"This guy is a snake dragon, right?"

Hua Yueling turned to look at Karin and asked, Karin nodded at him, even if she only heard some rumors about snake dragons, but at the moment she saw it, she was still sure that the guy in front of her must be a snake. The dragon man is not wrong.

The snake dragon grew up like this, the first time Hua Yueling saw a different "human being", the feeling was very strange.The appearance of the snake dragon is indeed a bit incredible.

"But if you think about it, it's okay. After all, the reason that humans grow up like this is because I am a human being. If they are not human, they must have similar ideas to me."

The idea was still her own problem, Hua Yueling thought for a while, then looked at the snake dragon.The snake dragon was now tied up by Mu Ningshuang and the others, so that was enough. After limiting it, the next thing to do is to solve the magic circle problem.

"Ningshuang, will there be a problem with this magic circle staying?"

Hua Yueling asked in a worried tone. Although he didn't think there should be any major problems, but think about it if someone really came here, starting the magic circle would not be a joke.That is definitely not what they want to see, so if it can be activated, the magic circle must be eliminated.

"Unless no one comes back, it must be cleaned up."

"In other words, if someone comes, it will be activated?"

"It will definitely be activated, and the magic circle will not be destroyed, as long as it is sensed, it will activate." Mu Ningshuang said very positively.While they were chatting, Lu Yuetong and Karin had already put the snake dragon aside, and directly knocked him out. Although there are some things to ask him, there is no need to be so anxious.Now the main thing is not to let it cause trouble.

"If this is the case, I can only trouble you again, Ningshuang. Is it troublesome to destroy it?"

"No trouble."

When Mu Ningshuang said this, she started to work, the magic circle was always flashing after it was activated, and the magic crystals placed around it also flashed light.But now everything has been restored to its original condition, restored to an unobtrusive appearance.

In this regard, I have to say that Mu Ningshuang is very level. The magic circle is cleaned up by three times, five and two. Four magic crystals are recovered. There is magic power in the magic crystals, but a lot of it has been consumed. .

"Okay, the removal is complete, so there is no problem."

Mu Ningshuang said so, stood up, Lu Yuetong and Karin came over holding the snake dragon.The next step is to take the snake dragon back, the key is how to take it back.

"If it can't be discovered by others, then we can't take it back so hungry and upright, if we can put it away and take it with me."

This is the best way, but there is no way to put living things in Hua Yueling’s inventory. Hua Yueling also tried before, so I can only see if Mu Ningshuang’s space bag is like this. Function.If there is, it is naturally good, but if there is no one can only think of other ways.

"Ningshuang, can you put it in your space bag?"

Hua Yueling asked her, but Mu Ningshuang nodded immediately, the meaning was very clear, there was no way to hold people in the magic bag.In that case, you can only think of other ways.

"In this case, it will be more troublesome."

Hua Yueling sighed and said.How to get it away without being discovered, this problem is very difficult to solve, if it is not solved, they will have no way to leave.

"Take it back directly by teleport?"

"Transportation is also a way, but it is also a bit dangerous, right?"

Hua Yueling said so, it definitely won't work to teleport back to her own home. There are more people there. If you are teleporting, it's better to teleport to Sister Aroline's house, which is safer.

"But is there some danger?"

Hua Yueling asked, it is necessary to understand clearly to be able to make a decision, not to say that a decision can be made easily.

"There must be some danger, but it's not that big. It just needs more magic power."

"Magic, um, is the magic enough?"

"No problem, don't worry."

Mu Ningshuang is busy again, and there is no way. Only she can do these things. Hua Yueling and the others do not have the ability to do this, so they can only ask her to help.

While Mu Ningshuang was busy, Hua Yueling and the others were discussing other things, such as whether there were other ways to solve the problem at hand, but it seemed that neither Karin nor Lu Yuetong had any good solutions.

"It would be better if it can be kept invisible for a long time, but it is difficult to be invisible for that long. And it is not easy to bring it back, if you use a bicycle."

It would be great if you could drive a car, just put it in the car, but it would be more troublesome to take it back with a bicycle.So instead of thinking about those, it is better to wait for Mu Ningshuang here.Since Mu Ningshuang agreed and said that, it means that she definitely has a way, and there is no need to worry about this.

"The bicycle must also be taken away, so let me push the bicycle over and put it directly in the inventory, and then take it out when I return."

"me and you togather!"

Lu Yuetong chased after saying so, leaving Karin to accompany Mu Ningshuang to take care of the snake dragon.Although the snake dragon seems to be no threat now, but who knows if it has any special abilities, it is better to leave two people to be safer. If there is only one person, it is still somewhat worrying.

Hua Yueling and Lu Yuetong went out together. The two of them were basically speechless all the way, even if they said they were talking about the appearance of the snake dragon.How should I put it, although they have not seen it before, they have somewhat imagined what it looks like.

"I didn't expect the snake dragon to grow up like this, but I still don't understand how it is called the snake dragon."

Lu Yuetong said somewhat puzzled.No matter how you look at it, the serpents and dragons have little to do with each other.What to say Hua Yueling felt that it should be called a snake man, not a snake dragon.

"Who knows, maybe it's the fun of naming a different world."

Hua Yueling shrugged and said.But this is also a play, and the specifics are just their guesses.

"Let's go faster, get the bike over, and then we can go back."

Hua Yueling already wanted to go back quickly, but didn't want to continue to spend time here.It doesn't mean anything, and after all, what should be done has been solved.

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