There was some distance after she left, and there was still no news from Sister Aroline, which made Hua Yueling a little worried.In fact, he also knew in his heart, what kind of person Sister Aroline was, how could she still use herself to worry, but this kind of worry can't be easily let go.

I hope Sister Aroline will be more smooth there, Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, but not only that, he also hoped that she could help a little bit.

But if Sister Aroline didn't speak, he definitely couldn't do anything. After all, he had been looking for so long here, but he still didn't find anything. From this point, it can be seen.If you could find something, you would have discovered it a long time ago, and you won't wait until now and you still have nothing.

There is no way, Hua Yueling herself does not have much hope, so many places have been searched, let alone found now, she can't even find a trace, this is not a trouble For fun.

"It's really weird enough. I didn't expect there would be such a powerful monster here. If it had existed for a long time, why didn't the people here know at all?"

This is a strange place, but it is not the time to talk about these things, and maybe it is because of their existence that the monster will appear and cause these things.

It's impossible for Sister Livello to not know these things, but she still doesn't move, which means that the things here have to be handled by them.It was mainly handed over to Sister Aroline to handle it.

"This feeling... It seems that some kind of power is quickly gathering far away, it should be Sister Aroline."


With the sound of Lu Yuetong’s words, Hua Yueling looked over, and saw that the direction they were moving further changed. The colorful trees were like sucking away the paint on them with a straw. Slowly fade away.

Hua Yueling stopped subconsciously, what was going on, would it affect them?These are not easy to judge at present, but it shouldn't go on.

"What's the matter?"

When Hua Yueling saw this scene, she was also very speechless. All these changes were very strange. The monster was not nearby, so he couldn't figure out what was going on.

Everyone stared at the scene that happened in front of them alertly, no one moved, stared quietly, waiting for those to spread over.The fading is getting worse and worse, not only that, but the trees seem to have been drawn from life, with some signs of aging.

Seeing this really scared Hua Yueling and the others. Fortunately, these had no effect on them, otherwise it would be a big trouble, and no one wanted to be affected like this.They just don't know if they will be affected by waiting here. They are not sure, but running now is definitely not possible. The speed is not so fast, and it can't run.

Although you can also try to escape, you will be caught up sooner or later. It's just a matter of time. Hua Yueling believes that it won't take too long.

And Hua Yueling always had a thought in her heart, since Sister Aroline asked them to do so, she would definitely think of this scene happening before her, she couldn't have imagined it.When the time comes, just see how she does it, there is no need to do it myself.

Not to mention this, even if Hua Yueling is asked to do it, Hua Yueling doesn’t know what to do. Now all the plants are fading, but they are only returning to their original colors. There are also some degrees of aging, but the monsters are not there. Here, even if he wanted to shoot, he didn't know how to shoot, mainly because he didn't have an accurate target.

If there is nothing that can be attacked, they will definitely not be able to attack plants. If they attack other things, what else can be attacked, there will be nothing other than those plants.Some creatures could be seen before, but there are no traces of creatures in this place.

Under this circumstance, Hua Yueling had no choice but to watch the scene in front of her, and could do nothing.This made him feel a little bit weak, but even so he couldn't make a move, although he really wanted to do something.

The color faded quickly and passed by their side. At that moment, Hua Yueling felt a certain strong influence, but this kind of influence could not completely make them give up resisting, as long as some effort can be used to stop them. Yes, but at this time, a certain force attacked his brain, Hua Yueling could clearly feel it.

"this is……"

This is a certain way of attack he has received, not the first time, so he feels very familiar.It was really interesting. He could still remember why he was attacked like this last time.

"It's from the same place. No, it shouldn't be the case. There is no relationship between the two."

Hua Yueling was still very sure in her heart. There was nothing wrong with it. There should be no connection between the two, but this time it happened.

That kind of power wants to invade his spirit, and the power is very powerful, but the current Huayueling cannot be compared with the past, even if there is no way to completely contend with this power, it will not be directly affected by this power. control.

It is not that simple to control yourself.

Although Hua Yueling was standing there, there was naturally an incomparable aura exuding, and he was contending against the power of the invisible monster.

For the time being, Huayueling was still a little downwind, there was no way, anyone with such a strong strength, it was really a terrifying monster, with such a power in spiritual power.However, even if there is no way to contend with the other party for the time being, Hua Yueling will not be crushed like this. He is still trying hard to contend, to expel this power, just want to achieve this. It is very difficult, even saying that he might not be able to do it without the help of others.

The only thing he can do is work hard. Now he can't count on other people. No one can help him unless they can find the monster, but this is not something that can be done in a word.

Until now, Hua Yueling has been attacked but has not been able to find the enemy's position. From this alone, it can be seen that this problem is difficult to solve, but Hua Yueling has not given up, he feels that he has a good chance to complete this task.Now that he has been attacked, this is the best time to find the other party.

"I still can't find it, what the hell is Aroline thinking, why hasn't there been any response?"

This is something Huayueling couldn't figure out. Could it be that while attacking herself, the monster was still fighting Sister Aroline?

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