After walking around in the library, Hua Yueling and the others didn't find anything interesting. There must be a lot of various books here, and Hua Yueling also found some that he was interested in.But he just looked at it and noted the title of the book, but didn't do anything else.

It was still a bit early after leaving here, Hua Yueling and the others had discussed it and thought that if the snake dragon might not be able to return now, it would be better to go there later.

Anyway, for the time being, they couldn't think of any interesting places to go around. Hua Yueling and the others simply didn't worry about thinking about anything, and simply retreated their bicycles and walked aimlessly in this area.At least before deciding to go there, Hua Yueling and the others were unwilling to go there.

After all, it is necessary to prevent the grass and startling snakes. Who knows if they will be discovered by the other party in the past, and they can't always pay attention to all the places around them.If you can do that, it will save you trouble. Don't worry so much, but it is difficult for them to do it.

And Hua Yueling also likes that this period can be somewhat relaxed, at least not so nervous.

Walking on the side of the street with their bicycles, Hua Yueling and the others talked about snakes and dragons as they walked.Pay attention to the people walking by. If someone walks by, they will immediately close their mouths so as not to be heard by others. Although it is something that happened on the earth, this kind of thing should not be allowed to them knew.

Talking about this topic, but Hua Yueling and the others are talking about gossip, more useful or more professional information about snake dragon people, Karin also said before, she knows that. many.

In fact, at this time, if you go back and ask Jie Lucy sister, you may be able to gain more, but Hua Yueling and the others did not choose to do this, but act according to what they can do.Now they want to see if their actions are right and whether they can get a better result.

It is best to be able to catch the snake dragon, even if there is no way to catch it, it is good if you can leave some clues.The most fearful thing is that I have already worked hard to work, and in the end I still can't keep anything. That's really bad.

Can't rely on others for everything, and the enemy encountered this time is not strong enough that they can't handle it.Coping is sure to be able to cope, and if it is really head-to-head, the opponent is not their opponent, neither is Hua Yueling's opponent.

While chatting and walking, no one paid any attention to the passage of time, unconsciously, in the cerebellum, the sky gradually darkened.

"It's been so long, it's almost over it."

"Well, let's go and have a look, I don't know if it will satisfy us."

Without going to see who could be sure before, they quickly accelerated and rode their bicycles in the other direction.After walking through the trail where no one walks, Hua Yueling and the others came to the dirt road leading to the construction site. This road actually leads to another direction, a small village, and that village is there. The neighborhood of this city can even be said to be in the city.

I just don't know why it is still a village, maybe because it was a village from before, so it is still a village now.

Hua Yueling and the others hadn't been to that village, mainly because they didn't think there was any need to go.After all, serpents had never appeared in that village, and there was no possibility of finding clues in that place.

As for going around in the village, they don't have this hobby.

They still park the bicycle a little farther away and hide it. If they are not worried about being seen by others, they might just put the bicycle directly in the inventory or the space bag.

Parked and locked the bicycle, once again confirmed that no one was around, Hua Yueling and the others walked in the direction of the wooden house.In order not to be found, he still walked cautiously without making any noise.

Along the way, they came to the wooden house very steadily. Hua Yueling and the others hadn't even entered. They just occupied the outside and noticed the unusual place.The expressions of the four people changed a little, and they ran to the door impatiently.

She almost rushed there, Hua Yueling was the fastest of the four, and no one could be faster than him.

The dilapidated wooden door was still open. Hua Yueling didn't need to bother to open the door and rushed in. After rushing inside, Hua Yueling saw the figure in the center of the room.It was a figure he was not familiar with, but since it appeared here and was caught, there should be no other possibility other than that it was a snake dragon.

What's more, the guy in front of him is not simple, he looks like an ordinary person.Although the body does not look much different from humans, it is still somewhat different. The other thing to say is that its head really looks like a snake. It also wears a suit like a human. The clothes fit very well. , But it’s not very similar to human clothes, it should be specially made.

The scales on its body can be seen from the parts that cannot be covered by the clothes. These scales look quite hard, covering its body piece by piece, protecting its body.

The tail is thin and long, about a meter or so, and the tip of the tail is like a knife blade.

"This guy doesn't look like a dragon in every way, right?"

Hua Yueling stared at the trapped guy in front of her, and asked subconsciously.The snake dragon is now trapped by the magic circle. It is struggling desperately. After seeing Huayueling and the others come in, it is even more frantically struggling. It is a pity that it is very difficult to break free after being trapped by the magic circle, especially this one. The magic circle has also undergone special adjustments.

"It's a catch, but this magic circle is okay, right?"

Hua Yueling was somewhat worried that the magic circle would be broken away, but Mu Ningshuang said after looking at it twice, there must be no problem.

"I will reinforce it?"

"No, we'll just catch it in a while, and what to do with it... Wait for Sister Yun to come back and ask, but we still can't send it to the police station."

The existence of such a guy cannot be known to other people in any way. The most important thing is ordinary people. There is no benefit to letting them know.

Mu Ningshuang checked the magic circle and confirmed that there was no problem.After that, Karin and Lu Yuetong went over to help her control the snake dragon, as long as she controlled it, and then the magic circle didn't have to worry about it, it shouldn't matter if it was placed here.

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