Outside the window was a half-collapsed wall, and the broken bricks fell on both sides, forming a pile.Hua Yueling stared there for a while, and couldn't help sighing.

If you wait until the evening you come back, or maybe you won't come back.Hua Yueling thought helplessly, what could he do? He didn't want to wait here any longer, the waiting time was long.

"What should I do, there is no chance before waiting, but wait..."

Hua Yueling looked at the other people, everyone had nothing to say, they all played with their phones.It’s not a way to wait like this. I'm thinking about what to do, but thinking about it, is there any other way besides waiting?


"Kalin, Ningshuang, can you make a magic circle-like thing to trap it, but it won't be discovered?"

"The magic circle is a magic circle used as a trap. It shouldn’t be too difficult to prevent it from being discovered. Master gave me a special method to solve this problem. But after catching it, how long can it be trapped? It's easy to say."

"In other words, it can still be done?"

"Well, it can be done, as long as you have some experience in this area, you can do it, but it's not that simple."

Mu Ningshuang said calmly, analyzing them bit by bit what to do and what the consequences would be.She has not learned the magic circle used to trap the snake dragon, but she still knows some of the ordinary magic circle as a trap, but it is not very easy to say whether the snake dragon is effective.

"Try it?"

"If we don't wait here, it would be better to use the magic circle, and we have to fight for the magic circle to trap it for a longer period of time, so we don't have to worry so much."

Lu Yuetong's worries are also reasonable, and Hua Yueling is also worried about this, and he hopes so, but whether it can be done depends on Mu Ningshuang.It is the most experienced among all the people here in the manufacture and use of the magic circle, and there is no one other than her.

As an elf, Karin was also very good in magic, but she was not as deep as Mu Ningshuang in the magic circle. After all, that was not her direction of study.Karin’s powerful aspects are bows and arrows and the elven magic unique to the elves. There are similar techniques in elven magic, but she is still going to look at Mu Ningshuang’s practice first. If Mu Ningshuang’s practice is good enough, she will No need to speak anymore.

"It takes some time to prepare."

"It doesn't matter, we are waiting anyway. If this is the case, we might as well do something."

Hua Yueling didn't have any opinion on this, as he said, staying here is just a waste of time.No matter whether the magic circle can be used or not, at least it is not a waste of time.

After Mu Ningshuang got his reply, he immediately acted. It is not so easy to make a magic circle, especially when dealing with sly guys like snake dragons, if you don’t want to be discovered by the opponent, and the effect is good enough, To be able to trap the opponent for a long time, this needs to be calculated.

The strength of the snake dragon, they also met the other party last time, and there is still a guess about its strength. Using this guess as a benchmark to build the magic array, it should be able to last for a while.

The magic circle made by Mu Ningshuang was not in the room where they were now, it was more difficult to catch the snake dragon here.Even according to their thoughts, after the snake dragon came in and found something wrong, he must leave immediately, unless there is something important to it in the room inside, otherwise it does not need to risk its life. Do it this way.

Hua Yueling and the others understand this, so the room inside is not within their scope of thinking.

Karin was watching while Mu Ningshuang was making the magic circle. It was a kind of study. She was still very curious about Mu Ningshuang's magic level.After all, she has been studying with Jelucy, and she has a high evaluation of her. It is impossible to say that she is not curious.

In the process of making the magic circle, Hua Yueling and the others were also helping, although they could not help too much, the most important work was done by Mu Ningshuang, they just made a move.

The process of making the magic circle is somewhat complicated and difficult. During this period, Mu Ningshuang stopped many times, seeming to be thinking about something, and after thinking about it, he will make some adjustments to the magic circle.Hua Yueling didn't understand the significance of this kind of slight adjustment. Perhaps Karin and Lu Yuetong understood a little bit, but Hua Yueling didn't have their level in this respect.

The magic circle gradually had some prototypes, and the fluctuation of magic power in it could be noticed. The magic power was flowing in a relatively subtle situation, but the magic circle was still disconnected in many places and was not completely smooth.This is also normal, after all, it is only halfway there, and there is still a lot of work left to complete.

Hua Yueling's face was incomprehensible, the knowledge of the magic circle was still insufficient, otherwise it would not be like it is now.He learned a lot about magic, but he didn't learn much from Zelucy about the knowledge of magic circle, maybe he didn't think he would use it.

Mu Ningshuang is not like him in a partial discipline, his magical ability is very good, as is the magical array.It's pretty good in every way, otherwise Jelucy wouldn't like her so much, which makes sense.

After almost half an hour passed, the magic circle was roughly finished. After finishing the work, Mu Ningshuang stood up and backed away, staring at the magic circle in front of him.At present, I just finished drawing the magic circle. If you want to activate it, you still need magic crystals. Without magic crystals to provide enough magic power, not to mention whether the magic circle can be activated, even if it can be activated, it will last for a long time. short.

Magic crystals are necessary, but now Mu Ningshuang is not concerned about these, she is concerned about the magic circle itself, the magic circle seems to be somewhat inconsistent with her ideas, so she still has not made up her mind.

"Kalin, is there any information about the snake dragon?"

After that, Mu Ningshuang asked Karin, if you don't understand clearly, there is no way to make targeted arrangements. The current magic circle can only say that most of the opponent's monsters are okay, but it is not easy to deal with the snake dragon.

"Snake dragon people admire power very much, so in general, snake dragon people are representatives of strength, regardless of whether they are adults. But this does not mean that snake dragon people will definitely have strong strength."

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