Hua Yueling stood in front of the interference source for a while, and observed for a while, before he started to act, stretched out his hand, magic power gathered in his hand, using his magic power to channel the gathered magic power in front of him .

Hua Yueling hadn't done anything like this before, so she had to be more cautious when she acted to avoid problems arising from her mistakes.Hua Yueling was still very cautious when she acted, feeling the fluctuations of her magic power, and gradually mastered some skills.

In fact, it is not that difficult to say that this matter is difficult, and it is a bit of an exaggeration to say that the difficulty is just a little bit of guidance. It is not easy to say that it is difficult, but it is not so easy to say that simple. That's it.

The magic power was channeled from the interference source into the swamp, although it was originally in the swamp, and even if it was separated and drawn away, it might still gather again later.But this is not within the scope of Hua Yueling's thinking. They only need to temporarily remove the interference source, and then be able to transmit it away. Don't worry about the others, after all, they will not necessarily come to this place again. of.

Gradually all the magic power was diverted away, and it flowed far away, as if it were a stream of water, flowing towards a place with a relatively low terrain.You don’t have to worry about how long, you will be able to smooth out the remaining magic soon. Hua Yueling was still worried that this matter would be more troublesome and couldn’t do it by herself, but now there is no need to worry about it. All these are just to be straightforward.

"It's almost there."

Hua Yueling retracted his hand when there was still some magic power left. This was a bit dangerous, but it was actually not that scary.He just wanted to see what would happen after doing this, but at least from the short period of time when he took his hand back, it didn't happen what he imagined.

The magic has not returned. It seems that the terrain in the swamp is not flat, or that the place where the interference source is located is not a ravine zone.The magic power flows in all directions, what Hua Yueling needs to do next is to remove the last bit of magic power, as long as this is done, there is nothing to worry about.

Reaching forward again, Hua Yueling mobilized the magic power in his body, and slowly guided the last bit of magic power to other places.If it can absorb magic power, and that is the safest, it is a pity that Hua Yueling does not have that kind of skill.

Soon some of the remaining magical powers were also cleanly removed by Hua Yueling, and in the end the interference source lost its original function, thus restoring the original posture here.

"There should be no problem then."

Hua Yueling breathed a sigh of relief after finishing all this, he walked back to Mu Ningshuang and the others.


"Then let's send it back as soon as possible. To be honest, I'm really tired. I want to go back and eat something."

"Let's go." There is no need to waste magic scrolls for teleportation with Mu Ningshuang. Mu Ningshuang can solve all the problems.Next, she used teleportation magic to teleport them back, this time they saw a familiar scenery.

"But I came back. I never thought that we would be so troublesome when we came back."

This time I also experienced a lot of things. It is not worthy of being an expedition. The feeling of expedition is really strong, and there are many things that have caused a lot of trouble.

"But fortunately, we have come here without incident."

Hua Yueling raised her head and looked forward, and now they were on the clearing in front of Jelucci's house, and there was a tree house not far away.Seeing that they had returned to a familiar place, Hua Yueling and the others were somewhat relieved, and they had to be nervous to die if they stayed outside.

The swamp is a dangerous place no matter what, and they can't let go of their hearts anyway.It's different when you come back here, you can take a good rest.

"Go and rest first, go in and sit for a while, I'll find something to eat."

Lu Yuetong said so and ran in on her own initiative, while Hua Yueling and the others walked behind her in a hurry.Lu Yuetong had already ran into the tree house, and they were still walking in the open space outside.

"I'll lie here for a while. You can go in first."

Hua Yueling pointed at the big tree Atsuko outside the tree house, and then went over and lay on it.Enjoy the fresh air outside, the beautiful natural scenery, and feel somewhat at ease.

When he lay down, Mu Ningshuang didn't follow him in. He lay on the tree stump outside with him. Neither of them spoke. They lay down like this, quietly looking at the leaves on the top of their heads being moved by the wind.

Karin said to them, and then went into the house by herself.Sitting at the table, she leaned back in the chair and sighed somewhat tiredly.

This half-day's work is not a joke. Hua Yueling and the others have basically never rested for half a day, and basically spent them "work", and they were tired and half dead.Now that it’s hard to take a break, I naturally don’t think about anything, I just think about rest.

Sister Jeluoxi didn't know where she was, but she didn't come out when they came back, but logically she should have come back, otherwise they wouldn't have to be so troublesome.

The open space outside the tree house was quiet, and there was no sound except the sound of the wind.Hua Yueling and the others didn't say a word. For the time being, Karin was only sitting in the tree house, and Lu Yuetong ran to find something to eat as she said.

"I should have asked her to bring some drinks here, she was really thirsty."

Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, but even so, he didn't think of going over and taking a look.He didn't want to move at all when he was tired, although his body seemed to fall apart.But it's not much different.

Hua Yueling kind of wanted to talk to Sister Jelucci, they had been busy for so long after all, so I hope to hear if Jelucci asked something from that person.And they still have information here to give her.

But since Sister Zeluxi didn't take the initiative to come out, they didn't need to be too anxious, wait and see, time is not so tight.

After lying outside for a while, hearing the sound of footsteps from inside the tree house, the sound of footsteps approached, Hua Yueling opened his eyes and turned to look towards the tree house.I saw Lu Yuetong come out with a very ordinary-looking wooden table, and she didn't know where she got the table.

Karin also followed, carrying a few stools.

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