Hua Yueling is ready to spend more and spend more, no way, who made Sister Aroline next to her stare at herself with an earnest expression.Can't let her down.

"Huh, the master can make people happy too."

Xiaoxue complained, but didn't say anything too much about it, just didn't say a word of uncomfortableness, so that's why.Just when Hua Yueling wanted to say something, she changed her tone again and talked to Hua Yueling about how to do it, just as Aroline said, this was an urgent matter.

"It is naturally not easy for the owner to save it, and it must be done as soon as possible, otherwise it may lose its memory or even die."

"Don't say these serious things, Xiaoxue, what should I do at a high speed earlier than anything else!"

Hua Yueling interrupted her quickly and told her not to continue to explain. Now is not the time to listen to her explain this matter.What I need is to rescue it as soon as possible according to sister Aroline's idea.

"I know, I know, I am a tool man anyway, and the owner will only think about him when he needs help!"

"..." Hua Yueling had a helpless expression. What's the matter? I don't want to be that way. No matter what, "It's definitely not, but now you really need Xiaoxue's help. And isn’t it urgent, I’m afraid it’s too late."

"Don't worry, it won't be too late, otherwise it would be impossible for others to risk such a danger and have fun with the master. Does the master still believe in others?"

"Naturally believe in you."

Hua Yueling said calmly, how could he not believe Xiaoxue, if he didn't believe her, he wouldn't ask her.And not only him, Sister Aroline also believed that Xiaoxue could help, otherwise it would not be possible to find him.

If you don't believe Xiaoxue, there is no need to find yourself, because Sister Aroline must know that she can't compare to her in this respect.Only Xiaoxue can really help her, Xiaoxue is different, she has the wisdom they don't have.

"The master needs to exchange for a pill, and then let her help the creature in front of her to digest the pill, as long as it is digested, there will be no problem."

Hua Yueling nodded seriously after hearing it, then opened the store and searched for it.

"Concentration Pill, that's right."

Hua Yueling quickly found the pill he needed from the store, but after finding it, he still asked Xiaoxue. Xiaoxue also said that he found this one, that's it.

After confirming the thing, Hua Yueling bought it. After reading the instructions, Hua Yueling still couldn’t figure it out completely after reading the instructions. He also read it several times, but they were all not so. Certainly, it can only be said that since Xiaoxue asked him to buy it, then there must be nothing wrong.

"Can I leave it to Sister Aroline? You have to tell her what to do."

"I'll tell the master in a moment, give her the concentrating pill first."

Xiaoxue insisted on saying this, and Hua Yueling didn't keep asking, anyway, it didn't matter if it was earlier or later.

"Sister Aroline, here is this for you. This is a very useful medicine for the current situation, and you have to give it to you."

Hua Yueling gave the medicine in her hand to Aroline, and Aroline took it too, and took a look at the pill in her hand. She had never seen this kind of pill, and she didn't know what it did. .But since Hua Yueling told her it was useful, she took it in her hand and looked at Hua Yueling.

The meaning in Aroline's eyes was obvious, she was asking him how to use this pill.But Hua Yueling couldn't answer for the time being, he didn't know how to use it.

"Xiaoxue, can you tell me how to use it now?"

"The method used is very simple. Just ask her to split the pill into two halves, then mix the powder with the creature's blood and blend it into the light ball little by little. The speed can't be too fast but it can't be slow, just Fuse it with the light blob at a normal speed so that it can be restored."

Hua Yueling told Sister Aroline all these words, but after hearing it, Sister Aroline was embarrassed, obviously there were difficulties in it.Hua Yueling thought that the most difficult place was blood. Now the creatures in front of her looked like this, where could she get its blood.

"No, I haven't saved its blood before, and now there is no way. Is there any other way?"

There was some hope in the first place, but now that Hua Yueling said that, this method is hopeless.

"Xiaoxue, is there any other way?"

"No blood, right?" Xiaoxue did not pay attention to his question, but asked directly. It seems that she should have thought of this question a long time ago, but she has never said it.Huayueling was stunned, and didn't feel surprised by the time. If she didn't see it, it would be surprising.

"You should have known this Xiaoxue a long time ago. It depends on the situation and you know that there is no way to get blood. What should I do? What if there are corpses, but now only this light group is left. This is no way to get blood."

Hua Yueling sighed. There was nothing to do about it. If even a little blood could be drawn from it, it would be impossible.

"Actually, there is still a way to get blood out of it."

Xiaoxue's sudden words made Hua Yueling stunned. He never thought that this could be done. It was impossible for him to think of this kind of thing. He didn't expect that Xiaoxue would have a way, which is incredible.

"Is there any way?" Hua Yueling immediately asked curiously. He didn't expect Xiaoxue to have a way.

"Of course, the master doesn't look at who they are, how could there be no way."

"That's that, Xiaoxue naturally knows everything, otherwise I wouldn't be able to ask Xiaoxue about you."

Hua Yueling said in a somewhat flattering tone.If Xiaoxue weren't in front of his eyes, she would definitely give him a big white look. This would be too insincere.

But Xiaoxue didn't feel unhappy about it, but found it a bit interesting.

"There must be a way, but the owner still needs to spend some money."

I don’t know how many times I’ve said this. Hua Yueling feels that there’s no need to talk about it. Anyway, it’s all about spending gold coins. Just spend it. Now I don’t want to spend it. After all, it’s to help Sister Aroline. , I can't be stingy at this time anyway.

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