There was no movement of the monster, no defensive measures, and no posture to attack, as if Hua Yueling and the others were all its friends, waiting for them to pass.

Hua Yueling and the others were somewhat surprised when they saw this situation, and they didn't understand what the other party meant, but no matter what the other party did, they would definitely not stop.Secretly guarding against possible attacks by the monsters, Hua Yueling and the others accelerated their pace and rushed forward quickly.

The footsteps didn't mean to cover up at all. In fact, there was no need to cover up. The other party had already discovered their existence. It would be even worse if they were to cover up again.It's better to just go forward so generously, maybe there will be some exchanges then.

Hua Yueling had such thoughts, but it was still hard to say whether his thoughts were successful. After Hua Yueling passed by, he found that the other party still didn't move at all, which made him more and more puzzled.What is going on, logically speaking, it shouldn't be this way, regardless of whether the other party is hostile to them, in this case, there is no hungry and there may be no movement.

The movements slowed down involuntarily. Seeing the other's reaction, Hua Yueling was also a little worried. This situation was different from what he had imagined.In other words, he never thought that the other party would react in this way, in his opinion this was the most unlikely choice.

"How to do?"

Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang saw him slow down, and they also slowed down just like him, and asked in a low voice.But Hua Yueling didn't have a better idea for the time being, so she had to look at the situation first.

Hua Yueling ran all the way to the front of the figure, but when he was about to speak, he was stunned by the scene in front of him, and his opened mouth opened a little wider, and there was no sound in his throat.

"This, this is..."

The monster in front of me seemed to have gone with the wind in an instant, and was no longer a trace. Not only him, but Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang were also surprised and closed their mouths from ear to ear.


Hua Yueling reacted after being surprised, and quickly turned around to look for something, Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang reacted only slightly slower than him.The three people looked around for a while, and it was still the figure of the other person that Lu Yuetong first spotted. She pointed in that direction, and Hua Yueling and the others immediately turned and ran in that direction.

Hua Yueling and the others are very fast, but in a blink of an eye they came to the side of the figure again, but just like before, the figure is just a phantom, and it has disappeared and turned into white when they get close. The mist, just like this, dispersed in this place.

The white mist spread quickly, as if to engulf them all.Hua Yueling realized that something was wrong, and quickly withdrew back. At the same time, he grabbed the wrists of Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong, and the three quickly moved away.

"Hurry up, run as far as possible, as long as you don't be surrounded by this kind of fog!"

Hua Yueling herself didn’t know the consequences of being surrounded by this kind of fog, but there was a voice in his heart that constantly reminded him that the fog must not be surrounded by them, it would be very dangerous. !

The white mist spreads very fast, but within a short period of time, the white mist has already spread over a large area. Hua Yueling never expected that the white mist would be so fast, it was incredible.

"Hurry up, hurry up, don't be touched!"

Hua Yueling didn't know what was terrifying about this white fog, but he knew very well that no matter how people on his side could not touch the white fog, it was quite dangerous.Bai Wu must have something to do with the monsters they saw, but it's hard to say what kind of relationship it has.This is no joke.

"Why is there such a monster here?!"

Lu Yuetong’s incredible words came into Hua Yueling’s ears. In fact, Hua Yueling was also very strange. He didn’t expect to encounter such a terrifying monster here. Until now, they didn’t even know what the other party was like. Creatures.

I just saw the mist-like figure twice, thinking about it this way, the white mist enveloping the monsters is almost indistinguishable from the mist now spreading.What does this mean? Does it mean that this white mist is that kind of monster, or does it have other meanings?

Hua Yueling didn't know the specific role of the white mist chasing them behind, but this white mist was terrifying and sure, if he could, he would definitely not want to have any contact with the white mist.

Sister Aroline and Sister Yun should both be far away, and they didn't respond. I don't know if Sister Aroline is planning something, but Hua Yueling feels that at least everything in front of her should be in her plan.It's just that she has any plans next, whether to attract the monsters out.

Sister Aroline probably hasn't planned to do anything yet, and now they don't know if they are looking for the monster they are looking for.It was the White Mist who was chasing them, and nothing else, and they couldn't see any entity. In this case, there was no way to treat the White Mist as the monster.

Hua Yueling is a calm thinker, but he is still very fast.Basically, they never stopped along the way. Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong followed him under his leadership, and the three of them simply had no time to take care of the surrounding situation.

Bai Wu quickly swallowed everything around them, Hua Yueling couldn't even believe it, all this happened really fast, but it was just a matter of blinking an eye.The white mist enveloped everything, and the colorful flowers and trees turned into a white scene in a blink of an eye, and nothing else could be found.

"We can't just run away like this, it's not a solution, isn't it. If we've been chased like this, I don't know where we are going to be chased!"

"I know this too, but I must not be anxious now. I can only talk about the situation first. Besides, the white mist, you see how fast it spreads, how can we stop it?"

"This one……"

"Run quickly. At this time, we have nothing to do. If we have an idea, we will wait a little further away. Anyway, it is quite far from the village, and I don't think it will spread to the village."

After being so urged by Hua Yueling, Lu Yuetong didn't say anything, and ran after him without stopping.

The white mist is still spreading and chasing them, and the speed is not slower than them at all, but faster.

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