"What else to buy, is something related to blood, that's for sure."

"Yes, it is a relatively special item, so the cost will be relatively high." Xiaoxue explained very seriously. When she heard this, Hua Yueling even felt that this was aimed at herself.

Only then did I accumulate so many gold coins, and as a result, I was almost finished spending this time.

"This is it."

According to what Xiaoxue said, Hua Yueling bought the item, and now there is no time to talk to her.

"Yes, this is it. Give this to her and tell her what to do."

What Hua Yueling bought and held in her hand was something similar to a magic crystal ball, but it was smaller and could be held with one hand.

"Sister Aroline, this is for you."

Hua Yueling simply told her how to use the thing in her hand. It was relatively easy to use. Just use magic to control the movement to the ball of light, and then inject magic into it.

In fact, this item is quite easy to use. It doesn't need much magic power, but it needs some fine control of magic power, which is quite easy for Aroline.

The light beam is not that bright, so when there is magical power flowing in the small ball, the light even once covered its light.

Time passed, and about half a minute passed, the ball of light was taken back by Aroline again, grabbed it in her hand, and could vaguely see some of the liquid in it.

Aroline was a little surprised, but fortunately, she knew what this was for a long time ago, and immediately continued to act after the collection was completed.Now is the time without delay, and no time can be wasted.

After obtaining the most needed items, Aroline then acted according to the information she had obtained before. With everything in place, there was nothing to worry about in this matter.

Following Aroline's actions, the light group's gleaming light became brighter and brighter, and Hua Yueling's eyes were almost gleaming and almost unable to open.A strong flash of light flashed by, and Hua Yueling closed her eyes quickly, so as not to be blinded by this flash, even if she closed her eyes, she could feel the strong flash.

After the flicker, Hua Yueling opened her eyes again, the light ball in front of her was gone, and replaced by a white wolf with white hair.This is a monster that looks very handsome and just standing in front of you will put pressure on you.

The strength should not be underestimated, Hua Yueling thought in her heart, and was also thinking about the relationship between this monster and Sister Aroline.But it was really a guy with terrifying power.


Seeing it recovered, although she didn't recognize it, Hua Yueling was still happy for it, and this was also happy for Sister Aroline.

Seeing it recovered, Sister Aroline blinked her big eyes, knelt down, and gently stroked the white wolf's hair.The expression was so gentle, and I couldn't believe it when I saw Sister Aroline's expression like this. Is this really the expression Sister Aroline would show?

The usual sister Aroline, who loves to joke, is so gentle now.

Hua Yueling didn't know what kind of relationship this white wolf had with Aroline, but from the performance of Sister Aroline, it could be seen that they should have known each other for a long, long time.

Bai Lang's head lowered, I don't know if it was shy or ashamed, and there was no other reaction.

Sister Aroline didn't say anything, she just stroked it gently, as if she was comforting it in this way.No words to each other, this silence is the best way of communication, more effective than any words.

Hua Yueling was also silent, just like them, just watching them and watching the movements of Sister Aroline.

White Wolf yelled twice, and Aroline nodded. It seemed that she should understand White Wolf's words.Hua Yueling couldn't understand it at all, but he didn't need to understand either. He even felt that he was a bit redundant here, but he himself couldn't send it back.

Looking around, you can see endless mountains in the distance. The mountains are not so high, they are empty above them, but they have continuous greenery.

The place where they are now is a plain, and a piece of loess can be seen in the area connecting the mountains.Under their feet, there is a short light green grass that stretches farther.

In the direction opposite to the mountains, he could see the black smoke rising. Hua Yueling hadn't paid attention to that side before, so he didn't see it. Now he is quite curious about what's going on there.

There was sorrow in the cry of the white wolf, and Aroline frowned after hearing it. It seemed that she was also unhappy with what the white wolf said.Huayue Ling wanted to know what the two of them were talking about, but now neither White Wolf nor Sister Aroline had time to pay attention to him.

Hua Yueling wasn't reconciled, as she thought she didn't have her own.

"Xiao Yueling, take a trip with sister."

Sister Aroline stood up suddenly, stepped forward and grabbed his hand and said.He dragged him involuntarily and walked in the direction of smoke, while White Wolf ran in the forefront, like a guide.

The white wolf is fast, sister Aroline is not so fast, Hua Yueling herself is the slowest one in it.Had it not been for Sister Aroline to pull herself, he would have been unable to catch up anyway.

Hua Yueling had to speed up, he felt that if he didn't speed up, he would have to be dragged to fly, and there would be no way to adjust his body balance.

Fortunately, both White Wolf and Sister Aroline knew the speed of taking care of him, but they didn't really make him fly.

Hua Yueling had tried his best to catch up, but even so, he felt like he was about to float, there was no way, who made Mu Ningshuang and White Wolf go too fast.That kind of speed is too terrifying, if he can also reach that kind of speed, it would be the best, but Hua Yueling knew that she couldn't be that fast.

Just like that, the three of them ran forward, the white wolf's white hair fluttering in the wind, and the same was true of sister Aroline's long dark hair.With such beautiful hair, Hua Yueling stared in a daze.

Don't look at running at a very fast speed, but Hua Yueling felt that she was the first time she saw Sister Aroline such a lady.

Thinking about it, it felt funny, but Hua Yueling didn't dare to laugh out loud, otherwise, I don't know how tortured she would be.As he was thinking, they were already close to the place where the black smoke appeared. Hua Yueling looked over, but unfortunately because of being dragged by Sister Aroline, he couldn't see clearly.

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