"What's the matter, Xiao Ling, you are so listless, aren't you playing games?"

When Hua Yun came back, seeing her younger brother sitting in front of the monitor with a downcast face, she couldn't help but asked in surprise.I was thinking about how to play games and still be depressed.

"This is all caused by sister Aroline."

Hua Yueling sighed and said, and at the same time he turned his head and looked at the triumphant sister Arolin beside him, which was in sharp contrast with himself.

If it weren’t for being bullied, Huayueling wouldn’t have had such an expression. She was really hit a bit too much. Although she had suffered such a hit before, this time...

Sister Aroline really didn't mean to be merciful at all. She was so helpless to fight back. Just thinking about the scene of her being beaten so badly in the game felt a little unbearable.

"It's so miserable."

Sister Aroline was still saying that, which made him even more angry. Who caused his misery, how could you still have such a okay attitude.

But Sister Aroline is like this, and it's not surprising.

Hua Yun knew what happened to the two of them after hearing it, and couldn't help but smile.If you want to say it, they are really children, whether it's your brother or Aroline.

"You two..."

"Sister Huayun, come, too. Let's play with the three of us. It's interesting if there are many people. Anyway, you won't have to go to work tomorrow. Let's play all night!"

Aroline spoke vigorously, but Hua Yun immediately shook her head and denied her.

"It's definitely not going to be overnight, and no more than twelve o'clock at most."

"Then rest at twelve!"

Aroline was unambiguous, and immediately changed her statement.Hua Yun chuckled again after hearing it, and walked over to sit down on the other side of Hua Yueling.

Hua Yueling's family doesn't have many other things, and there are really many game controllers. Hua Yueling still collected some controllers, but these controllers cost him a lot of money.

The three of them who had been missing for a long time were still with Sister Aroline and Sister Yun. Seeing the happy Sister Yun beside her, Hua Yueling was also happy.Isn't it like this when playing games? Sometimes I care too much about winning or losing, but this is also caused by sister Aroline. If she didn't instigate herself so much, she wouldn't be so angry.

Thinking that he was still too young, Hua Yueling sighed inwardly, and then his attention returned to the screen in front of him.

Since it is a multiplayer game, it must be a game that can be played by multiple players, and those that can only be played by one player are put aside.

The three of them kept playing until twelve o'clock. Aroline originally wanted to continue playing so quietly, but Hua Yun kept paying attention to the changes in time.After finding out that it was so late, he said directly that he was going to rest.

"Aroline, you are not obedient at all, don't we all agree to rest at twelve o'clock?"

"Oh, I didn’t expect it to be so late. I just forgot everything as soon as I was happy to play the game. It’s okay, isn’t it still early? ."

Aroline looked like she didn't know it was so late, and after looking at the time, she showed an expression she didn't expect, making it look real.But when Hua Yueling saw it, she knew that she was definitely performing. It is credible to say that others have forgotten the time, but it is absolutely impossible for Sister Aroline to fail to notice, but she is unwilling to take the initiative to speak. Sister Aroline spoke up, so there was no other way.

Hua Yueling was a little funny, and Sister Aroline was really able to use this method to trick her, but Sister Yun probably had been paying attention, so she didn't let her succeed.

Now that I have said everything, there is no way to continue playing.After playing this round, Hua Yueling turned off the game console, stood up and stretched out, ready to rest.

After eating dinner, almost all of the time was spent on it. Hua Yueling was really tired, and there was a feeling of stiffness all over her body, and she needed to move around first.

"Then I'll go back and rest, and we will leave after breakfast tomorrow morning, is it okay?"

"No problem, but you have to wait for Ningshuang and Yuetong, they should go too."

"If you are unsure, call tomorrow morning and ask. If they don't go, they don't have to wait for them."

Aroline walked out after speaking, she shouldn't be that tired, but Hua Yueling looked at her performance but was more anxious to go to rest than they did.It seems that Sister Aroline is still full of vitality now, not at all tired.

As for whether Sister Aroline would rest here honestly in the evening, Hua Yueling didn't think about it so much. Anyway, it doesn't matter if I rest here, we will all leave together tomorrow.She couldn't leave them here alone.

"have a rest."

Hua Yueling didn't wake up early the next day, but he didn't expect that Sister Aroline would not wake up.It was Sister Yun who had told him before, and she told him to call her later.

"Sister Aroline hasn't gotten up yet?"

The surprise in Hua Yueling's tone was conceivable, but he quickly caught up with his sister.

"Sister Yun, I'm going to buy breakfast, you should call Sister Aroline."

Today, my sister had a hard time taking a break, so I should help myself, and I can’t always ask sister Yun to buy breakfast.

"Then let's siblings, let's call Alorin later when we come back."

"Also, let's go."

The two brothers and sisters hit it off right away, so they went out to buy breakfast together, leaving Aroline sleeping in the room alone.

When I went out with my sister, Hua Yueling didn't have time to call Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang for the time being, but she didn't have to be in such a hurry. You can ask them after breakfast.However, Hua Yueling thought that they would go with them. Basically, they hadn't left this kind of activity.

Who can be sure of what, maybe they won't go this time, and Hua Yueling can't say what it is for sure.

"Bang bang bang."

Knocked on the door, Hua Yueling listened attentively, there was a sound in the room, it sounded like Sister Alorin turned over and did not get up.

"Sister Aroline, get up for breakfast soon."

When he called so, the movement inside was a little louder, Sister Aroline muttered something, and then she heard her response.

"Isn't it just this time? What anxious?"

"If you don't eat out, breakfast will be cold."

"Here is it."

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