Running all the way like this, being chased by the white mist, the white mist showed no signs of dissipating, nor could he see any signs of stopping.They could only keep running, running in the same direction when the net came, to meet Sister Aroline and Sister Yun.

"Do you want me to attack and try?"

Mu Ningshuang ran next to Hua Yueling, just running like this made her a little unhappy, so she asked Hua Yueling in such a low voice.Her idea is also very simple. If you don't touch the white mist, you can directly use magic to attack. In this way, it will be good if there is an effect, and it will be fine if there is no effect.

"It's okay, you try, but it's best not to slow down, or you will be caught up."

"I know."

Mu Ningshuang said very calmly, the magic wand was taken out, and the condensed magic power turned into a storm of ice and snow.Flame magic definitely cannot be used here. Even if everything in the forest is covered by white fog, it is not appropriate to use flame magic here, and it may be burned by the entire forest.

No one wants the entire forest to be burned. In that case, not only the forest, but even the village will be affected if it is not handled properly.

The snow storm struck in the direction of the spread of the white mist. When the snow storm and the white mist collided, the white mist was directly frozen and stopped spreading, so there was no response.

"Does it work?" Just as Hua Yueling couldn't help but stop thinking about it, the frozen white mist suddenly burst and continued to spread.

"No way!"

"If it doesn't work, run quickly, don't stop!"

Hua Yueling also reacted immediately and greeted Mu Ningshuang on the road when she continued to travel.

Mu Ningshuang originally wanted to try this again, but looking at Hua Yueling meant not to try again, she was very unwilling to just try it once and then give up!

She didn't believe that she couldn't stop the spreading white mist, although she couldn't stop the attack just now, but she felt that she still had something to gain.

"Try again." Mu Ningshuang's tone was calm and firm, and she felt that there was no room for rebuttal when she listened. She had made a decision.This gave Hua Yueling some reason, but he still nodded.

"It's okay to try, but you can't put yourself in danger. Avoid it first and make sure that there is no danger before trying." Hua Yueling's meaning is also very clear, putting her own safety first.In fact, even if he didn't talk about Mu Ningshuang, she was not the kind of impulsive person who ignored her safety, she was more calm than anyone else.

The three ran a distance again, but they were still unable to leave Bai Wu behind, which caused Mu Ningshuang to be unable to respond temporarily.

"Come again!"

"Ningshuang, don't be impulsive!"

"It can't catch up."

Mu Ningshuang said extremely calmly, Hua Yueling only looked at it and understood that she definitely did not do this for the sake of fighting for a moment, she was confident enough to ensure her safety.

"We will cover for you and be more careful."

Hua Yueling mentioned something and looked at Lu Yuetong. Even if he didn't need to talk about it, Lu Yuetong understood his thoughts.Besides, she is definitely the most active one in protecting Mu Ningshuang.

The two of them were covering Mu Ningshuang, slowing down a bit while paying attention to the situation behind them.Bai Wu's speed made them a little bit unable to understand, it seems that after their speed slowed down, Bai Wu's speed has accelerated even more, it seems like it is aimed at them.

"We are being targeted."

In fact, there is no need to say this sentence, they must have been stared at, by the monster with illusion ability similar to a unicorn.Now what they need to think about is whether to escape or find a way to stop the monster.

Of course, the most important thing is to find out the true body of the monster.

The monster seems to be hidden in the spreading white mist, but Hua Yueling is not sure if this is the case. The exploration skills can't find the other side.True or false, this monster is not simple, after all, even Sister Aroline can deceive the past, how could it be so easy to find.

Hua Yueling didn't even know if she was still in illusion, looking at the unchanging scenery around her, the illusory dream environment, whether all of this was an illusion.If it is really an illusion, it is definitely not so easy for them to find a monster here. It depends on whether the monster is willing or not. If the monster is not willing, then he needs to have sufficient strength.

"Can't find it, where is this guy hiding?"

This is something Huayueling doesn't understand. He is somewhat at a loss now, but he certainly won't be at a loss.

That guy didn't hide in the white mist. Hua Yueling had already explored it. Although the white mist had some hidden power, Hua Yueling wasn't given it for nothing, he could still discover some things.It's just that as far as he currently knows, there is nothing in it.

To know that the shape of the magical object can't be said to be small, it is very difficult to hide in the white mist under this situation, and it is impossible for Hua Yueling to find any useful clues.

But Hua Yueling still couldn't find anything, which showed that there was a great possibility that the monster was not hiding there.This requires him to focus on other directions.

"No matter where it is, what's the matter? I can't find it or say..."

Hua Yueling was already a little anxious, but at the moment it was still very difficult for him to find out. This made Hua Yueling very worried, or else she was not strong enough, or the monster was not here at all.

"If the monster is not here, what's the matter with the white mist? Is it controlled from a distance? It is possible, but we have been running for so long, and it is from there, unless it starts Not here, but in other directions."

Hua Yueling is currently not able to judge what is going on, but it is true that the situation is not so good.They can't grasp the dynamics of the monsters at all, and hiding them in the dark is enough to make them scorched, but they have no other way.

The violent ice and snow carried the blades of grass towards the white mist. This time, Mu Ningshuang slightly changed some of his attack methods, mainly trying to find something he had just discovered, to see if his changes had some effect.

Hua Yueling hadn't noticed these things, but there was no way to tell such things for the time being, and she couldn't let others know what she had discovered.

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