Hua Yueling and the others still saw Sister Livello in the village. Sister Livello naturally hadn’t slept so early, but Aroline didn’t know what she was doing, but every day after coming here. She is busy.

"Sister Livello."

"Well, you are here." Liweiluo raised his head and looked at them, deliberately staying on Hua Yueling for a while.After seeing her in this way, Hua Yueling remembered something. Sister Aroline wanted to come to her by herself. If she hadn't seen her, she would have forgotten this matter.

"Sister Livello is looking for something to do with me?"

"Something, but it's too late now. Let's talk about it tomorrow. You will come to me again tomorrow."

"When?" Hua Yueling had thought about something and said it now, but it seemed that Liweiluo didn't want to talk about these things now, but put it on tomorrow.

"It's okay anytime, you just have to come over tomorrow." Livio didn't have much request, just let him come tomorrow, there is no time to ask.

"Well then, I'll be here early tomorrow."

Seeing that Sister Liweiluo didn't mean to say more, Hua Yueling didn't continue to say anything, and ended the conversation between them.

Then Hua Yueling and the others left here, Liweiluo had nothing to say to them.If this is the case, there is no need to pretend to bother her. Aroline said something to her before leaving, but Livello just listened to it and didn't respond.

But Aroline didn't care about this either. Anyway, she knew that as long as Sister Livello had heard her words, she didn't need to worry about the others.

"Should I go to the city or walk around here?"

"Walk around, isn't it safer here?"

"That's for sure. After all, there is a sister here, it is impossible for something to happen. But there have been some things before. Fortunately, the sister noticed it in time, otherwise it would be troublesome."

Hua Yueling didn't know what happened here, but Aroline didn't mean to explain.Think about it this place is after all other people's territory, although others do not have much control over this place, but they still have to be cautious.

The villages in the woods are quite interesting, especially the number of large tracts has formed a natural barrier. It feels like the place where the elves of another world live. People here will still have the same hobbies as elves, or Quite interesting, is it due to development or some other reason?

Hua Yueling wanted to study and study. The people here are not elves, but they have similar preferences, at least in terms of living.

"Then what are we going to do? I didn't expect to come here at night. If it's daytime, it would be better. It seems that there is nothing interesting at night."

Looking left and right, there was no one in the village. It seemed that Sister Livello was here, and there was not much attention here, so the preventive measures were not so strict.However, it is important to see from a distance that there are people guarding the entrance and exit, but the number of guards is very small, probably only four or five.

"Is such a small number of people enough?"

"Enough is enough. In fact, this is also done to train them. Otherwise, how could it be necessary for them to have a sister here."

"That's true, it's definitely not possible to rely on Liweiluo." Hua Yueling said softly, and looked in other directions.

In fact, nothing got better at night, but what Hua Yueling said was that it hadn't been long before she woke up. It was impossible to just go back to sleep just because it was night here.Besides, even if Huayueling is willing, others will not. No way, then you can only go around at night and go around in the forest here, near the village, think about it. It also has a special flavor.

Several people walked around the village. They hadn't noticed the changes in the village before, but they soon discovered that the village was very different from when they left.It's not even the village they built, but a brand new village.

"Unbelievable, I didn't expect the changes here to be so fast. Even if the time here progresses relatively slowly, the development here is too fast."

Hua Yueling looked at everything in front of her with an incredible feeling. How long has passed since Rome was not built in a day, this village may even become a huge town if it is built like this.

This is not impossible, as long as the number of people can be substantial, this is very possible.

Now this village is quite good, even more beautiful than those villages on earth. There are houses with incredible feelings everywhere.These houses are somewhat similar to modern villas, but they are mixed with magic.

This must be Sister Liweiluo's handwriting, anyone besides her can do it, the only thing Hua Yueling can think of seems to be Sister Aroline.

"Sister Aroline, did you do it or Sister Livello did it?"

"My sister did it. My sister has always stayed in this village, so she manages it all by herself. It's impossible for me to interfere."

Aroline said so, and she also looked at everything in the village seriously, and she hadn't come here for a while.Now she is a little surprised to see the changes here, but the main thing that surprised her was that her sister would intervene in these things, which was really unexpected.

After living here for a period of time, the people here are already familiar with these buildings. They were surprised when they first saw it, but after a period of time passed, they gradually didn't think it was an incredible thing.This is people's ability to accept it, no matter where people have such incredible ability, it is also very interesting.

After observing all the houses here, Hua Yueling walked around in this brand new village, and then came to the exit of the village.There are two entrances and exits in this village, and each entrance is protected by two or three people. For example, at the entrance where they are now, two people stand guard on the high wall.

The walls here have long been not the kind of earth walls that Mu Ningshuang first made, but replaced with stronger steel-like walls, or concrete-like walls.

This kind of wall was also made by Sister Livello, and the strength is indeed very good. Although there is no way to compare with those city walls, it is not much different.

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