Lu Yuetong basically didn't have any tactics in the fight, just to fight according to his own ideas, even with an instant reaction.This method cannot be said to be good, it can only be said that what needs to be relied on is strength, and it cannot do without strength.

But now she has also cooperated with other people, and she will observe the situation more and look for different ways to fight.

Stepping on the crocodile, Lu Yuetong vigorously competed for his weapon.But the other crocodile bit its mouth very tightly, and it seems that unless it is solved, it will be difficult to grab it back.

No way, then we can only think of other ways first.The best way is to let the crocodile have to let go, but this is difficult.When the crocodile seized the opportunity, it would be so easy to give up.

In this way, he bit his hands with a big sword and shook his head, trying to use his power to get rid of Lu Yuetong's control. Although Lu Yuetong could not get the weapon back from it, it was impossible for it to grab it so easily. Take the weapon.

The two sides are arguing, and no one is considered to have the upper hand, but Lu Yuetong still has some trouble here if he really wants to say it.Mu Ningshuang and Karin naturally wanted to help, but they were somewhat troublesome. There were not many crocodiles surrounding them, but they were also a threat. They had to be solved before they could do anything else. This is not to say They don't want to help.

After destroying several crocodiles nearby, Hua Yueling quickly observed the situation nearby, and then immediately went to Lu Yuetong's side to help him.The two-handed sword swept over fiercely. With just one click, one of the crocodile that bit Lu Yuetong was killed by him without any difficulties.

After that, Hua Yueling and Lu Yuetong joined forces to make it easier, killing the surrounding animals without encountering many obstacles.Mu Ningshuang and Karin still had some problems, and there was one left that was not killed.

"It should be fine now."

Hua Yueling solved the last one, and his sight fell to the distant interference source. After solving these crocodiles, there were no monsters.The exploration skills go deep into the swamp, there may be something hidden in it, but it will still be interfered by interference sources.

I searched the area near the interference source, but there was nothing in that area, and if I went further, I couldn't find anything.It seems that there is no need to worry about it after the search, but Hua Yueling and the others still maintain a strategy of careful action, not too anxious, and move forward at a savage speed.

The interference source is not far away, and it will be there in just a few steps.The source of interference is in the swamp, and you must go inside the swamp to get close.

It would be great if they could walk directly over the swamp, as if they could walk on water, but they didn't have such skills.

"How to destroy it?"

Hua Yueling asked Mu Ningshuang, if she could do it herself, she wouldn't need them.Naturally, no one of the three girls wanted to go into the swamp, not to mention girls in such a dirty place, Hua Yueling didn't want to go in.

The source of the interference was still in the deep part of the swamp. Hua Yueling estimated in her heart that she had to submerge the swamp to at least her knees in the past.

"It's very simple to destroy, just use magic to get rid of it, it's easy."

Mu Ningshuang's answer was simple, but if it was really that simple, it would save trouble.As long as you go alone, you don't need Mu Ningshuang to go there.

"Then what should I do, can I destroy it? If I can do it alone, Ningshuang, you can tell me what to do, and then let me do it."

"It's not that difficult."

Mu Ningshuang came over a little bit, and explained to him the method of destroying the interference source in a relatively simple way.Hua Yueling listened very seriously and wrote it down.

After hearing it, he was able to understand Mu Ningshuang's thoughts. The method was really simple, but the premise was that you were a magician, or at least someone familiar with magic.The main reason is that the interference source here is of a special kind, which is specially set by magic, otherwise it will not be like this.

If the interference source is formed by a certain kind of props, it is better to get some, as long as that kind of props is destroyed or removed, there is no problem.But the current situation is not like this. The interference source is made of magic. In this case, the magic must be disturbed and the interference source directly invalidated. This is the best and basically the only way.

In fact, there are other ways, and that is to absorb magic power, but Hua Yueling and the others do not have this ability.This requires skills or props in this area, but unfortunately, neither skills nor props have them.

After listening to Mu Ningshuang's remarks on this aspect, Hua Yueling also learned from her how to remove the interference source.After understanding this, Hua Yueling walked into the swamp, ready to go to the interference source to get rid of the interference source.

Naturally, Huayueling has magic power. After all, he has also learned magic, and he can also magic, but he is not as good as Mu Ningshuang in magic.

Not as good as her in magic, but there is no problem in removing the source of interference.As long as you know the method, it is much easier, and the others are not so troublesome.

Huayueling stepped forward and stepped into the swamp. The shoes were completely ground by the swamp. They were sticky and wet, making them uncomfortable.But soon Hua Yueling made up his mind and continued to move forward. As he went deeper and deeper, not only the shoes, but the pants were also entering the swamp.

It’s impossible to walk briskly in the swamp. Hua Yueling can only walk forward step by step. Walking in the swamp has very high resistance. In fact, it is almost the same as walking in the water, but the swamp is obviously compared The water is even more uncomfortable.

"The source of the interference is there, just a few steps away."

Hua Yueling thought so, her steps firmer.Just walked all the way to the place, and came to the place where the interference source was.Just standing by the side, Hua Yueling could feel the feeling of magic cohesion, the magic power possessed by the interference source was quite terrifying, it was a relatively huge magic power.

If the huge magical power explodes in an instant, the power that can be caused is very terrifying. Presumably, the swamp will explode in that instant. At that time, it is almost impossible to not be affected.

Even so, Hua Yueling was still not afraid, he was observing the source of interference, and at the same time, he was thinking about what Mu Ningshuang had said to him.What he has to do is not to make the interference source explode, but to find a way to gradually shed the magic power in the interference source. As long as all the magic power is not gathered together, the interference source will no longer play the role of interference.

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