"We're going to pass in a while, are you coming back?"

"In the past, it must be over. But I am eating here, so let me go right away after I have breakfast."

"It's okay, it doesn't matter if you wait. Don't worry, it doesn't matter if you are late."

Just as Hua Yueling was about to hang up, there was another voice over there.

"Aling, have you asked Ningshuang, when will she be there?"

"I haven't asked yet. I'm going to call her and ask."

"Okay, then don't forget to tell her, I'll go find her."

Hua Yueling said that she knew, and then hung up.Then he called Mu Ningshuang again.Mu Ningshuang's reply was basically the same as that of Lu Yuetong, but she had already had breakfast and said that she would come over.

"Don't worry, I called Yuetong just now. She asked you to wait for her at home, and she will come to you later."

Mu Ningshuang said he knew, and then hung up the phone.

"How about, are they coming here?"

"Come here, but I have to wait a while, and Yuetong has to have breakfast. It's okay if you come later."

"Then wait for them to come over before leaving." Aroline did not rush away, sitting on the sofa leisurely drinking a drink.

"It doesn't take long. They will be here in half an hour."

Hua Yueling watched sister Yun being busy, and hurried over to help.If he was alone, he would definitely be too lazy to do these placement things, but now that Sister Yun is busy, he can't be regarded as invisible.Hurried forward to rush to help.

"Just drag it clean over there, and you won't need it elsewhere."

In just such a short time, so many rooms were almost dragged back, and sister Yun was really fast.Hua Yueling helped clean up the rest of the place, then went to rinse the mop again, and took a can of drinks after finishing everything and went to sit in the living room.

"Sister Yun, here, sit and drink a can of drinks and take a break."


Hua Yun saw that all those who should be busy were finished, and there was nothing left to put, so she sat down.

Anyway, there is nothing wrong now, just sit and wait for a while, quietly waiting for Mu Ningshuang and the others to come over, and then it is time to set off.

Hua Yun took the bottle of drink that her brother handed herself, opened it and took two sips, then leaned back.There was only the sound of drinks in the room, and no one spoke.

The facade of the living room is quiet, it is such a quiet atmosphere, but everyone thinks it is quite good, and no one wants to talk to break this atmosphere.

Everyone waited quietly like this, with no other actions or words other than a drink.Time just passed by bit by bit, time now is not so fast, it is different from usual, but it feels rather slow.

Hua Yueling originally liked such an atmosphere, but now she doesn't know what, she is a little annoyed, this kind of irritability is not so heavy, but it is still irritable.There are very few things like this. Irritable emotions appear early in the morning. He doesn't know what's wrong with him, or because he is going out to play with Sister Yun today, he is quite excited.

Before she knew it, Hua Yueling felt a little sleepy, and she felt like she was about to fall asleep.But no one reminded him that whether it was Aroline or Hua Yun, they were silent, not knowing what they were thinking.

"Xiao Ling, Xiao Ling..."

In a daze, Hua Yueling heard Sister Yun calling herself. At first he was a little unclear, but soon he regained his spirit and realized what was going on.

It should be Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong who came back, but I didn't expect that they really fell asleep without knowing it.

Quickly opened his eyes and sat up, and he saw Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong standing on the side looking towards him.

"You are here, when did you come?"

"I just came here, I made you wait for a long time."

"It's okay, it's okay." Hua Yueling shook her head lightly, and yawned after sitting up.

Hua Yun also got up from his side and walked outside.

"Since everyone is here, let's set off. I don't know when we get there. Maybe it's already night."

"Then go."

The sound came from the doorway. Hua Yueling looked over and found that she didn't know when Sister Aroline had arrived at the doorway, she was about to open the door with her forehand.

Lu Yuetong looked at Hua Yueling somewhat apologetically. The late arrival was mainly because she consumed more time, but it was naturally impossible for Hua Yueling to blame her for this.But he didn't say anything, just walked towards the door like this.

Hua Yueling and the others used teleportation to leave. When they were teleported away, Hua Yueling still didn't quite understand. Since it was a direct teleportation, why did Sister Alorin have to go to the door and hold the doorknob? Fine?

She was really a great dramatist. After Hua Yueling woke up, she said to go directly to Hunter Planet. As a result, Sister Aroline let go of the door handle she was holding and returned, and directly led them to the familiar place.

Hua Yueling and the others came to that village, the first village they arrived after they came to Hunter Planet.After arriving here, Hua Yueling realized that it was the same night as Sister Aroline said.

It seems that Sister Aroline has thoroughly researched the situation here. She knew that it was night here before she came. If he hadn't thought of it, he would have a headache just thinking about it, and even more. Don't talk about other things.

But it's night here, so it's more convenient to act, don't worry about anything.

"I didn't expect that it would be night here, so it would be troublesome to go out and around. Wouldn't it be dangerous if we just send it directly to the city?"

Hua Yun looked up at the top of her head, and asked with some worry.

"It's okay. I will send you there. As long as you don’t cause too much movement, don’t worry. Just remember to be careful in the city, don’t do anything particularly eye-catching, and you must always pay attention to the people patrolling there. They are very keen, and they should pay attention to you if they notice."

"We know this. If it doesn't work, we won't go there. It would be nice to have a look around here."

"The wind has been tight recently, but it’s okay. It’s better in the daytime. The daytime guards are not so strict. Anyway, we don’t have to go in through the door, but don’t worry."

"That's okay, if you can't get to the city here, it would be a bit boring."

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