The battle between the tauren and that guy can be said to be you and me. The two people fight back and forth. Basically, no one can get the upper hand. Seeing how they fight, you want to solve the battle in a short time. Great difficulty.

This is just right. Although they don’t know what the tauren wants to do, it’s a good thing for them. As long as the battle between them doesn’t end, they won’t bother them. Before that, they were all safe.

Hua Yueling stared at the remaining enemies, clenched the weapon in his hand, didn't say anything, and rushed forward.Mu Ningshuang and Karin are as eloquent as him, and at the same time they use long-range attacks to contain each other, reducing the range of their activities.

Lu Yuetong surrounded them from another direction, and the attack of four people completely surrounded those people.Although the people fighting the tauren wanted to help them out, the tauren did not give him such an opportunity at all. As long as he found out that he was acting strangely, his attack would be increased, leaving him no room to do other things.

There is no way to help them, otherwise Hua Yueling, although they are powerful, will definitely fall into the disadvantage after he joins.It's a pity that someone has delayed his footsteps, leaving him with no solution.

With the concerted efforts of the four of them, the battle was unexpectedly smooth, and at this time the battle between the tauren and that person had already left the area where they were and went outside.The space outside is bigger and more suitable for them to fight, but after such a battle, it is estimated that many places will be destroyed.

It can be said that the man originally wanted to help when he came back, but the gains outweighed the gains. Not only did he fail to help, he also destroyed the base.This was definitely not what he originally thought, but now it is like this, and he can only swallow his teeth into his stomach.

Not talking about whether he could fight Huayueling and defeat them, but the bullhead demon never gave him this opportunity and kept harassing him.The attack of the bullhead devil is very ordinary, no matter from which aspect, at least what Huayueling and the others have seen so far is that the bullhead devil relies on his own brute force attack, without any other skills.

Even the demon can't just use this kind of attack to fight. The creatures of the demon race possess other terrible abilities, but I don't know why the bullhead demon has not used his other powers until now.

Attack after attack, defense after defense, it was a lively fight between the two sides, but the two sides have not been able to occupy much advantage.It seems that the attack of the bullhead devil is more advantageous. The other person can only dodge the defense continuously, but occasionally launch some counterattacks. These counterattacks are not painful or itchy, and they have not been able to cause much damage to the bullhead devil.

The bullhead demon was wearing the armor of the demon race, and it seemed to be more powerful than the armor used by the people here, and its defense ability was better. Even if the opponent attacks it, it doesn't mean to dodge at all.Especially sometimes you even risk the danger of being injured to fight back. This also creates a problem for the other party. If you attack like this, you may be able to cause damage to the bullhead demon, but obviously you will also be in danger here. If you can’t dodge in time If you are defensive, you will be the more dangerous party if you can't get it right.

The blow that was already inevitable stopped in this way, and instantly deviated from the original goal, turning to block the full blow of the bullhead demon.

This is the scene when they are fighting. The attack of the bullhead demon is not afraid of death and makes the opponent overwhelmed. If it is not for such an attack, there is no way to suppress the opponent and gain the upper hand.Not to mention the other party, it was Hua Yueling herself thinking that facing the bullhead devil, that kind of pressure could not be dealt with, but she could only feel fear.

When the bullhead demon dragged the enemy, Hua Yueling and the others were not idle, although it was not impossible to watch their battle here, but it was a waste of time and there was no need.

The four people left from here. Although the man who was fighting with the tauren noticed this, he could not stop them. This made him extremely angry, and even attacked with a desperate aura.But this doesn't matter what it is, the bullhead devil is more deadly than him, if you really fight it desperately, you don't know who will be left behind.

The man also knew very well that he would actually be more dangerous if he fought recklessly. No matter what, he couldn't really fight the other party recklessly under such circumstances.The tauren is not dead, but he is dead.

Hua Yueling and the others took the opportunity to return to the room inside, and immediately began to search inside. There were two places left that they hadn't looked for. The battle between the bullhead devil and that person didn't know how long it would last.Anyway, it should not be over in a short time.

But even if they were able to do this with more peace of mind, Hua Yueling and the others were still acting more carefully, quickly searching for useful information here, and searching the remaining two rooms.

"This, this should be materials that have a lot to do with their organization!"

The information is still written in demon language, but Karin can still read some of the content above. Although it is not necessary to say that he will be able to understand the full picture of this information, he still has an overview.

"Although I can't fully understand the content written on this, but from the few words I can understand, what is written on this must be some important content. As long as I have read this, I should be more aware of this organization. Learn more."

"There is one thing I have always forgotten to ask. Does Jeruxie speak devilishly?"

"I'll be a little bit. Although I don't know exactly how it is, I can't compare Sister Jelucy's devilish skills. In this respect, she is very good."

"That's good, I'm worried that we will finally find these materials and bring them back. In the end, no one can read the contents, so it would be a waste of effort."

Collected the information they found, and then they searched all the remaining places that had not been searched, and they found some very useful information.After searching the two rooms, although there are still some places that have not been searched, they have almost done everything they should do here, and then they can go to other places.

"There are still some places here that I haven't visited. Do you want to visit those places again."

"There is still no need to go, we are not safe here."

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