"Sister Jelucci!"

"What's the matter with talking to me at this time? Are you in trouble?"

"I did have some trouble." Huayueling nodded and said, and quickly described what he had encountered. "Now we are nearby, and the bullhead devil is still at war with each other. I want to ask. Will you come, Jelucci? We are not their opponents. If Jelucci, you don’t come, we will go back."

"I will go over and take a look, don't rush back."

After Jelucci finished speaking, there was no sound. Hua Yueling told other people her answer, and then several people went into hiding and waited for Jieluxi to come.Although Karin had said that she wanted to contact her father, in the end they chose to contact only Sister Zelucy, even if only Sister Zelucy was enough to deal with the enemy here.

A few people waited for a short time, and they didn't even feel anything. Zelucy just appeared beside them like this.Staring with them intently at the two fighting guys in the distance, their battle is extremely fierce, and there is no chance of victory.

"It's them?"

After Jelucy made her voice, they were shocked. Fortunately, they were already mentally prepared, so they didn't scream out loud, but they could still tell how scared they were.

"It's the two of them. The bullhead demon made us watch it come in. It found a hidden entrance from the outside and destroyed the mountain before entering it. The entrance to this place is sealed. If we don't have its help, we There is even no way to get in."

Hua Yueling had already explained to her what happened here before, but she explained a little bit after she came over.But he believed that no matter how he explained it, the bullhead demon in front of him would definitely be eliminated in the end.

"Where is the other person?"

"He is not particularly clear to us. Anyway, he suddenly appeared when we were fighting with other people here, but soon the bullhead demon caught up, otherwise we would have escaped. This guy should be the strongest here. Strong, we are not opponents."

"That guy has good strength, he should be the strongest guy here."

Jay Lucy understood the situation only briefly, but there seemed to be nothing that aroused her interest, and soon her attention returned to the battle in front of her.

Observing her performance, but it seems that Zellucci has no plans to go out to help any other party for the time being, as if she wants to observe more.

Hua Yueling and the others watched nearby with her. They didn't know if the Bull Head Demon and the people who fought with him had discovered them. They didn't respond much, and the battle continued.The battle between them will even give people a feeling that it will not end. It is estimated that there will be no result if you don't fight for several thousand rounds.

Just as Hua Yueling was thinking about when to go back, things suddenly changed.

The tauren was angry because he could not defeat the enemy for a long time. Suddenly, a terrible power burst out from his body. At that moment, the people fighting with it even had to go back because of this power. Take hold of the momentum coming out of the opponent.

At this time, the bullhead devil’s weapon burned with a dark flame, and his whole body seemed to be burned by flames. This dark flame looked very light and transparent at first, but quickly burned. More and more vigorous, gradually able to see clearly.

The bullhead demon exuded an astonishing aura, and even Hua Yueling and the others were suppressed for a while, and they were a little out of breath.You must know that they are some distance away from the bull head devil, and the bull head devil does not use them as targets to radiate their aura. The most powerful aura is not directed at them at all. Even so, they are still a little overwhelmed. From here, we can see how terrifying the opponent's strength is.

This is not the first time they have seen such an enemy, and presumably it is not the last time they have seen it, but they are still somewhat confident, even so they can fight against the bullhead demon, although it is very, very difficult to beat the opponent.

Jelucy stared at the other person very seriously, her eyes serious to a terrifying degree, the power displayed by the bullhead demon interested her very much.The tauren may not be her opponent, but the power it possesses is quite interesting.

The opponent of the tauren devil was suppressed a little breathless, but he quickly adjusted his mentality, under this pressure he could not even perform well.The possibility of wanting to block this attack is very small, he has to change his mind, try to dodge or try to block the next part of the power.

This is very difficult, and I can't keep a hand. Only by doing my best can I stop it. After all, this is also a blow of the bull head demon's best effort. It uses all of its power at this moment and has no intention of retaining it.

Hua Yueling and the others are watching the duel between these two guys very intently. Now is the most critical moment. Both sides use their strongest power to fight.

It's hard to say who loses and who wins, but Hua Yueling feels that the bull head devil is more likely. The power of the bull head devil is extremely terrifying, and he doesn't feel that his power can compete with the opponent.

The silhouettes of the two people disappeared in an instant, and the terrible impact blasted out in all directions in the next moment. Just like before, this impact also affected them.

The figures of the bullhead devil and the other party appeared suddenly. The weapons in their hands slammed into each other frantically. It should have made a loud noise, but at this moment, Hua Yueling and the others did not hear anything.The most terrifying part of the two weapons collided together as if nothing happened, as if there was no sound at all, which was abnormal.

The next moment, the bullhead demon attacked frantically, and the weapon was swung out in its hand desperately.

At first, the opponent was able to follow its steps, fighting it with speed and strength, but gradually he also realized that this was not possible.The more you do this, the more you are at a disadvantage. I have been drawn into the area where the other party is good at, but I am not very good at this aspect, or not as good as the other party. Under this situation, the more I fight. The more I lose to each other.

You must find a way to break free from this trend and fight against the opponent in the area where you are good at. You can't be led by the nose like this.

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