At the end of the discussion, it can only be said that it ended without disease. Hua Yueling and the others naturally wanted to discuss one reason, but in the end there was still no progress.There is no difference from before, mainly because the possibility of implementation is relatively poor and there is no better way, so I can only put this idea aside for the time being.

Sister Yun came back for dinner at noon and talked with them about the things caused by the snake dragon. Although this case caused a lot of commotion, because nothing happened after that, and there was really no clue. It was put aside, at least it was not as concerned as it was at the beginning.

This also made Hua Yueling and the others somewhat relieved, but in fact, there is nothing to worry about even if they continue to investigate. After all, the snake dragon has been caught and locked up with Sister Aroline. It is impossible to be discovered anyway. .

Putting it on Sister Aroline is insurance, but I haven't figured out how to deal with it.

What do the snake dragon guys say, after all, so many things have been done, and there are indeed things that will happen in another world, so it feels a bit bad to get it back in this way.

The snake dragon is also a problem, but fortunately, there is still a place to place it, and it can't and can't have opinions.

For the time being, it’s not bad to put it at Sister Aroline. It’s safer and has insurance, so you don’t have to worry about it running away even if no one is watching.To be honest, with sister Aroline, it is impossible to let it escape anyway.

During the meal, I also talked about other things, but it was just a nonsense chat, and there was no other meaning.

"I'm going to rest, you can play by yourself."

After eating lunch, Sister Yun quickly went back to the room. A morning's work made her look very sleepy. Naturally, Hua Yueling and the others would not go back to disturb her.Let her take a good rest alone, and she will definitely feel uncomfortable if she doesn't rest well.

"I'll clean up by myself, I don't need your help. Go outside and sit for a while."

Hua Yueling said so, she started to clean up, but Mu Ningshuang and the others naturally wouldn't let him work alone, and followed him to clean up.After finishing the cleaning, Mu Ningshuang took the initiative to stay outside and took a rag to wipe the table, while Lu Yuetong went to the kitchen to wash the dishes with Hua Yueling.

There are a lot of stacked bowls. Hua Yueling glanced at the pool filled with bowls. This was the consequence of not cleaning up for a few days. Otherwise, it would be impossible to pile up so many.After all, there are a lot of people here, and they use a lot of dishes every day.

"It looks like it will take a while."

Lu Yuetong said in a joking tone, and she started to get busy.Hua Yueling stood beside her, busy working with her.

"Sister Yun is really tired this time."

Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang's caller Huayun followed Huayueling, and they also respected Huayun.

Hua Yueling and Lu Yuetong got busy amid the "ding ding dang dong" collision, wearing plastic gloves, poured detergent, and then began to wash.

"Yeah, but it's about to take a holiday, isn't it? Sister Yun should be able to take a good rest this time."

The last vacation was delayed by the snake dragon, because it caused so many things, so the original vacation is gone, it all depends on it.But this time there should be no problem. After all, the snake dragon was also arrested, and it is impossible to do anything so soon.

"Aling, do you have any other plans?"

There is almost no plan for their actions recently, and Lu Yuetong just thought about it just now, taking advantage of this moment to ask Hua Yueling's thoughts.In fact, she had decided that she, Hua Yueling, and Mu Ningshuang had set their own goals together, and the goals of the three were coordinated with each other. Anyway, she felt that they would definitely get along for a long, long time.

There are very few people who get along like this now. They are together almost every day. Sometimes Lu Yuetong can't figure out what he thinks.But if you think about it, maybe I was influenced by a good friend.

Although Mu Ningshuang rarely expresses her emotions when she wants to say something, and she hardly says anything, but her actions will affect others unknowingly, and Lu Yuetong feels that she must be influenced by her. Arrived.

This kind of influence cannot be said to be bad, Lu Yuetong himself thinks it is quite good.

"Aling, how are you preparing?"

"Huh?" Hua Yueling was a little surprised to hear her say that, she didn't understand what he meant.

"It's a new game."

"Ah, ah, how should I say, there is still no progress for the time being."

Hua Yueling blinked, and after a brief thought, she said, how could it be so fast, how could it take some time.There is no need to worry, no, besides, even if it is really completed, it will definitely need to be revised by then, not that it can be done overnight.

"We will definitely get busy then."

"It's not necessarily. It's not that you have to rush to finish this work. It's okay to take it slowly. But you still have to rely on you for many things. It's just that I can't finish it all by myself."

"That was the case last time, just leave it to us, don't worry."

Lu Yuetong smiled at the next task, and she recalled the last time she cooperated with him and Mu Ningshuang. Generally speaking, the cooperation was very pleasant.

"What kind of game are you going to make?"

Lu Yuetong asked curiously, she played a lot of games recently, and she played with the three of his ruins Mu Ningshuang, but she also had time to play on her own.She has slightly changed her interest, or added some interest that she didn't have before.

"It's still role-playing, I like this type."

"Oh, I know I know."

Lu Yuetong made an expression that he had understood everything, and couldn't help turning away Hua Yueling's gaze.What does she know, Hua Yueling wondered in her heart, aren't they talking about the game? How did she make it seem like she has some bad secret.

Hua Yueling felt that there must have been some deviations in the process of the two of them chatting, but Lu Yuetong definitely didn't think so, she still looked at him with a smile, seeing that he would not dare to look at her at all.

"It's really weird, it's like I did something wrong."

Somewhat helplessly, Hua Yueling didn't feel that she had done anything wrong at all, and that was the truth. This is not talking about making games, how could she have any secrets in this regard.

It was a little unclear, so Hua Yueling focused on the work at hand and didn't continue talking.

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