"Or I will go!"

Mu Ningshuang is really anxious. No matter whether the situation is that the monster is using Lu Yuetong to deceive them or it is really Lu Yuetong resisting the control of the monster, this is a good opportunity. Such a good opportunity is very good. It's hard to have a second time.

"No, you can't go, you must stay to protect Xiaoling. I can't protect him by staying here, only you can do it."

Seeing the firm look in Mu Ningshuang's eyes, Hua Yun couldn't help sighing inwardly. Anyway, if it was really a monster's strategy, the monster would be right.She couldn't help it. She hadn't expected Mu Ningshuang to be so uncomfortable.

But she can also understand Mu Ningshuang's thoughts, and think about what she would do if her younger brother encountered this situation. It is estimated that she is not much different from her, and she may not even be more calm than her.In her opinion, Mu Ningshuang was already calm enough, instead of rushing out for the first time, she was here to reason with herself.

"I'll go see it."

Now that you have said so, there is no need to hesitate any longer.Taking a deep breath, Hua Yun walked out quickly.

"Be careful."

"Will do."

Hua Yun stared at Lu Yuetong and walked over quickly. She could see that Lu Yuetong's current state was not very good.She didn't move much, it could only be seen that she seemed to be resisting the mental power that the monster used to control herself.

This kind of resistance is not easy, and after all she has been controlled for so long before, how can she suddenly resist the mental power of the monster? I don’t know if Mu Ningshuang has thought about this issue, but Huayun thought about it. Found the answer.

Perhaps it has something to do with the actions of the younger brother. Because the younger brother is fully engaged in it, the monster has to put more energy on the younger brother’s side, which makes it unable to completely control Lu Yuetong anymore. Maybe she was given a chance.

However, she hasn't figured out how to help Lu Yuetong. In fact, she can't say that she didn't think about it. The main reason is that she still doesn't know what to do.This is a difficult problem to solve. In terms of mental power, she doesn't have the ability of her younger brother Hua Yueling.

First of all, she can't compare with her younger brother in terms of mental power. What's more, she has no experience in using mental power, so she won't use mental power.Mu Ningshuang may be better. In some respects, her mental power still has some similar characteristics to magic power, but she definitely can’t come out. If you want to save Lu Yuetong, you can’t just throw Hua Yueling. One side.

Hua Yun rushed over and reached Lu Yuetong's side, but she did not get too close in a hurry, but observed carefully.I can observe more at close range. Lu Yuetong seems to be struggling to raise her head, but she can also see that it is very difficult for her to raise her head. There is some kind of force interfering with her, so she can’t easily raise her head. Can only fight hard.

This is all that can be seen so far, except that there is no other noteworthy place.

"Even if she is fighting, how can I help her?"

Hua Yun has no experience in this area. She thought that if her younger brother came over, there would be a way, but it seemed useless to come by herself.As she said before, it feels useless even if it comes.Looking at her now, she was really right.

What should I do now?

Looking at Lu Yuetong, who seemed very uncomfortable, Hua Yun felt uncomfortable. No matter how long she had been with her, she liked this girl quite a bit, but she didn’t know what to do now. .She wanted to help her, but she still didn't know what she could do.

It seems that I can't do anything, and I still can't think of anything after thinking about it.

"What is a good way?"

She took the initiative to come out to help, but there was nothing to do here, which was a bit embarrassing.

"A Tong, can I help you?"

Hua Yun meant to ask Lu Yuetong to see if she knew what she could do, but Lu Yuetong could not answer her question.

"Ningshuang, what should I do?"

Since I couldn't ask Lu Yuetong, I could only ask Mu Ningshuang. She looked at Mu Ningshuang and asked loudly.But even at this time, she did not forget to guard against Lu Yuetong beside her.

This is necessary, and she is still at a disadvantage, and she will suffer if she is not careful.


Mu Ningshuang frowned, she couldn't answer Hua Yun's question like this, and she didn't know what to make Hua Yun do.

"Sister Yun, let me teach you, listen to me, you try."

Just when they didn't know what to do, Aroline's words emerged from nowhere, Hua Yun was taken aback for a moment, looked at Mu Ningshuang, but saw her lowering her head thinking.

"Aling, please, Ningshuang, you help me look after him!"

Aroline didn't let her hear the words but only let herself hear, although I don't know why, but since she did it, let's do it first.As long as Mu Ningshuang can protect her younger brother.

Aroline began to teach her what to do after she was ready. Mental power invasion is actually not an easy task, especially when your spiritual power is not so strong, it is mainly because it can invade like a monster. The mental power is strong enough, otherwise it can't do it.

Fortunately, Hua Yun and Lu Yuetong knew each other. In this case, it would be easier to get past, otherwise the situation would only get worse.

"Sister Yun, I'll teach you how to invade your mental power, but when you invade, don't forget to remind her of your identity, so it's easier to invade."

Aroline reminded Hua Yun, Hua Yueling nodded to indicate that she understood that she had remembered it.According to the method taught by Aroline, she approached Lu Yuetong and slowly used her mental power to invade.To be honest, before this, she really didn’t know what mental power was, and how to use it. Spiritual power is a peculiar power that everyone possesses, but many people no longer have a situation that no one teaches. It is difficult to know its existence and use it.

Little by little, she used her mental power to remind Lu Yuetong that she was herself, and the resistance she received immediately became weaker, which made it easier for her to go in.

"Huh...I've entered, but the danger should be inside."

Hua Yun hasn't found any danger yet, but she also knows that the danger lies deeper. If what Lu Yuetong showed was true, then the battle between the two sides should be at a very anxious table.

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