The assassin's figure returned to his companions, helping them to hold Huayueling and them, and tried to assassinate them in secret when the companions attracted Huayueling's attention, but this method was not very useful. That's it.

Although there are only four people on Hua Yueling's side, there is no problem in letting one of them be responsible for staring at him.Even if the number of people is still at a disadvantage, it will not fall into a disadvantage.


Hua Yueling held the hilt of the two-handed sword tightly with both hands, and suddenly disappeared.The enemy not far in front of him was already guarding him, and he became more guarded the moment he disappeared, staring at him.

"No, he can't attack from here!"

Observing around quickly, he also reminded his companions to be careful.Hua Yueling may attack from any direction, and he shouldn't disappear for too long, but even this is enough for them to worry.

Just when they were worried, Hua Yueling's figure reappeared, but he didn't play any tricks, but directly appeared in front of the opponent, and then launched a continuous offensive like a raging wave toward the opponent.

This series of attacks hit the opponent with no way to react, only the power of parrying did not fight back, but there were other people on his side, some people were waving weapons to help, but it was useless.Hua Yueling's attack also enveloped him when he approached, making him have to change his mind when approaching.

The attack was instantly retracted and changed to defense, but even if it was thrown like this, there was no way to withstand Hua Yueling's attack. After several consecutive attacks that he could barely see clearly, his footsteps retreated again and again. At the edge, there is no way to move back, but to stop like this.

"Damn it, how can it be so strong!"

Not just him, both of them were beaten by Hua Yueling's attack without a trace of resistance.Wanting to resist, they had this idea in their mind, but they couldn't do anything, they could only watch Hua Yueling attack, but even then they still couldn't see Hua Yueling's attack clearly.

It was a fleeting way of attack like fireworks, time after time, there was almost no other way to react.The weapon in his hand almost obeyed his own subconscious reaction to defend.

"Oh, there is no way to destroy you even with this kind of attack, the strength is really good, but don't think that this is enough, this is not enough, the attack is not over yet!"

Hua Yueling broke out in an instant, and the two people facing him who were under his attack also noticed the change in him, the change in breath, and the change in attack speed.When they realized that the situation was not good and wanted to retreat, Hua Yueling's figure flashed, and the ground he passed by was shattered by the burst of breath.

"not good!"

It was too late to react, so she could only watch Hua Yueling rush up with an unrivaled momentum, waving the two-handed sword in her hand.They couldn't even see clearly the afterimage of the two-handed sword. They wanted to block his attack, and subconsciously used weapons to block it, but it was useless.


In the crisp sound, the two of them felt that their arms were about to be broken, and the weapons in their hands were also shot out at this moment, slamming against the wall, making a heavy noise.

Everything in the next step was even simpler, and the remaining few people naturally changed their faces. One of them took out something like a crystal ball, and didn't know what he said in a low voice.Hua Yueling and the others are trying to take advantage of the momentum to chase and eliminate all the remaining enemies, but they have not taken a shot yet, they feel a different momentum suddenly appeared, just this momentum makes people breathless Fortunately, this feeling is not deep, just a faint feeling, but even so, it is enough for them to be surprised.

A figure suddenly appeared, attacking them, but just as Hua Yueling was preparing to defend, another figure emerged. Hua Yueling recognized it almost as soon as she saw it. They chased the tauren who came over.

And the tauren is not their enemy, but helps them.His target was the guy who appeared suddenly not far away.Originally wanted to attack them, but under the current situation, he had no way to ignore the attack of the bullhead demon, which was not worth it to him.

There was no way, he had to turn back and stop the bull head demon, the bull head demon held up the weapon and smashed over, abruptly hitting the weapon he had chopped off.In the heavy sound, neither of the two sides had the upper hand, if he insisted on saying it, the bullhead demon would be stronger.

However, it seems that the weapon in the hands of the guy who is regarded as the opponent by the tauren is not so strong. In the situation of the two sides fighting like this, his weapon has been slightly damaged, but thinking that they have also experienced battle before, so this has some relations. .

The person who came over suddenly wanted to attack Huayueling and the others, but he did not expect that the bull head devil would follow up so quickly, and his plan was soaked. Now there is no other way but to fight the bull head devil again. Into a ball.

In the battle between them, Hua Yueling had no way to intervene, but there were other things to do now, the enemies here had not been wiped out, and now they don't have to worry, they can continue fighting.

Those who were hostile to them didn’t think so. They fell into a disadvantage. They were very excited when a helper came to their side, but they didn’t expect that it was just a matter of an instant. Entangled, there is no way for them, they can only continue to fight with their strength.

Now the situation is more troublesome. After previous battles, they have already understood that their strength is not as good as Huayueling's, and the remaining few people will not be able to win without other tops.But they have no way. They must protect this place. They can't escape, and they can't escape. They can only fight.

The battle between the bull head devil and another master still affected others to some extent, and Hua Yueling was somewhat affected mentally, but fortunately, he recovered quickly.Looking at other people, these guys are also resolved.

The remaining bullhead demon and the one who fought with it, the strength of these two people, they can't defeat it, if they can't fight with them, it's better not to fight with them, and it is better to try to leave earlier.

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