimless enough. During the period, they also took some wrong paths, but they soon corrected themselves, and immediately walked in another direction when they found out.There are too many roads here, and it is also very difficult not to go to the wrong road.

What they didn't expect most was that they lied all the way through such a simple disguise, and no one even found out that they weren't from here. This was amazing.

At the end of the narrow passage is a field that is not particularly open, but the biggest impression for Hua Yueling and the others is that it is tall, even if it is roughly seen, it is about five or six meters high.

The closed dark gray door blocked their way, and there was no one else in this space, only a few of them.

"I can't see anyone else around here at all, and this door is still closed. This place is probably abandoned."

Hua Yueling was talking while stepping forward and trying to open the door in front of her, but the door didn't move. She explained very much that Hua Yueling couldn't push it open no matter how hard it was.

"It's closed very tightly, it doesn't look like it's locked. But after all, it's such a heavy door. It's harder for me to open it alone."

"Do you want to push it away?"

Lu Yuetong and the others also came forward at this time. If the four of them couldn't push it open, the real door should have been sealed.But what Hua Yueling is paying attention to now is not this, his eyes are moving in this relatively empty room, looking for something.

"What are you looking for?"

"No. Generally speaking, shouldn't there be organs?" Hua Yueling showed that he had learned the color. He had been thinking about this when he came in, but no matter how he searched for it, he didn't see any signs of organs. "Strange, it doesn't seem like..."

Before Huayueling spoke, she suddenly stopped speaking, and when others looked at him strangely, he suddenly rushed to a place.Lu Yuetong and the others looked at each other and hurriedly followed, wanting to see what Hua Yueling had discovered.

"This is it!"

Hua Yueling arrived in front of the mountain wall on the right, pointing to the ruined trace remaining on the mountain wall and whispered excitedly.

There are traces of damage on the wall, but this trace has not been repaired, it is left there, otherwise it will not be found.

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