"This trace, there should have been some device on it, but this device was later destroyed, so it disappeared."

"Yes, and it should be clear what is on it."

Hua Yueling said in a very positive tone.

"If my guess is not wrong, the device above should be used to control the door switch. It's just that the switch has been removed. Although I don't know why, the door here is indeed abandoned. Otherwise, this one The door should be open by the use of agencies."

Speaking of this, Hua Yueling became more curious and wanted to see if he could turn it on directly without relying on a switch.It is a pity that part of the remaining devices cannot be activated at all, without the control of the activation device.

"No, there must be a switch for activation. Only if this is the case, there is no way to activate it."

Hua Yueling had to give up this plan after trying. The mechanism inside was not complicated, but it was also destroyed, so there was no way to directly use it.

"I don't know why it was given up here, but since it is given up here, it means it is more difficult for us to get out from here."

"Don't worry about that institution, let's try to open the door first. If we can, it will save a lot of trouble."

Hua Yueling obeyed the advice, and the four of them went to the gate together, pushed the gate hard, and tried to push the gate open, but the results were not much different from the results when Hua Yueling tried.

No matter how hard it is, the door remains immobile. What's more important is that the door is not pushed outward but pulled inward.

"This kind of door doesn't open like this at all. It opens in the wrong direction. It is impossible to open it."

"But this is the only way we can open it. If we open the door inside, we won't even have room to start."

In this way, although Hua Yueling and the others found the entrance to this ruin, there was no way to open it.The entrance here is not available, which means there may be other entrances.

"The entrance we are walking through should be hidden, not normally used here, and the gate here is sealed again, which means that if we want to move forward, we need to find another entrance." Lu Yuetong analyzed in such a low voice. After listening to her analysis, everyone fell into contemplation. There is nothing wrong with Lu Yuetong’s statement. Although the people here are living in the ruins, it does not mean they No need to go out, they need to go out.

"Yuetong, you mean there are other entrances here?"

"If the guess is not wrong, and they can only come to such a conclusion when they have to use the entrance and exit to go out, there is no other way to come to it."

Lu Yuetong shook his head and explained.Her explanation is also very easy to understand. Hua Yueling also understands what he means. There may be outward exits and other entrances here, but the premise of all this is that the people inside need to use entrances and exits to get in and out.

Not to mention other things, if there is a teleportation array that can freely enter and exit in this place, there is no need for an entrance.However, the teleportation array has no deviations. They are all used for entry and exit, but the places of entry and exit are different.

"Will you still find it?"

Karin looked at them and asked, there was nothing to find here, and there was nothing worth noting, so she could leave.

"Let’s go back too. I don’t know what’s going on there. Let’s take a look. Go to important places. I'll talk about the entrance and exit later. In fact, we don’t need to worry too much. Come and enter here."

"Then go back, I hope there will be fewer people when I go back."

When I went back, I passed the place guarded by three people, but just as Hua Yueling thought before, they weren’t noticed by the three people at all. It can be said that they weren’t considered by the three people at all. thing.This is naturally good. If you don’t get noticed, you don’t want to be noticed by these people.

When I returned to the hall, the place had changed a lot, and there were a lot less people. I guess I went back to be busy.However, you can see that the guards at the entrance and exit are still protecting this place.

"Well, we might be treated as suspicious individuals, so it's better not to draw their attention too much."

Hua Yueling whispered, and walked in on her own initiative.They didn't get any obstacles along the way, so they went to the destination with ease. It was a place that seemed more important, but unexpectedly there was no one at the entrance to protect it.

But the other places are the same. Except for the places where the entrances and exits come in from both sides are guarded, the other places are not protected.

"I don't know if I can find anything here, but I think this place should be the most important place."

Through a relatively long passage, they came to a place similar to a reception room, with a long table in the center, surrounded by chairs made of stone.These chairs seem to be quite old, but they are not kept like this all the time. It seems that they have only been used recently.

"There are not many rooms, there are only three, and no one is here, wait, in the room here..."

There was a sudden change in her expression, and Hua Yueling stared at the room on her left hand side solemnly.

"Come here!"

No one knows what Hua Yueling discovered, but by looking at his expression, he knew that what he found must be a very important thing. Otherwise, he would not show such an expression anyway. What did he find?

Although it is not clear what he found, everyone quickly followed his footsteps toward the room.

All four of them arrived at the door, Hua Yueling didn't hesitate, just opened the door and walked in.After entering, seeing the scene inside, Hua Yueling and the others all showed stunned expressions.

"these are……"

It was a room with monsters, a terrible monster that had never been seen before. It was not an ordinary monster, but a modified monster.It's just that the monster can't move, it is imprisoned by magic, and can smell a weird smell.

"this is……"

"Don't worry about it, look for it to see if there is any information here!" Karin said suddenly, shocking everyone else. This was the reaction for everyone.In any case, you must calm down, you must be calm, and you must not panic.

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