Before heading to the more dangerous area, Hua Yun took a deep breath, which was also to make some preparations for the next action.The next is the most dangerous moment. In terms of mental power, even if she and Lu Yuetong join forces, they are not necessarily opponents of the monsters. In this case, they must have some strategies.

"Sister Yun, let me teach you some mental skills. If you learn this skill, you will be able to defeat that guy relatively easily."

Huayun listened to Aroline’s words. In this regard, she needs to listen to Aroline’s experience. Whether it’s experience or skills, they are far from Aroline. If she can teach something useful, then they There is still a good chance.

Hua Yun still learned some related skills from Aroline. These are things she didn’t know before. Now it’s good. With this kind of skills, she may have a chance to win. Anyway, as long as she can control the monster The mental power to drive away is the best result.

Hua Yun quickly found the two sides who were fighting inside, and the situation was worse than she thought. What Gu Lu Yuetong told her was that it was the result of the monster’s mental power being taken back, otherwise, the monster’s spirit. The force is stronger.

But even so, the remaining mental power is still very strong, even if the mental power of the two of them is aggregated, it can only be said that they can barely cope with it. If you want to drive it out, strength alone is definitely not enough.

"Fortunately, I still learned some skills from Aroline, otherwise the possibility of wanting to win it is too low."

Hua Yun didn't know what Aroline was thinking. For the time being, she didn't have the mind to think about what Aroline was thinking. She must have her own ideas, but the key lies in how to solve the current problem.

The monster is more difficult to deal with than imagined, and it is extremely difficult to overcome it.Even though Hua Yun had been prepared for a long time, she still felt a little weird after she understood the terrifying mental power possessed by the monster.

To put it bluntly, they have never encountered a monster with such a powerful force, and they can be forced to such a degree, if it is an ordinary monster, there is definitely no way to do it.But this is a unique monster, this is a monster with incredible and terrifying power.

This guy is more difficult to deal with, it is very difficult to win it, even if they may not face the full power of the monster, but it is also very difficult for them.

"It's definitely impossible to win it just like this."

After Hua Yun finally merged with Lu Yuetong's spirit, the two began to communicate.The power they formed together is similar to that of monsters. In this case, if you hit hard, the best result is just a tie between the two sides. If you are not careful, you may even lose.

Naturally, Hua Yun and Lu Yuetong didn't want to lose. They wanted to win this battle, so they had to be prepared.Not only to make defenses, but also to have some skills when fighting.Fortunately, Hua Yun learned some skills from Aroline that she didn't know before, all of which were used in mental combat.

Taking advantage of the time now, I briefly communicated with Lu Yuetong, and then the two started a posture and confronted the monster.

The spirit of the monsters wandered in the passage, blocking their way.

"I knew I shouldn't have come in, so it would be easier to knock down on both sides."

Hua Yun thought secretly in her heart, but she just thought so and didn't say it. It's not the time to complain or say something frustrating.What they need now is confidence, self-confidence. If they don't even give themselves this hope, then they will fight.

The situation is a little worse, but they still have a good chance. After all, the gap between the two sides is only in experience.Unless the monster can mobilize more mental power from other aspects, otherwise the two sides will still be evenly matched.

At least for a short period of time, the monsters didn't have any other abnormal actions, nor did they intend to mobilize more mental power. It seemed that they were about to fight like this.This is exactly what they want.

"Yuetong, you will draw its attention for a while, and I will try to give it a fatal blow."

Lu Yuetong responded softly, listening to her tone seemed to have no energy.Although Hua Yun cares a little, she doesn't have the time to take care of it now.

"I hope this time the strategy can be effective."

Hua Yun still talked roughly with Lu Yuetong about her mental combat strategy, but the conversation was not very in-depth, she just told her what to do, but in fact, there were still many things she didn't tell her.One is that she doesn't have that time, and the other is that she still hasn't fully trusted Lu Yuetong for the time being, unless the mental power of the monster in her mind is completely eliminated, otherwise she will not be defenseless in a short time. Acting with Lu Yuetong.

But even if it is to guard her, it is not impossible to act with her. In this case, it is impossible to win without cooperating with her.It’s just that I can’t rest assured, and act with a defensive mindset. This is the safest and best way.

After the spiritual power was separated, Mu Ningshuang hid herself, how to hide her spiritual power, avoiding other people's detection, Aroline also taught her some.With Hua Yun's understanding ability, she can easily learn it in a short time, but she still feels a little rusty in actual use.

Fortunately, I don't need to worry too much anymore, as long as I can use it, I can avoid the detection of the monster's mental power, and make Lu Yuetong not clear where he is. That's it.

After Hua Yun hid, she stopped acting, waiting for Lu Yuetong's action.The mental power of the monster hit the last fortress guarded by Lu Yuetong, and Lu Yuetong also exerted all his power to resist. There was no good way to get the monster for a while.

This is like Lu Yuetong and Hua Yun working together to resist the monster. I don't know if the monster can feel it. Anyway, it temporarily achieved the effect they both wanted.

Lu Yuetong delayed the advancement of Zhu's monster. In fact, that was the case at the beginning, but now with Hua Yun's help, she is more confident that she can defeat the monster.

Lu Yuetong also tried his best. Because of this, the monster had nothing to do with her for a while. After all, this is Lu Yuetong's territory, and the control ability must be stronger than the monster.It's easy to resist monsters.

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