"It can only be said that snakes and dragons are generally very strong, but no matter how strong they are in general, they should not be invincible. There is no need to worry about it, it should not be that difficult to deal with."

Karin is a very calm analyst, because she has never seen the snake dragon, so she can't jump to conclusions.

"Yuetong, what do you think?"

Only Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong have actually seen Snake Dragons, but Hua Yueling hasn't seen them. They just perceive the aura of the other party, so they don't know each other very clearly.But Lu Yuetong is not easy to say, after all, what she actually saw was not so clear, and she had only seen it from a distance.


Lu Yuetong thought hard, recalling the strength that fellow possessed.

The impression was not too deep, and there was no way. After all, they just glanced at the other person from a long distance, and then the other person left quickly, without giving them the opportunity to continue to observe.In retrospect, there is almost no impression.

The figure of that guy can still arouse more or less, but there is no special impression.

"I can't help it, it ran too fast at the time, otherwise I can still have some impressions."

"This can only be done according to the only impression."

Mu Ningshuang muttered in a low voice and started to act.It is easier to get the rest. Mu Ningshuang changed the magic circle based on the little information he got from Lu Yuetong and Karin, and then set the magic crystal.

After all this was done, she injected magic power into the magic circle, and the magic crystal was also connected to the magic circle. The magic crystal was shining, and the magic circle gradually disappeared from their eyes.

"That's it, the magic circle is ready, the next thing to do is to wait."

After the magic circle was made, Mu Ningshuang said this, until the magic circle disappeared completely, her gaze moved away from above and fell on Hua Yueling's body.What to do next depends on Hua Yueling, but now that the magic circle has been completed, what we need to do next is easy, just leave and wait.

"Still waiting here?"

Hua Yueling looked at the place where the magic circle disappeared, thought for a moment, and decided to leave here temporarily, anyway, the magic is getting better, and they are more likely to stay here to start a war.If you leave, the other party may not find anything, but staying here is still more dangerous.

Going directly out of the room, Hua Yueling and the others went to the street outside except this area, and they found their bicycles.Leaving here on a bicycle.

"Go straight back, or go to other places to play?"

Hua Yueling asked Karin's opinion. Karin didn't have too many thoughts. She said that no matter what.But if you can go around outside, it's good to play casually.

If this is the case, then there is no hurry to go back, Hua Yueling's preparation is to turn around first, and wait until it gets dark before coming back.In this case, time is too late, and it will not be so boring.

There are some places worth visiting nearby, such as shopping malls and amusement parks.Where did Hua Yueling and the others go, they mainly played with Karin.After all, Karin had been to these places too, so I didn't want to be curiously inquiring around at first, but it was quite fun to play.

"Speaking of which there is a library nearby, do you want to check it out?"

Hua Yueling and the others came out of the amusement park, it was still a bit early, and they just turned around in the amusement park and didn't play for too long, so the time was still a bit early.

"Library, Xiao Ling, did you want to go?"

"It's not that I wanted to go a long time ago, but I was always curious and wanted to take a look. I just thought about it. After all, I haven't been there before. What I am more curious about is whether there are any interesting books there."

Hua Yueling said her thoughts, everyone smiled, and then decided to go to the library management.In fact, going to the library is a bit interesting. It feels like a treasure hunt. Hua Yueling likes this feeling very much.

When they came to the library, the four people stopped their bicycles and then stepped up the steps into the library.After arriving at the library, Hua Yueling and the others went inside to take a look.

"This library is really not small. I didn't expect that we still have such a big library here."

Hua Yueling said in a sighing tone.

The only pity is that it is a bit far away from his home, it would be better if it was closer.Hua Yueling thought so, wandering inside.To be honest, when he grows up, the number of times he goes to the library is really only a handful. The main reason is that there is no library near the house, and the library is too far away, so he has basically never visited.

There is basically no library in the school, and even if there is, it is not open to the public, so there is no book in it.The most profound thing in Hua Yueling's memory was when she was in elementary school. In elementary school, she borrowed books from the school library, but it was only once.

The inside of the library is very quiet, extremely quiet, this is what Hua Yueling imagined the library should be.It’s pretty good here, and there are places where you can sit and read, but Hua Yueling doesn’t like sitting and reading. He prefers to lie down when he is reading. It’s very comfortable and there is a kind of resting. a feeling of.

No matter how much more comfortable than sitting, Hua Yueling found it difficult to read a book in the library. At most, that means borrowing a book and going home.

But now that I have some money in my hand, I naturally want to buy books I like. In a way, Hua Yueling still has some habit of collecting books, but his favorite is not only good content, but also binding. It has to be particularly good, to his taste.

How to say in this respect, when looking for a book, it is like seeing a stranger at first sight. No matter what you say, the first thing you can see must be appearance.So when the contact time is not long, this is what attracts your attention most. It is difficult to say in other aspects. If you don't understand, you have no right to speak. Hua Yueling thinks so.

Hua Yueling feels that she is the kind of person who judges people by appearance, but this aspect is also what he likes most. It is impossible to say that she doesn't care at all.

They just wandered around the library for a while without doing anything. It didn’t mean that they had to find something. They just spent some time here. They would go back to the construction site to have a look later. If you still don't find anything, go home directly.

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