"It's not as dangerous here as imagined. After all, there is a bullhead demon out there to help. Although it can't be said to be our ally, it still provides us with a lot of help. Without it, we should have left long ago. It is impossible to find useful information."

"But does this work? Just rely on it to help us delay time. What if it is defeated?"

"Then let's just leave here and run away directly, then there won't be any problems. Don't worry."

Hua Yueling said so calmly. After listening to his words, he calmly thought about it. Karin nodded and admitted that there was no problem with what he said.If you do it well, there is no problem, at least not as dangerous as you think.

"But the next action is definitely not as simple as before."

Lu Yuetong picked up the conversation next to him at this time. She didn't speak much before, and seemed to have no idea.

"You have to know that we have been discovered now, and we will probably be besieged by people here if we move here again, which will also affect our actions."

"Yes, but those guys don't need so much attention. Their strength is definitely not that strong. They may not even have the strength of those we have already solved, so there is no need to worry too much."

"That's how it is said, but it is not easy to handle with too many people."

"It doesn't matter, even if the number of people is a little bit more, it is easy, the big deal is to leave here directly. Anyway, as long as the bullhead devil can help us to entangle the person outside, nothing else should be worried."

Hua Yueling said so and walked outside quickly.There are actually many ways to go outside, but if all directions are explored, the time and effort required will not be a little bit, and there may not be much benefit.

But even if that is the case, they still have to explore, no matter what they are today, they are not in vain, and they have gained very useful experience.

Not to mention other things, after exploring here, they probably understood the approximate strength of this organization. The strength of this organization would logically only be more terrifying than what they saw, not weaker.

After exploring here, you will realize that you need to be more cautious and careful to explore other places, and you must be fully prepared, otherwise you may not be so lucky every time, there is a bullhead demon to resist the enemy for them.

This time they were lucky enough, and someone helped to fend off the enemy.That enemy is not something they can match. In front of that enemy, they don't have the confidence that they can defeat the opponent, which is almost an impossible task.

Hua Yueling and the others explored other places like this. After going out, the man who fought with the bull head demon saw them so arrogant in front of him, he was almost vomiting blood, but even so, he still did everything. Nope, I can only watch Hua Yueling and the others continue to walk around blatantly on their own territory, just as if it were their home.

It is a pity that even if he is so angry, he still can't do anything, he can only feel and watch, but he can't act.Not even a chance.

After that, Hua Yueling and the others explored other places, but unlike Lu Yuetong’s idea, no one came out to stop them. It seemed that everyone was hiding, and there was no one who came out. There are no other people besides the people fighting the tauren.

But this also makes them easier to act, so naturally there is nothing to complain about, as long as you continue to look for it, anyway, you can always find what you want.

In this way, Hua Yueling and the others searched for other places, but the effect is really not good. Although there are many places here, there are not many places that really guard against this useful information.I don't know if the information is hidden or something, anyway, it is very difficult to find the information that is useful to them.

In the end, there was no wasted time. After searching some places, Hua Yueling and the others were more curious about the fighting on the bull head demon, so a few people quickly went over to see the situation.

When I returned to that place, what I saw was still a fierce battle between the tauren and another person. It seemed that it had continued since they left, and the battle could not be over.

"Do you want to help?"

Whatever the bullhead devil did, she helped them, so Karin wondered if she wanted to help each other, although she certainly didn't like demons.

"It's better not to shoot lightly, who knows if it is our partner. If it is helped, it will be beaten up, wouldn't it be more troublesome."

"It would be a good thing to be able to defeat him here. It would be better if we could catch it. Maybe we can try to contact Sister Jelucy, I will contact the father, if they can come and help Don't worry about not being an opponent."

"This is a good way. It's just our strength, but there is nothing wrong with Sister Yijie Lucy's strength."

"But there is still a problem with this. This means that this organization has been discovered and targeted, if Sister Jelucy comes over. In that case, it is estimated that the rest of them will have stronger protection measures. If you want to collect more information, It's not easy."

"That's true, but if you catch an important person, it might be more useful than we explore those bases. Let's stop arguing here, and just ask Jie Lucy what she thinks. If she doesn't want to come over, we just go back. , Leave it alone."

The specifics still depend on Jie Lucy's thoughts. Fortunately, they have a way to contact each other. Although they are in such a place, the connection is not troublesome.

The place where the bullhead demon fights is moving, and the people fighting with him seem to deliberately want to change the place of the battle to another place, but the bullhead devil doesn’t care about this. The other things are not important when it is serious. The guys are solved, but there is no other goal.

Hua Yueling doesn’t know why it has such a big hatred with the people here, but from what it does, it can be seen that it doesn’t deal with the people here. Perhaps this is originally its home, so it’s like this. Right.In its eyes, the members of the organization are like robbers occupying its home. It has always been its home, but it has not been inhabited for a long, long time.

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