"You should be able to find where I am, hurry up, you have to be fast!"

Sister Aroline was a little anxious about what she said, and Hua Yueling knew that the situation was a little anxious when she listened, and she couldn't waste any time.However, he did not find the figure of Sister Aroline, and he did not know where she was.

"What's wrong? Sister Aroline said I can know where she is, but I can't find her. If it's not Sister Aroline's fault, it's mine."

Hua Yueling is still very calm, even if it is time to convene some, Hua Yueling is still relatively calm.He searched again with his probing skills, and he believed that Sister Aroline must be within his search range, although he himself did not know how Sister Aroline knew.

Hua Yueling looked for it carefully, and soon he found Sister Alorin in a relatively secret place, but the signal was very weak, Hua Yueling was also a wanderer between what could be found and what could not be found.It seems that Sister Aroline did this deliberately.

"In the opposite direction, what Sister Aroline means...how do I know which way is the opposite."

Hua Yueling felt that she could not find the answer to this question, even if Sister Aroline said it, but this statement was not clear at all, which led to him not having an accurate direction.

"It's the direction when you come."

At this time, Sister Aroline's words suddenly rang in his ears, and Hua Yueling hurriedly looked in the direction when she came. There was some change in that direction, but this feeling was very weak.

"Here, let's come here."

Hua Yueling commanded the others, but she quickly turned and headed in the direction she knew.The others were still confused, but they didn't ask anything, so they followed him in that direction.

As she moved gradually, Hua Yueling was able to detect more and more things that were wrong, which he hadn't noticed before.

"Sure enough, there is nothing wrong here, but is it just a monster here?"

Hua Yueling was thinking about this question secretly in his heart, and he was constantly looking for the figure of the monster, but no matter how he looked for it, he could not find the figure of the monster.Everything here is relatively normal, although there are many abnormalities in what to say.

"That's weird. Sister Aroline must have some purpose in calling us over. What is it for?"

Hua Yueling was very curious about the answer to this question. At the moment, Sister Aroline would not answer his question, and no one could ask him.If you want to say something, others still count on him to answer their questions.

There is no way to know, so I can only continue running here. Hua Yueling hopes that she can learn more about it, but the current situation is not very likely.I just hope that my luck can be better, and it is good to be able to solve some problems as soon as possible, at least not to consume it like this.

"The situation is rather unfavorable, we haven't found anything so far."

"Yes, although the white mist has been thrown away by us, the current situation is still not optimistic. It is still unclear where the monster is. Even if Sister Aroline has not found it for the time being, this is enough to explain its strength. Up."

Hua Yueling is also very helpless about this. If Sister Aroline is helpless, there is no other way on his side, and now he still has to think about what to do.

"If there is even a clue."

Lu Yuetong and the others looked at each other, and then both shook their heads. Obviously, it was impossible to get any useful news from them.What they still don't understand is so clear. There are many things they don't know, let alone find any clues.

Hua Yueling also had nothing to do. She could only do it temporarily according to what Sister Alorin said, and wait until later for other things. Anyway, she couldn't do anything now.

"Monsters, monsters..."

Perseveringly looking for the location of the monster, but never found it.The surrounding scenery changed, but everything I saw was still a dreamlike scenery, without much change.

Hua Yueling looked at everything in front of her, the more she walked forward, the more weird she felt, and just like before, he always felt something was wrong, but if he was really asked to say that he could not say it. .

The trees are growing up, and their branches and leaves swing with the wind, and the wind blows the cool breeze of autumn.Hua Yueling did not have time to enjoy the cool feeling brought by this cool breeze.

Observing everything that could be seen along the way, since the exploration skills had no effect, Hua Yueling's attention was taken back a little and placed on the scenery near her.Look at the thick trees, the colorful flowers and grass, the trees with strange fruits, the brown branches, and the leaves with brilliant colors.

It's not like something that should be in the real world, not at all.Just as Hua Yueling thought at the beginning, it was more like something only in dreams, only in imagination, appearing in reality, and making people feel unrealistic no matter how they look at it.


The people in front suddenly stopped and made Lu Yuetong a little bit astonished. Fortunately, she had been watching Hua Yueling's movements, so she prepared in advance and stopped in time.

The others did the same, and they didn't ask Hua Yueling.Lu Yuetong was also constantly observing the surrounding situation, but in the end the gains he got were the same as Hua Yueling, and everything that could be seen here was like this, there was nothing else.

It is very, very difficult to see where the monsters are from these, otherwise they won't have gained anything until now.

Even if the monster was only weaker, the situation would not be like now.

The situation is not good for them now, not to mention that the monster can't be found, and they also don't know what purpose the monster has.

"Sister Aroline."

Hua Yueling tried to contact Sister Aroline, but there was no way for him to contact Sister Aroline. Sister Aroline ignored him.It stands to reason that although Hua Yueling has contacted Sister Aroline less frequently, if she really wants to talk to her, she can still do it, but she has no response at all, as if she did not listen at all. To like.

"No, Sister Aroline doesn't care about me, well, don't worry, the more you worry, the more you can't get things done."

Reminding herself to calm down, Hua Yueling took a deep breath and her emotions calmed down somewhat.

"If the detection skills don't work, then don't look for it. No matter what Sister Aroline wants me to do, just do what she says."

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