Hua Yueling didn't expect that she could still encounter such a danger, and it would be very difficult for him to move around, let alone avoid it, if he was held back by the spirit of the monster.Now it was Sister Yun helping him to dodge, but how could Sister Yun be Lu Yuetong's opponent in this respect, if she really caused Sister Yun to be injured in front of her own eyes, Hua Yueling would never forgive herself.

But right now he can't do anything, he can only watch sister Yun being attacked by his friend, and there is no way to provide any help.

Hua Yueling couldn't help frowning. The occurrence of this situation really made him somewhat unexpected. Although he also thought that the monster might do some tricks, he couldn't think that the opponent's attack was so aggressive. , Let yourself be suppressed all at once, there is no way to turn over.

If he could move a little bit, he wouldn't be like this.

"Sister Yun, you don't need to protect me, I'm fine."

Hua Yueling was worried that Sister Yun would be injured, so she hurried away, don’t stay here to protect herself. It would be good if Sister Yun was injured, but he would definitely be able to withstand one or two strokes, even if she was injured, it would be fine. .

"No, you can't just be beaten passively, Xiaoling, don't worry about it, I know how to measure it."

"Sister Yun, don't behave, her attack is not so easy, just follow!"

"Then Xiaoling, you mean you can do something with such an immobile appearance, can you defend her attack? Sister, although I may not be able to defend, but how can I say it is better than you, it is impossible Being attacked by her unsuspectingly, even if the injury is certainly not that serious."


"Sister, I don't want to hear these two words, no matter what, sister, I don't allow you not to take your life safety seriously. You have to listen to your sister, just do it!"

Hua Yun has never put such a great pressure on Hua Yueling as he does now, even making him unable to refute, not being speechless, even if it is suppressed to such an extent by the spirit of the monster, he can still speak.It's just that he was suppressed by Sister Yun.

The situation is not very good right now. Although Hua Yun has some defensive methods, it is hard to say whether she can prevent it.If she is alone, it's okay, but the key is that she is not alone, she still has to protect Hua Yueling.

Holding her brother's arm with one hand, Hua Yun quickly took out her melee weapon with the other hand. It was a long sword. This long sword is not a very powerful weapon, but it cannot be said. How bad.

"I hope I can defend it."

Hua Yun herself is not particularly confident, she just prayed secretly in her heart.

"Sister Yun, push me out and push me aside, you can deal with her by yourself!"

Although it was attacked with mental power by a monster, it was not as terrible as before, and it was not as painful as before, because the monster put part of its power on Lu Yuetong.

The strength was scattered, and Hua Yueling was focused on one point, which was not so uncomfortable.He should be able to recover a little as long as he is given a little time.

"No, what if she attacks you?"

"It's okay, Sister Yun, you just need to push me out, don't care about the other things, I can do it myself."

Hua Yueling said anxiously, now is not the time for debate, every minute and a second are precious and cannot be wasted.But Hua Yun doesn't care about this, it is impossible for her to let go of her younger brother now, she doesn't think her own ideas are impossible.

She even felt that her younger brother said this to protect herself, let herself escape as soon as possible, and then he himself used as a bait to lure Lu Yuetong to attack.This way, she is fine, but he will be attacked, which is obviously not the situation she hopes to see.

"Sister Yun!"

Even with the slightest amount of strength, Hua Yueling can no longer argue with her sister, but now he doesn't have much strength, and there is no way to struggle aside by himself.

"Xiao Ling, listen to what my sister said, you are not allowed to hurt yourself!"

"I don't want to hurt myself, sister Yun, listen carefully. If you put me aside, you might still block her attack without getting hurt. Now with me such a burden, you can't help it. Dismissed her if she was injured."

Hua Yueling wanted to wave his arms anxiously, but he could only say that his speed of speech was very fast, incredible fast, and he had never spoken at such a fast speed.

"But what if she doesn't attack me?"

Hua Yun asked calmly, she wouldn't just let go of her little brother.

"Sister Yun, just listen to me, I am confident!"

Hua Yueling raised her voice, but Hua Yun still didn't listen.

The magic bullet slammed into Lu Yuetong's back, causing her to stagger involuntarily and almost fell.However, she quickly adjusted her body and stood up straight again. It was only a moment before she attacked Hua Yueling and Hua Yun's sister and brother again.

Seeing that the time is too late, Hua Yueling has nothing to do, but at this time, he feels that the mental pressure suddenly relaxes, and Lu Yuetong has a strong force pouring in, and it accelerates in an instant. Speed.

Without even having time to think about it, Hua Yueling took advantage of her strength to quickly retreat her sister to one side, but she rolled to the other side, trying to avoid it in this way.

"Xiao Ling!"

Hua Yun called her younger brother's name and steadied her body to catch up, but her speed was obviously not as fast as Lu Yuetong, who attacked Hua Yueling faster than her.

"Damn it, this was already calculated!"

The mental pressure came back again, and Hua Yueling also understood in an instant that this was the conspiracy of the monster, and it was all that it had done before for this moment.It succeeded. There was no other way for him, but he could only watch Lu Yuetong attack him.

The only thing to be happy about is that Sister Yun is safe, no matter what, it is impossible for her to be injured because of this. This can be regarded as achieving the goal, and it is nothing to get some injuries.

No matter what, there is no need to worry about Sister Yun. Hua Yueling is also relieved. If he is injured, he will be injured. As long as it is not solved by Lu Yuetong, it is a small matter.

Hua Yueling still has no way to defend against Lu Yuetong's offense. It can even be said that he has no way to defend at all. This is not his problem, and he has no way to defend it.The monster did it deliberately, just to make him feel uncomfortable. If this continues, Huayueling will really be in trouble.

Especially when Lu Yuetong's strength has been strengthened, it is very difficult for him to avoid serious injuries.

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