The situation on Hua Yueling's side was not much better, and she spent a lot of effort to drive out the rushing monster's mental power, but this was still not enough.The battle between him and the monster is considered deadlocked, and for the time being, no one can do anything about it, but what he wants to say is how the monster has the upper hand.

Hua Yueling was thinking about a way to completely knock out the monster's mental power, but I have to say that this is a very difficult thing.Although some of the mental power that the monsters invaded in has been consumed, it still has a lot of mental power left. Under such circumstances, it is almost impossible to knock it out at once.

"It must be done as soon as possible, otherwise, if this continues, I don't know how much time will be wasted. Sister Yun and the others may be in danger."

Concentrating wholeheartedly on it, Hua Yueling didn't know what was happening outside at all. He was still worried about Sister Yun and their situation, hoping they could be safe.

Hua Yueling felt that she needed to do something more, anyway, she couldn't wait forever, this would definitely not work.But what should I do? I would definitely not be able to rush out anymore. When the power of the monster is more powerful, doing so would be death.

Now it is in a relatively balanced state. Under this circumstance, the monster has nothing to do with him, but correspondingly, it is very difficult for him to solve the monster.It's not good for anyone to do it first, especially Hua Yueling herself.

If you move your whole body, there will be no way to retreat.

The monster is casual, there is no need to think about it so much, it can be shot at any time, but Hua Yueling still has some scruples and can't do that.

Hua Yueling's side is quite dangerous. If he rushes out, if he can't completely drive the monster's mental power out, then as long as the monster keeps the way, when he is exhausted, it will have a chance for it. coming.In fact, all this is easy to say, but it is not so easy to really want to do it.

It is precisely because of this that Hua Yueling is not in a hurry to act at all. He knows when to worry and when not to worry, and it is obviously not the time to worry.

"But we must not just sit and wait like this, we must think of a way again, if there is a way to get the best of both worlds, or at least it can be guaranteed that there is no such dangerous way."

In terms of mental power, in fact, he has basically no skills, and the most proficient is chaos, but this kind of thing obviously can't be solved by chaos.

The monster is not in a hurry to attack, it seems that there is the same mind as him, anyway, it is not more than time, there is nothing to compare.The monster is also consumed with him, to see who has consumed whom.

Hua Yueling must be the more anxious party. He is very worried about the safety of the outside sisters and Ningshuang. He wants to solve this matter as soon as possible, and does not want to continue to consume it like this.

But the fact is that he had to do it again.It was not that he wanted to make such a choice, but that he had to choose to do so. It can be said to be forced, but it cannot be said that others forced him to do so.No choice.


This monster feels terrifying, Hua Yueling has never encountered such a smart monster.Not only has wisdom, but also uses tactics. It's really an incredible guy. If you let it continue to evolve, you don't know what it will become.

But these are not things that he needs to think too much about. What he cares most now is how to defeat this monster. He wants to give it a good look and let it know that he is not an easy person.

Hua Yueling worked hard to keep calm, only in this way could he make a correct judgment when it was time to make a judgment, not a wrong judgment.Time, now the most important thing is time, what the monster is thinking, Hua Yueling wants to know, but no one can tell him.

"I must also be prepared. If it is really unwilling to make a choice, then force it to make a choice. I don't believe it will remain silent forever."

Hua Yueling has always hated waiting, but if you can't take the initiative to attack, you can only wait. This will make people feel uncomfortable, but there is no choice.

This is the fact, Hua Yueling can only look at the monster in front of her, controlling her mental power to show off her power.

Perhaps this is not the meaning of a monster, or it is not its original intention, but in Huayueling's view, it means this.

But maybe it wants to make Hua Yueling angry because of it, and then rushes over to fight herself, but no matter what, no matter whether it has such an idea or not, Hua Yueling is telling it with practical actions, this is impossible.

I am by no means the kind of person who lacks any rationality, nor is he so uncomfortable, it is impossible to be impulsive and angry just because of such a thing.Especially when there is no benefit to doing this, it is even more impossible. He is very clear in his heart.

What is more difficult than that?Hua Yueling felt that there was definitely none.

Staring at the scene where the spirit power of the monster on the opposite side was flaunting its might, Hua Yueling felt so disgusted for some reason, that power turned around aimlessly, as if exploring around in her newly robbed house.I looked around, I don't know why, Hua Yueling felt that way.


It was really uncomfortable not to let out a breath of anger, and was particularly flustered emotionally, but Hua Yueling had to take this matter calmly.

"If it really thinks so, then I will admire it, it is such an incredible guy."

I thought to myself, I couldn't help but sneered. Even so, your strategy can't escape my eyes.I still see it. Since you are willing to consume, I will try my best. I will see what else you can do.

Waiting while thinking about other ways, this may be the best way she can think of.Other than that, I can't think of anything better.Hua Yueling also thought about asking Xiaoxue, but since Xiaoxue hasn't said anything, it's better not to do so.

In Hua Yueling's heart, there was a persistence that she didn't even understand, and this time the choice was not just his persistence.

"This should be all the mental power it can mobilize, at least for now, it must be correct."

Hua Yueling had to think more about it. There was only so much mental power that a monster could mobilize. If he couldn't continue to increase it, he might still win against the opponent.But if there is more energy, just waiting for his attack to pass, then he will suffer.

In addition, he was still thinking whether there was a way to reduce the mental power he could control.

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