"This way it will be easier," Hua Yueling found that Lu Yuetong's state was not particularly right, which made him feel better. If he does it well, maybe he has a chance to defeat her "Ningshuang, Sister Yun, or I beg you to delay her for me, and I will find a way to control her."

Speaking loudly to the other two people, Hua Yueling jumped back, and at the same time quickly looked around, while probing skills spread, understanding the situation nearby.The monster is still missing. No one knows what it is thinking about and what to do, but if it does not appear, it is a very troublesome thing. This is a time bomb, and this bomb is always there. May explode.

If Sister Alorin doesn't come out, there is no good way. This is not Hua Yueling's problem. The problem is that the monster is hidden so well that he really can't help it.Moreover, Sister Aroline didn't tell him her plan at the beginning, so it was in a situation where no one knew what to do.

Since the monster hasn't come out yet, wait and talk again, wait until the monster appears, and just be careful before that, it shouldn't be a big problem.Hua Yueling thought so in his heart, he had no other way. After all, his attention could not be distracted too much, and it was impossible to put his attention completely on other things. The most important thing Hua Yueling had to do now The thing is to solve Lu Yuetong's problems.

Hua Yueling still has some experience in mental power, but how to get her to recover is still a difficult problem. At least Hua Yueling has nothing to do now. He hasn't learned related skills or experience in this area. This makes him no good way.The best way he thought of was to temporarily restrain Lu Yuetong, to restrain her, or to knock her out directly, and then wait for Sister Alorin to find her to help. Anyway, Hua Yueling is There is no good way.

I just hope that Sister Aroline can show up. If she doesn't show up, she can only ask Xiaoxue again. Xiaoxue must also have a solution to the problem, but her solution is generally very simple. Just spend money to buy, there is no other better way.

Therefore, unless necessary, Hua Yueling didn't want to ask Xiaoxue, because he basically knew what the answer would be before asking, there was no need to ask.


Sighing, Hua Yueling had nothing to do with this, so grab Lu Yuetong as soon as possible, and wait until later.

Lu Yuetong's current state is not very good. The force that forcibly poured into her body makes her very uncomfortable, but now she has no thoughts in this regard. After all, the spirit is controlled, and she doesn't know anything. Up.

The chaser Hua Yun didn't put Hua Yueling in her eyes, but Hua Yueling still blocked her sister in time before she attacked, preventing her attack.After just a moment, Lu Yuetong's figure flashed and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Hua Yueling had been prepared for a long time, and had fought with her before. This time she was naturally prepared for what to do. The moment she disappeared, Hua Yueling had already found her location.

Unexpectedly, she still walked around her and continued to attack the sister behind her. Just when Hua Yueling was about to act, a severe pain suddenly hit her heart. It was the monster, Hua Yueling. I'm sure that the monster did nothing wrong.

"It was deliberate!"

Hua Yueling also knows why the other party is doing it at this time. It is now when she is doing her best to deal with Lu Yuetong. There is no way to react. Moreover, it also gives Lu Yuetong a chance to take the opportunity. Go attack Huayun.If Hua Yun is unprepared, or if she feels foolproof, then she must be in trouble.

Hua Yueling wanted to remind her elder sister, but now he couldn't even speak, and there was no way at all.However, the situation is not so bad, or it is not so bad, even if Hua Yun is protected by her younger brother, she will completely give up her vigilance. She is still defensive, when she sees that the younger brother is gone. The movement, it seemed that something terrible had happened, she knew it was not good.

She felt someone attacking herself again, and she rushed forward, worrying that Hua Yueling would be hurt, and almost rushed forward holding him.

"Yun, Sister Yun..."

Hua Yueling almost gritted his teeth and called out her sister's name. Otherwise, he couldn't do it. Fortunately, the impact brought by her sister had knocked him out, otherwise he would not be able to speak.

"Quick, get away!"

"No, you would be in danger, Xiaoling."

Lu Yuetong made an attack error and didn't hit Hua Yun. Naturally, she wouldn't give up because of this, and then followed up.Mu Ningshuang, who was a little further away, noticed that the situation was not good, and hurriedly used magic attacks to try to intercept Lu Yuetong's figure.

But Lu Yuetong doesn’t care about attacks from behind. It doesn’t mean that he doesn’t take this supply into his eyes, but he doesn’t care about it at all. Whether he is attacking himself or not, he just tells others that you can do whatever you want. Attack me, I just let you attack.

Mu Ningshuang couldn't help but frowned when she saw this scene. Although she had long thought that it might be like this, when she saw that Lu Yuetong didn't avoid it, she just had to withstand the next attack directly. I still can't believe it.

Although this attack did not make every effort, but if it hits, it is still very likely to be injured.The monster is not going to care about Lu Yuetong's life and death, anyway, Lu Yuetong's death or life is nothing to it.

The magic has been launched, and now it can't be recovered, and even if she can, she can't do that. Otherwise, Hua Yueling and Hua Yun must be injured.

Hua Yueling seemed to have no way to dodge, she should be held back by the monster again, and Hua Yun wanted to take Hua Yueling to avoid it, obviously, there was almost no possibility.

If this attack could stop her attack, it's just that Mu Ningshuang was still a little worried, her attack might not be that big.But even if it can prevent her from attacking, it depends on the result.

Mu Ningshuang didn't just do nothing. After releasing the magic attack, she rushed forward immediately, preparing to help Hua Yueling them from another aspect.It's a pity that he is completely at a disadvantage in terms of speed. Lu Yuetong is too fast, and she started a little late, so she couldn't catch up.

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