Mu Ningshuang came to the kitchen after wiping the table and wanted to help Hua Yueling and the others, but Hua Yueling and the others did not use her to help. After all, the dishes and chopsticks here are almost washed, there is no need to do it anymore. Let her dip her hands.

"Ningshuang, you just stay here and chat with us for a while, no need to help, we don't have much here."

"I'll help you rush it again."

Mu Ningshuang still wanted to help, so she walked forward.But it's impossible for a sink to do two things at the same time, so Hua Yueling shook his head again.

"I'll take a basin of water first, can I use this basin?"

Mu Ningshuang took a stainless steel basin from the cabinet next to her and asked. She insisted that Hua Yueling couldn't say no to it. No way, she nodded and gave her room.

After receiving a basin of clean water, Mu Ningshuang took the basin next to Hua Yueling, and washed the washed bowl next to him with clean water.The three of them were just talking and washing the dishes. In such a relaxed atmosphere, it didn't take long for so many dishes and chopsticks to be cleaned and received inside the cupboard.

I haven't figured out what to do in the afternoon, but after Hua Yueling finished washing the bowl, he was a little sleepy. He was sitting on the sofa in the living room, leaning against the backrest, his eyes were a little unopened, and drowsy.

"Are you sleepy? If you are sleepy, go to rest. I have to lie down for a while. I'm too sleepy."

"Aling, your mental head is not very good. It's not good to be so sleepy every day. It's like this in school, why is it still like this at home."

Lu Yuetong said so, staring at his face carefully, it seemed that he did not have much energy.

"Ningshuang told me about your performance in school. You sleep in almost every class, right? You were groggy during a class, and you have to let Ningshuang look at the teacher for you."

Hua Yueling smiled bitterly. He guessed that Mu Ningshuang said it, but he didn't expect that Ningshuang would talk about these things with her. He thought that even if Mu Ningshuang was alone with Lu Yuetong, he didn't like it. What are you talking about? It doesn't look like this now.

"You can't rely on me for this," Hua Yueling shook her head and said, "The main reason is that it's too boring. I can't control myself at all. I want not to sleep, but I can't help it if I'm too sleepy."

"Forget it, I won't say that much, otherwise, Aling, you should be angry with me."

"How is it possible, I don't have such a small belly, chicken intestine."

Hua Yueling said funny, how stingy he was when he reached Lu Yuetong's mouth, he didn't think he was like that.

"You are wrong about this. What is our relationship? Just say whatever you want. I don't have a problem at all. You don't understand me too much when you say that. When will I have sex with you? It's over."

"That's true, Aling, you have a good temper, but you haven't been angry."

Hearing Lu Yuetong's laughter, Hua Yueling also felt a little happy somehow, perhaps because her laughter was so good.But in fact, the best laugh is Mu Ningshuang, but Mu Ningshuang's character rarely laughs.

But even if she doesn't like to laugh, Mu Ningshuang is still very cute, even if she has always been this expressionless appearance, she is the cutest, Hua Yueling thought.

Leaning on the sofa, their eyes moved on Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang, it seemed that they didn't want to go back to the room to rest.I still want to talk, but Hua Yueling herself doesn't have the energy to chat with them, and she can't open her eyes anymore.

Blinking vigorously, Hua Yueling still lacks energy.

"No way, I can't hold on anymore, lie down for a while, let's talk."

"Let's keep our voice down, so we won't bother you."

"It's okay, I sleep soundly and won't be awakened."

Naturally, Hua Yueling would not say that they would make herself annoyed when they talked, but she said with a smile, leaning on the sofa, Hua Yueling brought the big sofa cushion over and put her head down, her pillow was quite comfortable. Yes, although it is not comfortable to lie on the bed, it is okay. Rest is no problem.

After Hua Yueling lay down, she closed her eyes and really needed a rest.

Not long after he lay down, Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong seemed to have nothing to say. Hua Yueling could not hear the voices of the two of them, and did not know whether they really stopped talking or lowered their voices. He can't hear.

But Hua Yueling didn't think about these things, he was very, very sleepy, almost lost his energy, and fell asleep before long.

Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang were both watching his reaction. Seeing him gradually falling asleep, both girls showed smiles.They didn't know what they were talking about, but they could see that they both showed some smiles.

"It looks like he is really asleep."

Lu Yuetong said softly, Mu Ningshuang stared at his face, as if he could see something on his face, but in fact, there was nothing on Hua Yueling's face.His face is very clean, with no abnormalities at all.

Mu Ningshuang stared at him with interest, as if to print his face in his eyes.Lu Yuetong looked at the reaction of her friend from the side, and couldn't help but smile. When did her friend become like this? Really, she could not imagine her expression and action like this.

But Mu Ningshuang looked quite happy, which was good, there was no need to think too much.

Although the sofa is mostly occupied by Huayueling, fortunately, the sofa in Huayueling's family is L-shaped, so there is still room to sit on.Seeing that there was nothing moving between them, Lu Yuetong herself was somewhat sleepy. She even wondered whether she was affected by Hua Yueling, otherwise she would not be so sleepy at noon. Over.

Of course, this is just a matter of thinking about it, but it doesn't matter if it is actually like this.

Leaning on the backrest, curled up, his knees almost touched his chest, one hand on the leg, the other hand under the head, half-squinted to rest.After lying down like this for a while, she felt that there seemed to be some movement next to her, and subconsciously opened her eyes and looked aside.

I saw Mu Ningshuang also lay down, and she was almost leaning against herself. She was facing her side and her back to Hua Yueling.At this time she had closed her eyes, and she seemed to be taking a nap too.

"It's faster than I fell asleep."

Muttering in her heart, Lu Yuetong felt very happy on the contrary, so she stayed like this and fell asleep again.

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